Salon: Ben Carson’s Views ‘Inspire Revulsion’ in Non-Conservatives

December 5th, 2014 9:57 PM
Simon Maloy argues that Carson’s “significant following of Republicans who will happily back a radical bomb-thrower for president for no other reason than his refusal to be ‘politically correct’...doesn’t speak well of the health of the conservative movement.”

Even Salon Now Doubts Rolling Stone Rape Story

December 4th, 2014 11:37 AM
The rising doubts about the Rolling Stone rape story have become so widespread that now even Salon is becoming skeptical. However, Salon writer Erin Keane admits she completely bought into the story until other sources began checking it out. The admission can be seen in the headline of her story: "Rolling Stone’s UVA rape story backlash: When narratives are so compelling that we don’t notice…

Salon: 'Stop Eating Thanksgiving Turkey!'

November 27th, 2014 1:09 PM
Are you about to enjoy your Thanksgiving turkey? Well, Salon writer Lindsay Abrams wants you to stop. Stop right now! Not content to give liberal ideology a rest even on this holiday, Abrams attempts to guilt trip her readers into giving up turkey for Thanksgiving.  

Salon: Right Prone to ‘Animalistic Fear' of the Ill-Defined 'Other'

November 12th, 2014 2:11 PM
Edwin Lyngar argues that right-wingers not only “creat[e] and exploit…irrational fear” but also disdain empathy, whereas “kindness…is the hallmark of liberalism.” The article was headlined I was a conservative coward: How the midterms evoked my past of shame, terror and Fox News”.

Salon Writer: ‘Childish’ Americans ‘Worship’ Police and Military

November 9th, 2014 7:31 PM
David Masciotra believes we should “discourage young, poor and working-class men and women from joining the military,” and that “part of the campaign against enlistment requires removing the glory of the ‘hero’ label from those who do enlist.”

Pelosi, Salon Writer Agree: 'Voter Suppression' Explains Dems' Debacle

November 8th, 2014 11:11 PM
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Aaron R. Hanlon, an infrequent columnnist at Salon, both have an excuse for Democrats' poor performance in this year's midterm elections: pervasive voter suppression. You see, the left's new working definition of "voter suppression" — a definition which is never a subject of establishment press scrutiny — is apparently the following: "Many of the people who…

Salon Readies Polar Vortex Excuse in Case of Unusually Cold Winter

October 18th, 2014 10:02 PM
No matter what happens with the weather this winter, Salon will have an excuse ready to explain away any temperature condition as due to global warming. Too warm? Obviously global warming. Too cold? Also a result of global warming due to the polar vortex used to explain away the unusally cold temperatures of this past winter  

Lefty Writer: Michael Brown, Trayvon Were Stand-Ins for Obama

October 13th, 2014 12:50 PM
Leftist rock critic Greil Marcus claims that ever since Obama was elected, there’s been a widespread racist “loathing…that seeks out its targets.” He even claimed "I don’t think it’s nuts that in a certain way, when that cop killed Michael Brown, and when George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, they were killing Barack Obama."

Salon's Walsh: It's 'No Accident' Ebola Victim Died in 'Perry's Texas'

October 9th, 2014 7:48 PM
While liberals always hate to “let a good tragedy go to waste,” Joan Walsh – editor at large of Salon magazine – might have set a new record for implementing that strategy just hours after Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan died on Thursday. “It’s probably no accident,” she declared, that the Liberian's passing “happened in [governor] Rick Perry’s Texas. More than 1.5 million Texans, with a…

Salon: Keep ‘Reactionary’ Righties Away From History Classes

October 5th, 2014 8:26 PM
Conservative-approved lessons on topics including the War on Poverty, the legacy of slavery, and U.S. foreign policy would mislead the students of America.

Bill Ayers: Megyn Kelly ‘Like a Cyborg… Very Metallic, Very Cold’

September 18th, 2014 12:37 PM
Ayers talks with Salon about topics such as his interview with Kelly; the Tea Party’s supposedly mistaken ideas about freedom; and would-be privatizers of public education.

Salon Columnist Twists Ray Rice Beating Scandal to Blast Hobby Lobby

September 8th, 2014 6:56 PM
Left-wing columnist CJ Werleman couldn't resist using athlete Ray Rice's suspension from the NFL on Monday as a means to attack social conservatives. Werleman took to Twitter and snarked, "If Ray Rice continues to treat women like that, he'll end up running the Hobby Lobby."

Predictable: Libs Sneer at Phil Robertson’s ISIL Views

September 3rd, 2014 1:59 PM
Although Phil Robertson had already dodged a bullet Tuesday morning by giving a clever answer to ABC reporter Ryan Owens, who asked Phil Robertson if “he was a homophobe,” Robertson still wasn’t out of hot water. The famous patriarch of A&E’s “Duck Dynasty” and outspoken Christian conservative is a frequent media target. Predictably, media lefties made it clear who they think the real enemy…

Heresy! Michelle Duggar Doesn’t Think Men Belong in Women’s Restro

August 20th, 2014 12:11 PM
Michelle Duggar, of the popular TLC show “19 Kids and Counting” is under heat again from the media for publicly sharing her conservative religious views. Earlier in the week, residents in Fayetteville, Arkansas received robo-calls from the famous mother, in which she warned families to protest a new anti-discrimination bill that went before the city council Tuesday night and passed. The…