Lefty Professor: Is Jon Stewart Giving In to Fox News ‘Bullies’?

July 15th, 2015 1:48 PM
The Miracle on Ice and Hoosiers aside, the underdog usually loses, and Penn State's Sophia McClennen speculates that it’s happened again: Jon Stewart is leaving The Daily Show because he’s “exhausted” and "dejected" from battling Roger Ailes and the Fox News juggernaut. “Could Stewart really be giving up his show due to Fox News fatigue?” wondered McClennen in a Wednesday article for Salon. “It’s…

Salon: Cosby Show 'Enabled...Ugliest Reagan-Era Fantasies' on Race

July 12th, 2015 2:26 PM
Amid mounting evidence of Bill Cosby’s depraved behavior, many have changed their minds about Cosby the person. Should they also reconsider, for very different reasons, their affection for his megahit sitcom, The Cosby Show? Lefty writer Chauncey DeVega thinks so. In a Sunday article for Salon, DeVega opined that the series “lied to its white viewers about the nature of racism, white supremacy,…

Salon Derides 'Loony' Rep. Gohmert for 'Dumb & Dumber' Climate Views

July 10th, 2015 1:36 PM
Being out of lockstep with climate alarmism infuriates the left, including liberal online magazine editors like Salon Deputy Editor Peter Finocchiaro. Finocchiaro lashed out at Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, on July 10, with at least eight nasty names or adjectives including "goon," "loony," "buffoonish" and "marble-mouthed" because Gohmert had the audacity to say that Pope Francis had been taken…

Salon Writer: The GOP, Home of ‘Unserious Candidates’ For President

July 7th, 2015 9:29 PM
Since Democrats belong to the party of government, it stands to reason that their presidential candidates actually want to be president -- including Bernie Sanders, who’s a Democrat only for the sake of convenience. Republican candidates? Not necessarily. Some of them, according to writer Sean Illing, are “half-baked celebrities allowed to hijack the process to promote their private careers.”…

Salon Writer Tantrum: Pro-Life Movement 'Downright Dangerous'

July 7th, 2015 3:30 PM
Mary Elizabeth Williams of Salon was at it again Monday, writing that if pro-lifers truly cared about mothers and babies, they would push for more abortion! In her article, the liberal extremist argues that the pro-life movement in general doesn’t care about the lives of women, simply because they promote doing everything possible to protect unborn lives.

Salon Writer Can't Handle Polygamist Who Wants Equal Rights

July 2nd, 2015 4:39 PM
It appears the writers over at Salon have an interesting definition of “marriage equality.” Gay marriage proponent and radical feminist Mary Elizabeth Williams showed her true colors on the issue today by claiming “fringe groups”, like those who practice polygamy, should not have access to new freedoms detailed in the recent SCOTUS case which granted gay couples marriage recognition nationwide. 

Four Ways the Left Destroys American History

July 1st, 2015 4:03 PM
Happy Independence Day, or, as the left might call it this year, “Original Sin Saturday.” July 4th is when we celebrate the birth of The United States. But, whereas you commemorate the inception of what Lincoln called “the last best hope of earth,” liberals lament that flawed people had the audacity to create a flawed nation. Then, that flawed nation had the bad taste to prosper! It’s that left-…

Salon: Righty Economics ‘Has Trickled Down to Catholics In the Pews'

June 27th, 2015 3:59 PM
There's a major opinion gap between white Catholics and Latino Catholics in the U.S. regarding climate change. A recent poll found that by margins of approximately 20 percent, Latino Catholics are likelier than white Catholics to believe that there is such a thing as global warming; that it’s “due to human activity”; and that it “constitutes a crisis or a major problem.” What’s causing this…

Stanford Prof: Fox News 'Accessory After the Fact' to Dylann Roof

June 23rd, 2015 11:03 AM
In a Tuesday piece for Salon, Stanford comparative-literature professor David Palumbo-Liu alleged that Fox News “surely planned to furnish [accused Charleston mass-murderer Dylann] Roof with an alibi regarding the exact nature of his heinous crime,” and declared that “if Roof is convicted I suggest we regard Fox as an accessory after the fact.” Palumbo-Liu also claimed that Fox News “provides a…

Salon: 'Rich People are the F****** Worst'

June 22nd, 2015 2:33 PM
Writing for Salon, political theorist Sean Illing dismissed wealthy people as entitled and vile, primarily using the California drought as an example. The headline of the article reads, ‘Rich people are the f**cking worst: The 1 percent’s vile new war on us all’. Illing started his piece with the ominous statement that rich people “rarely tell you how you how they really feel about poor people.” 

Salon: Charleston Shooter 'Right-Wing,' Protected By 'White Privilege'

June 18th, 2015 12:30 PM
Salon wasted no time in spinning last night’s terrible tragedy into another alleged occurrence of “White Privilege.” (Article link) Nine people were tragically killed when a young, white gunman opened fire inside the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. A suspect has been identified as twenty one year old Dylann Roof, of Lexington, South Carolina.

On Salon, Atlantic Editor Vomits Anti-Catholic, Anti-Scalia Venom

June 15th, 2015 4:27 PM
Jeffrey Tayler of The Atlantic treated religious belief as a mental illness in a Sunday column for the far-left website Salon, which targeted Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia for "imposing your obscurantist dogma on impressionable young minds" – specifically, "the bizarre Catholic cult." Tayler made no secret of his anti-Catholic bigotry when he slammed the supposed "pedophile pulpiteers of…

Salon, MSNBC.com Distort FNC's Kelly with Edited Quote

June 13th, 2015 4:15 PM
This past week, liberal outlets like Salon.com and MSNBC.com demonstrated just how opposed they are to balanced reporting that includes diverse points of view as they tried to make their readers believe FNC host Megyn Kelly had taken the side of police officer Eric Casebolt in response to video of him roughly handling a 14-year-old African-American girl in McKinney, Texas. After The Kelly File…

Salon Writer: Conservatives Too Angry to Have a Sense of Humor

June 12th, 2015 10:53 AM
For most people, humor and comedy are meant to provoke smiles and laughter. According to Salon writer Scott Eric Kaufman, however, conservatives aren’t like most people, since “their version of comedy isn’t intended to be funny, it’s just meant to be mean.” It enables them, he alleged in a Wednesday article, to conceal their “awful thoughts” in supposed jokes. Kaufman claimed that right-wingers…