Joan Walsh Doubles Down, Claims There Are No Violent Liberals

April 21st, 2010 9:40 PM
Joan Walsh was unable to name an extreme left-wing media figure yesterday while appearing on MSNBC and today she is digging in deeper on her blog. Now she says that she wasn’t just talking about media figures, of which Keith Olbermann and Ed Schultz are just the most obvious examples, but that she was talking also about violent nut jobs who threaten politicians. The title of her post is “…

After Obsessing Over Enron's Political Friends, Media Mostly Ignore Mu

April 20th, 2010 5:02 PM
President Obama has extensive ties to Goldman Sachs. Yet even given record-breaking financial contributions and sketchy relationships between Goldman executives and Obama officials at the highest level, the mainstream media will not afford Obama the same scrutiny it gave to George W. Bush during the collapse of Enron.Obama's inflation-adjusted $1,007,370.85 in contributions from Goldman employees…

MSNBC's Ratigan Cites Left-Wing Blog to Bash Drudge Report

March 31st, 2010 6:00 PM
Near the end of Wednesday's Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC, host Dylan Ratigan led his 'Busted' segment by claiming that The Drudge Report did "not let facts get in the way of a good headline" on Tuesday, by featuring one which read: "CIA: Iran Moving Closer to Nuclear Weapon." Ratigan remarked: "That'll get the ratings up."Despite the fact that most of the world has long operated under the…

Breitbart Takes On Salon's Blumenthal For Calling O'Keefe Racist

February 20th, 2010 6:52 PM
Conservative publisher Andrew Breitbart had a heated exchange with Salon's Max Blumenthal at CPAC Saturday. A few weeks ago, Salon published an article by Blumenthal disgracefully titled "James O'Keefe's Race Problem." The subheadline was even worse: "A photo of the righty stuntman at a white-nationalist confab illustrates a career marked by racial resentment."With pressure from Breitbart's…

Salon's Inept Defense of ACORN and Tainted Obama Nominee

February 17th, 2010 1:42 PM
For some in the left-wing mainstream media the truth is too much to handle. I am referring specifically to's Alex Koppelman who is gunning for a spot on the list of "useful idiots" defending organized crime syndicate ACORN. (Salon's Joe Conason is already on the list.) Koppelman didn't like what I wrote yesterday about Patrick Corvington working for the ACORN-friendly Annie E.…

CJR to Salon's Blumenthal: Stop Giving Fodder to Critics of Liberal Me

February 10th, 2010 4:24 PM
Salon columnist Max Blumenthal continues to get flak for his slanderous, factually-challenged hit piece on conservative filmmaker James O'Keefe last week. The column, premised on a host of omissions and baseless assumptions, contended that O'Keefe's is a racist.Blumenthal's latest critic is Columbia Journalism Review, Old Media's paragon of journalistic elitism. CJR has requested that he correct…

Left-wing Websites Don't Bother With Truth in Smearing James O'Keefe

February 5th, 2010 1:51 PM
When the far-left finds a character to assassinate, it doesn't let facts get in the way. That, at least, is the lesson we can draw from the latest bout of liberal character assassination, this one aimed at James O'Keefe.The slandering of his reputation has occurred mostly at, the Village Voice, and an obscure hard-left organization called the One People's Project. Together, they have…

Salon's Joan Walsh Says Chris Matthews Roots For Obama

January 31st, 2010 6:19 PM
Salon editor Joan Walsh said Sunday that MSNBC's Chris Matthews roots for Barack Obama.Appearing on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Walsh was asked by host Howard Kurtz to comment on Matthews' remark that he had forgotten the President was black during Wednesday's State of the Union address. "There's no such thing as post-racial, and so I disagree with Chris about that," said Walsh."But on the other…

Choosing Life a ‘Controversial’ Decision

January 20th, 2010 10:40 AM
Pro-life activists most likely cheered upon seeing this week's In Touch Weekly. The magazine, usually devoted to the latest celebrity shenanigans, featured Sarah and Bristol Palin on the cover holding their baby boys under the headline, "We're Glad We Chose Life." But for the media, who find everything about Sarah Palin controversial, including, now, holding her own baby, it's one more attack…

Joan Walsh: Olbermann Needs More Diverse Guests, Michelle Malkin Need

December 10th, 2009 11:46 AM
Salon editor Joan Walsh, a frequent contributor on MSNBC, finds the network's "Countdown" host to be lacking in the diversity department when it comes to his guests. Of course, her complaint isn't with Olbermann's refusal to feature guests with whom he could have ideological clashes -- something his nemesis Bill O'Reilly has never been afraid to do -- but the fact that his guests are infrequently…

Paglia on Lib Commentators: Partisan Ideology Desensitizes the Mind

November 11th, 2009 10:48 AM
Salon columnist Camille Paglia Wednesday called the recently passed healthcare bill a grotesquely expensive nightmare.Better still, in her most recent piece, Paglia said the "passive acquiescence of liberal commentators" to ignore how Medicare is being vandalized in order to provide healthcare for the currently uninsured "simply demonstrates how partisan ideology ultimately desensitizes the mind…

W.H. Correspondents Association Offering Press Pool Slots to Partisan

November 1st, 2009 4:10 PM

Beck Fires Back: Calls Series of Stories about Mother’s Suicide 'Des

October 5th, 2009 6:17 PM
Recently, the McClatchy-owned The News Tribune of Tacoma, Wash. and the left-leaning ran stories questioning whether or not Glenn Beck's mother, Mary Beck committed suicide. It was later propagated by the left-wing storefronts. And, on Fox News Channel's Oct. 5 "Glenn Beck" program, Beck addressed that and some of the gripes he had about the media for not doing their job. "I tell you…

Joe Conason's Revisionist History of ACORN

September 18th, 2009 1:54 PM
In a column today, Salon’s Joe Conason drastically downplays the history of illegality that characterizes the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. In his revisionist history of the organization, Conason tries to show that ACORN may commit voter registration fraud, intimidate its employees to prevent them from unionizing, and willingly assist in the trafficking of underage sex…