Salon: Hillary, Like Reagan, Thinks ‘Conquering “Evil” Is the Sp

August 18th, 2014 1:55 PM
It’s widely known that when Hillary Clinton was in high school, she was a big fan of Barry Goldwater’s 1964 presidential campaign. But would Hillary, if elected POTUS, take after the 20th century’s uber-conservative, Ronald Reagan, at least in terms of a hawkish foreign policy? Elias Isquith made that case in a Saturday article in Salon. Isquith scrutinized the ideas Hillary expressed in her…

Salon: Media’s Political Coverage Favors ‘War-Fighting Skill Set

August 13th, 2014 7:15 AM
We don’t know who’d win a presidential race between Thomas Jefferson and Richard Nixon, but apparently we could be almost certain of three things: Jefferson would campaign ethically; Nixon would play dirty; and the media would have no problem with Nixon’s sleazy tactics. The above scenario is extrapolated from Paul Rosenberg’s Salon article last Saturday in which Rosenberg argued that liberal…

Is ‘Weird Al’ the ‘Court Jester’ for ‘America’s Twisted Br

August 9th, 2014 1:00 PM
Imagine a movie that 1) sympathetically portrays Occupy Wall Street and 2) features songs by “Weird Al” Yankovic. If you think 1) and 2) seem incongruous, you might get an argument from writer Lynn Stuart Parramore. In a piece that ran Wednesday on Salon and originally appeared on AlterNet, Parramore claimed that Yankovic’s recent chart-topping album, Mandatory Fun, contains a “deeply moral…

Salon Pundit: ‘Hillary-zilla,’ Friend of the Oligarchy, Dominates

August 6th, 2014 7:55 AM
Conservatives seeking a potential president who’s like Ronald Reagan might be interested to know that Andrew O’Hehir of Salon thinks he’s found such a person. True, they might then be surprised to learn that he's talking about Hillary Clinton. O’Hehir, who’s well to the left of Hillary on economic issues, doesn’t intend the Clinton-Reagan comparison as a compliment to either. He believes that…

Salon: ‘Odious’ Laura Ingraham Won’t Run For Congress; She’s M

July 30th, 2014 4:18 PM
A few months ago, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) announced he would leave the House after the current session to host a radio talk show. But what about a talk host running for Congress? In a Tuesday piece, Salon’s Jim Newell wondered about the possibility that conservative talkers such as Laura Ingraham would take the plunge. Newell mentioned Ingraham’s vigorous support for Cantor-slayer Dave…

Historically Illiterate Salon: JFK's Assassination Is 'a Monument to R

July 25th, 2014 4:14 PM
In a historically illiterate Salon piece, writer Heather Digby Parton argued that “right-wing hatred” of John F. Kennedy ultimately led to his death, and that a climate of hate is once again growing because of the right’s reaction to President Obama. Of course, the entire premise of Parton’s piece is false because JFK was not assassinated by any crazy ‘gun nut’ right-winger, as she might have…

Salon’s Thomas Frank: Obama Blew His Chance to ‘Put the Right Out

July 20th, 2014 10:05 PM
How do you visually represent a missed opportunity? In a Sunday column for Salon, What’s the Matter With Kansas? author Thomas Frank suggests one answer: given the Obama administration’s repeated failure to deliver much-needed leftist change, the future Obama presidential library and museum should be “designed as…a mausoleum of hope.” Obama’s salient mistake, Frank asserts, was that he “…

Salon: Christian Conservatives Favor ‘Holy War,’ ‘Killing Queers

July 18th, 2014 5:53 PM
In a bigoted screed against Christians, Alternet’s Valerie Tarico wrote a piece appearing at that accused evangelical Christians of being evildoers who – in their spare time – kill and abuse gay people, subjugate women, destroy the Earth, oppose rights for children, and promote holy war. Yes, this is no exaggeration. It appears that this is a new low, if that was even possible for…

Salon: Republicans Who Feel ‘Threatened’ By Obama Policies Are

July 9th, 2014 7:14 AM
Much like Don Quixote mistook windmills for giants and wished to do battle with them, Republicans wrongly perceive Democrats as extreme leftists and consequently work themselves into an ideological lather. That was, essentially, one of the main points that Salon’s Paul Rosenberg made in his Saturday piece on "Tea Party phonies" pegged to the Pew Research Center’s recent study on American…

Hobby Lobby Hysteria! Salon Writer Claims ‘This is a Religious Civil

July 8th, 2014 7:53 PM
Liberals have been spewing absolute nonsense since the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby, Conestoga Wood, and several other businesses that filed a suit against the HHS contraception mandate. Salon’s Paul Rosenberg is no different, except the fevered, high-pitched whine of his hysteria makes one suspect that, whatever he pays his drycleaner, it ain’t enough.  In a July 8 piece at… Tries Holiday Trolling With Piece Titled 'I Hate the Fourth

July 4th, 2014 7:25 PM
At the top of the list of Independence Day killjoys is No one is shocked. On Friday, they posted an article titled “I hate the Fourth of July: The Fourth once reminded us to ensure that all men are created equal. Here's what it's become now.” No wonder they're doing Twitter satire at @salondotcom. Just imagine a conservative site laying an "I hate Martin Luther King Day" egg on that…

Salon: Was ‘American Top 40’ Harmless Entertainment or Supply-Side

June 24th, 2014 7:11 AM
As you probably know, the 1980s were boom years for conservatives. Among the most prominent right-wingers back then: Ronald Reagan, Tom Clancy, Casey Kasem… OK, Kasem, who died on June 15, actually was a staunch liberal, a supporter in that decade of Jesse Jackson and later of Dennis Kucinich. But during the ‘80s, wrote Scott Timberg in a Sunday piece for Salon, “we had a political and…

Salon: Attkisson's Not Much, But She's the Best Thing About Heritage's

June 5th, 2014 11:10 PM
On Wednesday, Salon's Simon Maloy suggested that the Attkisson-Heritage relationship is a match made in conservative heaven given that Attkisson's Benghazi-related resignation from CBS was an "act of career martyrdom" which made her "a candidate for canonization by right-wing pundits and activists." "Conservatives," Maloy snarked, "love [Attkisson] for her willingness to flog Obama scandals…

Kos: Critics of Bergdahl Swap Are 'A**holes' and 'Chickenhawks

June 4th, 2014 10:56 PM
Two of the leading lights of the lefty blogosphere weighed in Tuesday on the Bowe Bergdahl matter. Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas, who served a three-year stint in the Army just after graduating from high school, blasted the anti-Bergdahl rhetoric of bloodyhanded neoconservative "chickenhawks" who aren't ashamed to opine despite being "wrong about everything in the last decade…