Michael Steele Schools Joan Walsh on Romney-Rosen Dustup: Stay-at-Home

April 12th, 2012 6:38 PM
In the wake of the Ann Romney-Hilary Rosen stay-at-home mom dustup, Salon's Joan Walsh on Thursday predictably made the totally false claim "being able to stay home with your children [is] a choice for the wealthy only." Fortunately, former RNC chairman Michael Steele was also on MSNBC's Hardball to set the record straight saying, "This isn’t about just rich women. There are a lot of middle…

Joan Walsh: Limbaugh 'Like Crack' to GOP - 'They Need More and More of

March 5th, 2012 9:24 PM
Not surprisingly, MSNBC has spent much of the day trashing conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh's apology to Georgetown University law student and women's rights activist Sandra Fluke. Doing her part was Salon editor-at-large Joan Walsh who appearing on The Ed Show said, "Rush has been like crack for the Republican Party, and they need more and more of it to get them high. And he needs, he…

Actual Joan Walsh Salon Headline: 'What’s The Matter With White Peop

March 5th, 2012 11:12 AM
Can you imagine the media outrage if a conservative author published a piece entitled "What's the Matter With Black People?" On Sunday, just days after she told MSNBC's Chris Matthews the GOP is "The party of old white men," Salon's editor-at-large Joan Walsh offered her readers "What's the Matter With White People?":

Joan Walsh: GOP 'The Party of Old White Men

February 29th, 2012 6:25 PM
Less than 24 hours after Salon's Joan Walsh trashed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's Mormon faith, she was invited on MSNBC to attack him and his colleagues further. Appearing on Hardball, Walsh said of the GOP, "They’re writing off women, they're writing off Latinos, they’re writing off Asians, they’re writing off young people. It’s really the party of old white men basically…

Joan Walsh Attacks Mitt Romney's Faith on Twitter

February 29th, 2012 12:48 AM
CNN a few weeks ago suspended Roland Martin for making homophobic comments on Twitter. Will MSNBC consider Salon editor-at-large Joan Walsh's attack on Mitt Romney's faith Tuesday equally offensive?

Joan Walsh: Limbaugh's 'A Secret Democrat' - He's Leading GOP 'Off a C

February 17th, 2012 5:43 PM
Salon editor Joan Walsh said Friday that conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh is "a secret Democrat." Speaking with MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Hardball about the debate over who should pay for contraceptives, Walsh said of Limbaugh, "He is leading [the Republican] party off a cliff on this issue" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Joan Walsh: 'Newt Is the Face of the Politics' of 'Racism and Angry Wh

January 23rd, 2012 10:50 PM
Salon's Joan Walsh stooped to an even further low Monday when she said on MSNBC's pre-debate show, "Newt is the face of the politics of resentment and racism and angry white male rage." Yes, she was talking about Republican presidential candidate and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Joan Walsh - The Most Bigoted Journalist in Media

January 13th, 2012 9:00 AM
Well, she’s certainly making a case for the title. In a piece titled, When white people lack “bourgeois values”, the Salon Editor at Large manages a race and class-baiting exacta, covering an alleged economic disdain shown by Republicans towards African-Americans, and charging the GOP with promoting policies which “shackle women to the home”. In attacking a Rick Santorum speech on family…

Totally One-Sided AP Article on Gay Youth Is GLAAD-Endorsed

October 25th, 2011 5:07 PM
Associated Press reporter Christina Hoag drew special praise for "fair coverage" from the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) for a story on bullying. "Fair coverage" in GLAAD-speak is completely one-sided "news" with no space for conservative points of view. "Kids, even as young as middle school age, feel more emboldened to openly express their sexual or gender orientation,"…

Why Are the Media Anti-Hero

August 4th, 2011 10:41 AM
In October 25, 2007, a U.S. Army specialist in Afghanistan braved enemy fire in an attempt to save a fellow soldier who had been wounded in an ambush. An insurgent bullet struck his armored chest plate, knocking him down. He got up and rushed back into enemy fire to retrieve his fallen comrade. He threw several hand grenades toward the enemy, and was able to grab his colleague and immediately…

Mark Halperin Returns to MSNBC After One Month D-Word Suspension

August 4th, 2011 9:52 AM
If you noticed something different on Wednesday's "Morning Joe," it was shamed MSNBC contributor Mark Halperin back from roughly a one month suspension after he called the President a D-word back on June 30. Not everyone was happy about this judging from Alex Pareene's piece at the Obama-loving Salon:

Salon Pins Blame for Planned Parenthood Vandalism on 'Right-Wing' With

August 2nd, 2011 2:25 PM
Ever creative in finding things for which to blame the "right wing," Salon magazine is criticizing conservatives in a headline ("Planned Parenthood Firebombed, Right Wing Silent") about an apparent incident in McKinney, Texas last Tuesday in which an unknown person allegedly threw a Molotov cocktail at a Planned Parenthood establishment. No one with even superficial understanding of…

Michael Steele Laughs At Joan Walsh For Calling Obama 'The Reagan Figu

July 20th, 2011 7:21 PM
As NewsBusters previously reported, Chris Matthews on Wednesday lied about Ronald Reagan's position on taxes in a "Hardball" segment insinuating the late President would oppose the current Republican stance on the debt ceiling. When Salon editor Joan Walsh said Obama "is actually the Reagan figure here," former RNC chairman Michael Steele bust out laughing (video follows with transcript and…

Rush Limbaugh: MSNBC 'A Loony Bin Filled With People Overflowing With

July 7th, 2011 7:12 PM
Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh doesn't like to comment about MSNBC because he fears it will help their dismal ratings. However, he made an exception on Thursday's program saying amongst other things, "That whole network is a loony bin filled with people who are overflowing with uncontrollable rage, anger, unhappiness, and misery, by design" (video courtesy Right Scoop follows with…