Salon: Libertarians Seek to Preserve White Male 'Dominance'

June 10th, 2015 5:10 PM
Salon has never met a political subject that they couldn’t twist into a race issue. That trend continued in their latest hit piece, this one on right-leaning libertarians. Author Conor Lynch suggested that libertarians owe their political positions to their desire to protect white male dominance.

Salon: Megyn Kelly ‘Slightly Less Horrible’ Than Others on Fox

June 4th, 2015 12:22 AM
It seems improbable that the left might have too high an opinion of a Fox News personality, but it’s happened with Megyn Kelly, argued Jack Mirkinson in a Wednesday article. Mirkinson noted that liberals have enjoyed several “extremely fun episodes in which [Kelly] made mincemeat out of (usually male) right-wing pundits,” but claimed that those instances have “helped obscure the fact that, far…

Salon: ‘The U.S. Military Is a National Security Threat’

May 25th, 2015 12:57 PM
In the early 1990s, politicians floated the term “peace dividend” regarding a hoped-for post-Cold War reduction in the U.S. defense budget, and Pentagon spending indeed fell somewhat in the mid- and late ‘90s. Sean McElwee, a research associate at the lefty think tank Demos, argues that America now needs a post-9/11, post-Afghanistan, post-Iraq peace dividend which would allow greatly increased…

Anti-Catholic Salon Cheers Church's Decline as 'Good News'

May 21st, 2015 6:39 PM
Patricia Miller ecstatically touted that the apparent "demographic free-fall" of the Catholic Church is "good news for the country" in a Thursday item for Salon. Miller bemoaned the American Catholic bishops' "outsize role in U.S. politics" in the past, given their opposition to abortion, contraception, and same-sex "marriage," and asserted that "with their flock fleeing and Pope Francis…

Lefty Critic: ‘David Letterman + Ronald Reagan = Ted Cruz’

May 18th, 2015 6:07 PM
Over the past decade or so, David Letterman has become outspokenly liberal, but according to cultural critic Scott Timberg, the seemingly apolitical comedy that Dave did in the 1980s actually hurt the left. Specifically, it served as a sort of opiate which left his audience disinclined to push back against Reaganism. “For those on the progressive or liberal side of the aisle,” wrote Timberg last…

Salon: GOP Will 'Miss George Stephanopoulos' As Debate Moderator

May 17th, 2015 5:22 PM
In the wake of the furor over his gifts to the Clinton Foundation, George Stephanopoulos has taken himself out of the running to moderate a Republican presidential debate set to air on ABC next February. That development gave Salon’s Jim Newell a peg for his Friday argument that GOPers are off-base in their recent push for conservatives (or at least non-liberals) to moderate their party’s debates…

Joan Walsh: On Race and Poverty, GOP Favors ‘Zombie Reaganism’

May 6th, 2015 11:25 AM
Some pundits have speculated that the Baltimore riots may benefit Republicans in next year’s elections. On the other hand, Walsh, of Salon and MSNBC, thinks that the unrest has yielded an opportunity for liberalism. In a two-part series, Walsh argued that one lesson of Baltimore is that Democrats' Bill Clintonesque center-left “approach to race, crime and inequality” has proved inadequate, and…

Salon: We Need to Talk About Pro-Life 'Terrorism'

May 6th, 2015 9:49 AM
The pro-abortion crowd is getting desperate. With public opinion slowly shifting away from their favor, and the  number of abortion mills closing, it seems their days are numbered. According to Salon,com there is only one thing left to do about the pro-life movement: "more people, media and academics in public discourse, need to talk about this as terrorism — because that’s what it is."

Salon Writer: Candidate Carson Will ‘Make…a Fool of Himself’

May 4th, 2015 9:18 PM
Salon’s Jim Newell doesn’t think Ben Carson will be the 2016 Republican presidential nominee, but he doesn’t see him as a garden-variety wanna-be. Rather, Newell believes that Carson is likely to incur one “spectacular humiliation” after another on the campaign trail. In a Monday article, Newell contended that the “free-flowing style [Carson] showed at the [2013] National Prayer Breakfast has…

Notable Quotables: Hooray for Hillary, 'America's Greatest Creation'

May 4th, 2015 9:01 AM
This week even as her scandals compound, Time prints a ridiculous, over-the-top tribute to Hillary Clinton: "She is one of America's greatest modern creations." And, left-wing journalists attempt to justify the Baltimore "uprising" as payback for "state violence" against black citizens, with a headline on arguing: "Baltimore's violent protesters are right."

MSNBC Panel: 'Offensive' to Label Rioters 'Thugs;' the 'New N-Word'

April 29th, 2015 8:44 PM
Alex Wagner and her two left-wing panelists on the Wednesday edition of her MSNBC program – Salon's Brittney Cooper and The Nation's Ari Berman – likened the use of the word "thug" to describe the rioters and looters in Baltimore, Maryland on Monday to a notorious racial slur against blacks. Wagner played up how "there are folks, like CNN's Erin Burnett, who don't understand why it's offensive;…

Salon Pundit: Walker’s Rightward Shift on Immigration a Big Mistake

April 22nd, 2015 9:24 PM
Four Aprils ago, polling showed Donald Trump in or near the lead in the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. In a Wednesday column, Heather Digby Parton suggested that Scott Walker could wind up as the Trump of this election cycle: the guy who peaked when he wasn’t even an official candidate. Parton admitted that she’s never understood why so many Republicans think Walker’s…

Atheist Writer Gripes About Religious ‘Nitwits’ Running For President

April 20th, 2015 9:23 PM
Imagine a president of the United States proclaiming in his or her inaugural address, “I do not believe in God. I do not believe in a hereafter…There is no hope, save in ourselves.” If something like that ever happens, writer Jeffrey Tayler’s dream will have come true. Tayler, who routinely trashes religion for the liberal online magazine Salon, complained in a Sunday article that several recent…

Salon Columnist: Right Shouldn't Gloat Over Rolling Stone 'Debacle'

April 8th, 2015 3:08 PM
When it comes to false media narratives, the typical right-winger should be more concerned with the plank in his own eye than with the speck in the eye of a liberal. That, minus the allusion to the Sermon on the Mount, was the essential argument from Heather Digby Parton in a Wednesday column. Parton sees Rolling Stone’s debunked, retracted University of Virginia rape story as one component of…