
Why Are Fact Checkers Singling Out California's GOP Underdog?

September 15th, 2018 2:36 PM
Republican John Cox is the dictionary definition of an underdog in the California governor's race against liberal Democrat Gavin Newsom. On average, he's down 29 points in the polls. So why are the "fact checkers" focusing on him? Bill Zeiser, editor of the Real Clear Politics Fact Check Review, noted both PolitiFact and The Washington Post are trying to pick apart Cox's claims. 

PolitiFact Says 'Mostly False' That 'No War' Sinema Insulted Troops

September 12th, 2018 9:34 PM
It's the fall campaign season, so it's not surprising that PolitiFact is going to start providing the liberal spin to evaluate Republican campaign ads. On Monday, they threw a "Mostly False" rating at Rep. Martha McSally in the U.S. Senate race. Yes, Rep. Kyrsten Sinema wore a pink tutu to "No War" protests, but "we found no evidence of her disparaging troops."

Liberal Media Whine After Facebook Fact Checks Them: ‘Censorship!’

September 12th, 2018 2:16 PM
The media don’t  care about online censorship -- unless it happens to them. The liberal site ThinkProgress cried foul after it was fact checked for a story it posted on Facebook involving Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The original article said Kavanaugh would “kill Roe v. Wade.” Not only was ThinkProgress fact checked, but the article was fact checked by the conservative Weekly Standard.

PolitiFact Throws 'False' Flag at True Quote on Flag/Pledge Bill Vote

July 29th, 2018 7:24 AM
We noted PolitiFact gave ultraliberal Sen. Kamala Harris a "Mostly True" on July 25 when her facts on apartment rentals weren't factual. By contrast, on July 20, PolitiFact declared it "Mostly False" when a Republican challenger tweeted that ultraliberal Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin "opposed displaying the flag and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance or singing the National Anthem in our…

Mostly True? PolitiFact Taffy-Pulls the Rental Facts for Kamala Harris

July 28th, 2018 9:12 AM
PolitiFact's kid-gloves treatment of prominent Democrats is on display again. Twitchy noted ultraliberal Sen. Kamala Harris drew a rare evaluation, but of course, the ruling was "Mostly True." PolitiFact has only evaluated Harris nine times -- five Mostly True, two True, and two Half True (and one of those was Democrat-on-Democrat warfare).

PolitiFact Rules Ted Cruz Is 'Mostly False' and 'Technically Correct'

June 26th, 2018 10:20 AM
The "independent fact checkers" have a funny way of finding "technically correct" claims by conservatives to be "Mostly False." W. Gardner Selby at PolitiFact hammered that rating on Sen. Ted Cruz as he consulted liberal lawyers to insist Cruz left an "inaccurate impression" separation was required, when Trump could have chosen to let every illegal-immigrant parent and child go free into America…

When PolitiFact Ruled Cruz 'Mostly False' on 'Death to America Day'

May 10th, 2018 3:42 PM
After President Trump withdrew from Obama's executive agreement with Iran, Twitter Moments harped on Iranian politicians burning an American flag and saying "Death to America." As if Trump re-started this routine? On The Daily Show Wednesday night, Trevor Noah cracked "these guys are extreme in Iran's parliament. They're basically the Ted Cruzes of Iran." This offered a reminder that PolitiFact…

Cruz Derides PolitiFact as a 'Liberal Parody Site' in Drug-War Verdict

May 4th, 2018 3:29 PM
Sen. Ted Cruz laid into PolitiFact as a “liberal parody site” on Twitter on Thursday, underlining how their “Truth-o-Meter” ratings differed on whether his Senate campaign opponent Beto O’Rourke was being condemned by a Republican or a Democrat. “When his Dem primary opponent said Beto ‘wants to legalize drugs’ they said ‘half true.’ When I said same thing, they say ‘false.’”

PolitiFact Whacks Scott Walker: Facts Correct, But You're 'Half True'

April 19th, 2018 5:07 PM
One of the most annoying tendencies of "Fact Checkers" is to claim that (a) the facts at issue are true and (b) it's still wrong somehow. Take PolitiFact Wisconsin's Tom Kertscher judging Republican Gov. Scott Walker as "Half True" while he's factually correct. He was half-false by claiming credit, when his reforms are a "contributing factor." But PolitiFact ruled liberal Democrat Gov. Andrew…

Real Clear Politics Announces New 'Fact Check Review' Project

April 11th, 2018 10:07 AM
Shortly after the Media Research Center announced its Fact Checking the Fact Checkers project, Real Clear Politics has introduced its own "Fact Check Review." Now that social-media giants like Facebook now employ "independent" fact-checking groups to flag "fake" articles -- which can experience an 80 percent drop in traffic -- RCP is asking if the fact-checkers are truly free of bias. 

PolitiFact Nitpicks 2 Words of Trump Tweet on Illegal 'Caravan'

April 8th, 2018 7:55 AM
PolitiFact makes some strange fact-checking two words in a Trump tweet: "'Caravans' coming." They called Trump "Half True" because only one caravan (of 1,500 illegal immigrants) was coming. 

'Fact Checkers' Weirdly Defend Hillary's Trump-Voter Rant in India

March 16th, 2018 4:11 PM
Hillary Clinton’s rant in India about Trump voters being motivated by racism, sexism, and loathing of Indian-Americans who succeed is being carefully protected by the “fact checkers” at PolitiFact and Despite topping their website with the question “Did Hillary Clinton call Wisconsin ‘backwards?," PolitiFact failed to issue a “Truth-o-Meter” ruling. It reported Gov. Scott Walker tried…

After Florida, the Media’s Silence on the Value of Some Lives

February 17th, 2018 4:00 PM
Journalists are racing to target President Trump and blame the Florida shooting on guns and the NRA. So, it might be a good time to look back. President Ronald Reagan wrote an essay in the spring of 1983. He was talking about exactly what was not on display in Parkland, Florida in the heart and soul of shooter Nikolas Cruz- the value of, and the respect for, human life. And in the aftermath of…

Google's Fact-Checker Targets Conservatives, Ignores Left-Wing Media

January 9th, 2018 5:47 PM
Google’s new fact-checker is just as bias as you would expect. On Tuesday, The Daily Caller reported that the feature, for the most part, only targets conservative sites. For example, both The Daily Caller and Daily Wire are fact checked (and mostly incorrectly as the two sites point out), but Vox, HuffPost, ThinkProgress, Slate, Salon, Mother Jones, and Daily Kos are not.