Liberal Writer to Jon Stewart: Drop Your 'Trite' 'Comedian F

June 22nd, 2011 11:30 AM
It's not just conservatives who are sick and tired of Jon Stewart hiding behind his "I'm a comedian" excuse when called out for his dead-serious liberal pontifications. Even liberals like's Will Bunch are tired of the "Daily Show" host's faux sanctimony, even as he cheers Stewart's liberalism and calls on the comedian to embrace it. From a June 21 War Room blog post (emphases mine…

Joan Walsh Says She Looks 'Stupid' For Defending Weiner - Then Continu

June 8th, 2011 10:05 AM
To a liberal media member, politics means never having to say you were wrong. On Tuesday's "The Ed Show," Salon's Joan Walsh said she looked "kind of stupid" for defending Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) last week, then went right on defending him (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Salon Abortion Story Conflicts with Original

June 7th, 2011 1:33 PM
Pro-abortion ideologues have been known to blame "recall bias" on stories or studies that don't go their way. But here I believe we have an actual case of pro-abortion recall bias. Recall that on May 26 liberal online journal Salon published the first person account, "Abortion saved my life," by writer Mikki Kendall. Kendall claimed she almost hemorrhaged to death because a hospital doctor…

Press Ignores Sunstein's 'Young Man' Claim, But in 1998 Jumped on Hyde

June 6th, 2011 10:30 PM
On Friday, Cass Sunstein, the White House's 56 year-old Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (pictured at right), attempted to disavow a 42-page paper he wrote called "Lives, Life-Years, and Willingness to Pay," which recommended that the government reduce resources directed at benefitting the elderly in favor of increasing what goes to young people, because young…

Obama, Lincoln 'Peas in the Same Pod' Declares Technology Wr

June 2nd, 2011 11:24 AM
Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln "are peas in the same pod," at least in the eyes of technology reporter Andrew Leonard. And just how exactly?

Salon Writer Admits Embellishing Abortion Story

May 31st, 2011 5:17 PM
On my blog last week I posted an excerpt from the Salon piece, “Abortion saved my life.” The writer, a blogger named Mikki Kendall, was relaying her first person account of supposedly nearly hemorrhaging to death because a hospital doctor refused to perform the one procedure that would save her life, an abortion. Here was the quote I pulled:

Salon: Pawlenty 'Has His Own Rev. Wright

May 26th, 2011 4:16 PM
Mild-mannered Minnesotan Tim Pawlenty may have his own Rev. Wright,'s Justin Elliott sensationally alerted readers of the War Room blog Thursday morning. The reason, Elliott argues: the former Minnesota governor's preacher believes in manmade global warming and wants a liberal immigration reform policy enacted into law:

Roger Ebert and Joan Walsh Jump on David Gregory's Gingrich is Racist

May 16th, 2011 12:01 AM
NBC's David Gregory started a Newt Gingrich is racist trend Sunday that liberal media members across the fruited plain quickly embraced. After the "Meet the Press" host accused the former House Speaker of racism for having the nerve to call Barack Obama "The most successful food stamp president in American history," Salon's Joan Walsh out in San Francisco jumped on the bandwagon as did…

Howard Kurtz Doesn't Know Why 'So-called Liberal Media' Ignore Left's

April 17th, 2011 6:42 PM
CNN's Howard Kurtz is either astonishingly naive or so strongly in the tank for Barack Obama that he's willing to ignore the totally obvious to assist the President's reelection efforts. On Sunday's "Reliable Sources," Kurtz actually discussed with far-left guests Joan Walsh of Salon and John Aravosis of - without ever disclosing the painfully inconvenient truth! - why the "so…

Salon's Alex Pareene Misleads Readers with Story on Christian College

April 5th, 2011 6:02 PM
"Evangelical Liberty University received half a billion dollars in federal aid money: One conservative college got more government cash than NPR last year." That's the misleading headline for Alex Pareene's April 5 War Room blog post at Adding insult to inaccuracy, Pareene slandered the late Jerry Falwell -- without a link to corroborating evidence -- as an apartheid supporter…

CAIR – Distorting Facts, Videos, and Reality

March 8th, 2011 3:00 AM
Recently, the Los Angeles branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) released a video showing a group of protestors exhibiting anti-Muslim sentiments outside an ICNA fundraising dinner.  Liberal media outlets ran with the press release as a way to highlight bigotry towards Muslims, with the video showing up on The Guardian, Think Progress, Salon, Mediaite, Huffington Post,…

ABC's Banfield on CNN: 'I'm Not Going to Cast Aspersions' on Rosen

February 17th, 2011 6:27 PM
On Wednesday's AC360 on CNN, ABC's Ashleigh Banfield punted on Nir Rosen's offensive Tweets against CBS's Lara Logan and tried to explain them away: "We're using a lot of electronics to get information out as fast as we can nowadays before we can really digest the ramifications of what we say...And so, I'm certainly not going to cast aspersions on Mr. Rosen. Let he who is without sin cast the…

Some Thoughts About Olbermann's Exit From Opposite Sides of the Intern

January 22nd, 2011 11:21 AM
The internet has been all abuzz since Keith Olbermann's surprise announcement that Friday would be his last appearance on MSNBC's "Countdown." Over at the liberal website Salon, Steve Kornacki wondered, "Is Olbermann the victim of his own success?":

Salon Writer Greenwald: Bradley Manning Being Tortured By Being Held I

December 15th, 2010 11:35 PM
Yesterday on Twitter, Salon's Glenn Greenwald promised followers a forthcoming story detailing allegations of torture against Private First Class Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking to WikiLeaks. Manning, you may recall, is currently in the brig at Marine Corps Base Quantico. "A major story brewing is the cruel, inhuman treatment - torture - to which Bradley Manning is being…