'Mostly False'? PolitiFact Goes Soft on Obama's Pants-on-Fire Gun Rant

June 7th, 2019 3:59 AM
PolitiFact has gone many months in between making judgments on Barack Obama comments. It must have made their liberal bones ache to give him a "Mostly False" for shamelssly un-factual comments he made about America in Brazil, like this: "Anybody can buy any weapon, any time without much, if any, regulation. They buy it over the internet. They can buy machine guns."

PolitiFact: Trump 'Mostly False' Saying Biden 'Deserted' Pennsylvania

May 23rd, 2019 3:55 PM
The liberals at PolitiFact are so touchy about President Trump mocking Democrats that they slap a "Mostly False" on things that just make them angry. Take this statement: "Don't forget Biden deserted you. He's not from Pennsylvania. I guess he was born here, but he left you, folks." PolitiFact admits Biden hasn't lived in Scranton since 1953...that's 66 years ago. But it's "false" because you can…

PolitiFact Skips Ruling as Kamala Harris Cries 'Voter Suppression'

May 10th, 2019 2:56 PM
Last week, we noted that the big “fact checker” sites all passed on correcting Stacey Abrams as she runs around claiming “I won” the Georgia governor’s race. On Friday, PolitiFact took up Sen. Kamala Harris endorsing the view that Abrams (and Florida gubernatorial loser Andrew Gillum) were winners, except for “voter suppression.”

Selective! PolitiFact Rules Trump's 'Pants on Fire' for Saying 'Coup'

May 3rd, 2019 3:30 PM
Can you say "coup" nowadays? It was fun to recall this week that liberal TV news stars like Dan Rather described the impeachment trial of President Clinton that "this is in fact a kind of effort at a quote, ‘coup’?" Some liberals like Whoopi Goldberg on The View are using it right now for Bill Barr: "When the top law man in the country can't give you a straight answer, it makes me uncomfortable.…

PolitiFact Rightly Tags Omar 'FALSE' For Getting CAIR Facts Wrong

April 16th, 2019 9:14 PM
Unlike Washington Post "Fact Checker" Glenn Kessler, PolitiFact cited Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) as "False" on Monday for claiming the Council for Islamic-American Relations (CAIR) was "founded after 9/11"....at a fundraiser for CAIR-Los Angeles. They also properly tagged Omar as "False" in a "Share the Facts" item for online distribution, unlike the Post.

Hillary Tagged for 'Pants on Fire' Lie in Selma; Most Media Mum

March 11th, 2019 6:07 PM
Something weird happened on March 6. Both PolitiFact and The Washington Post flagged Hillary Clinton for a lie -- she was both rated "Pants on Fire" and "Four PInocchios" -- for claiming Wisconsin voters were "turned away" by the thousands in 2016 because of race. Then something less weird happened -- most of the media ignored the lie. 

PolitiFact: Rick Scott 'False' for Citing Actual Green New Deal Paper

March 3rd, 2019 7:51 AM
The “fact checkers” keep sounding like they’re merely doing aggressive spin for the Democrats. On February 25, PolitiFact flagged Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) as “False” for writing in an Orlando Sentinel op-ed that the Green New Deal has a goal of “ending air travel.”

PolitiFact Hates Limbaugh Worse Than Trump, Cries 'False' on Climate

February 20th, 2019 11:56 AM
PolitiFact doesn't always apply neutral headlines in its "fact checks," as in this whopper from Monday: "Scientists’ response to Rush Limbaugh’s climate denial: ‘utter nonsense’." Over the years, PolitiFact has flagged Limbaugh on the "False" side almost 85 percent of the time -- which is even worse than Donald Trump's 69 percent "Mostly False" or worse percentage in 2017-18. 

PolitiFact Checked Trump Almost 25 Times More Often Than Nancy Pelosi

February 8th, 2019 8:26 AM
Since President Trump's State of the Union is a "Super Bowl for fact checkers" (says Brian Stelter), PolitiFact has re-posted this unintentionally funny article on their homepage: "PolitiFact is not biased -- here's why." In fact, in 2017 and 2018, Donald Trump was fact-checked 297 times -- almost 25 times as often as Nancy Pelosi (12 times).

MIT Study Attacks Fox News as ‘Not to Be Trusted’

January 31st, 2019 3:58 PM
The schools and studies that are shaping technology’s approach to fake news and censorship are biased in favor of the left. A study released by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology opened with the premise that readers should be able to determine what fake news is and isn’t.

Sigh: PolitiFact Rules Hannity Is 'Basically Correct,' Yet 'HALF TRUE'

January 18th, 2019 10:43 PM
The "Truth-o-Meter" at PolitiFact (and their subset PunditFact) is very strange machine. On January 11, PunditFact ruled it "HALF TRUE" when Sean Hannity proclaimed on his show on January 10 that "17,000 individuals with criminal records were apprehended trying to cross the border" in 2018. Hannity repeated that number on January 17. But they also admitted it was "basically correct." 

CNN, Politifact Downplay 2,000 Homicides Committed by Illegals

January 17th, 2019 10:59 PM
On Thursday's New Day show, CNN's John Avlon presented another of his infamous "Reality Check" segments which is more akin to liberal spin than an actual effort to clearly inform viewers about the issues. The CNN analyst argued against a border wall as he cited Politifact to dismiss claims of 2,000 homicides being committed by illegal immigrants in one year being reported by ICE for FY2018.

Trump Attacks Schumer Precisely, PolitiFact Still Says He 'Misleads'

January 9th, 2019 8:21 AM
Even when Donald Trump (and aides) precisely word an attack on a Democrat to withstand the "independent fact-checkers," they still find a way to suggest he "misleads". PolitiFact's homepage promised their liberal fans they were "Live fact-checking President Trump's address." They did not promise "Live fact-checking Democrat response to Trump's address." 

PolitiFact Hails Harsh Parkland Teen Leftists on 'Lie of the Year'

December 12th, 2018 8:01 AM
The "independent fact checkers" at PolitiFact displayed their liberal stripes again this week by hailing the liberal student activists of Parkland High School as their victimized heroes of their 2018 "Lie of the Year." The "online smear machine" that tired to "take down Parkland students" was singled out as the very worst.