Islamophobia-obsessed Media Silent on Anti-Semitic 'Hate Crimes' at In

December 8th, 2010 1:24 PM
Most Americans are probably unaware that Jews were the victims of more than eight times as many anti-religion hate crimes last year as were Muslims. And the reason is simple: anti-Muslim crimes receive far more media attention. Case in point: the media has been all but silent on a slew of anti-Semitic acts of vandalism at Indiana University, coinciding with the beginning of the celebration of…

Media Promote Pro-Abortion View Covering Popular Twitter Topic

November 9th, 2010 9:45 AM
In the wake of a huge GOP midterm victory, pro-abortion women actively took to the social website Twitter to reject the incoming wave of pro-life candidates. Those who have had abortions spoke out on Twitter, proudly tweeting “#ihadanabortion.” From the Chicago Sun-Times, to The Washington Post, the media obliged these women and their left-wing social agenda by complaining conservatives wish to…

Former Bush Aide Smacks Down Joan Walsh For Questioning W's 'Psycholog

November 8th, 2010 8:51 PM
A former advisor to George W. Bush smacked down Salon's Joan Walsh Monday for questioning the 43rd President's psychological compass. Appearing on MSNBC's "Hardball," GOP strategist Ron Christie also gave Chris Matthews a much-needed education on why going into Iraq was a successful part of Bush's strategy to prevent America from a follow-up attack after 9/11 (video follows with transcript…

Lawrence O'Donnell: 'I Am A Socialist'

November 5th, 2010 11:12 AM

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell admitted on national television Friday that he's a socialist. In the middle of a heated debate with Salon's Glenn Greenwald on "Morning Joe," O'Donnell said, "I am a socialist. I live to the extreme left, the extreme left of you mere liberals" (video follows with partial transcript and commentary):

Joan Walsh: Sherrod Can Call Fox and Breitbart Racist Because Father W

July 25th, 2010 5:39 PM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Walsh responds, claims this isn't what she said!Joan Walsh on Sunday said former USDA official Shirley Sherrod is allowed to say anything she wants about racism -- including calling Fox News and Andrew Breitbart racist -- because her father was killed by a white man.Discussing last week's controversy on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Salon's Editor-in-Chief actually claimed, "…

Salon Editor-in-Chief Accuses Conservatives of Distorting Facts, Then

July 22nd, 2010 2:38 AM
If you're going to write an article blasting the opposition for distorting facts, it absolutely behooves one to double check all of their own statements for accuracy. Such is the case of Joan Walsh, Editor-in-Chief of Salon, who recently penned a piece titled, The Shame of Right-Wing "Journalism".  The article includes the sub-heading, "Andrew Breitbart and Tucker Carlson distort facts to smear…

Salon Writer Wants More Abortion on TV

July 21st, 2010 4:05 PM
What does Salon think American TV needs more of? Abortion, and lots of it. In a July 20 "Broadsheet" article, Salon writer Mary Elizabeth Williams addressed Fox's decision to release the highly controversial "Family Guy" abortion episode as a stand-alone DVD feature this September. Williams crassly compared the comedy show's efforts to make money off a "Banned From TV" episode to "having an…

Salon’s Walsh Jumps the Shark -- Calls GOP Senators Bigots for Invok

June 29th, 2010 7:57 AM
Did you know that calling attention to an area where a Supreme Court justice nominee is from, which happens to be a well-known bastion of liberalism, is bigoted?  If you didn't, you want to take a look at the wisdom of's Joan Walsh. In her June 28 post "It's not even coded bigotry anymore," Walsh argued that references to SCOTUS nominee Elena Kagan's Upper West Side of Manhattan roots…

Media Help Obama Bash Republicans, Forget 'Polarizing' Charge Against

June 23rd, 2010 10:49 PM
President Obama's weekly radio address on Saturday devoted the entire hour to a hyper-partisan, long-winded, meandering speech about his Republican critics being too -- wait for it! -- partisan. Fortunately for him, a compliant national media would simply forward the attack on their own pages and never pause long enough to smell the irony. In the middle of alleged job offers, controversial…

Perez Hilton to Face Child Porn Charges

June 15th, 2010 11:27 PM
Perez Hilton - he of Carrie Prejean bashing fame - may be staring in the face of child porn charges in the near future.  You may recall that Hilton served as judge in the 2009 Miss USA competition, and asked Prejean her view of same-sex marriage. When Prejean offered an honest answer voicing her belief that marriage should be between a man and a woman, Hilton expressed his displeasure by taking… Equates Helen Thomas to Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity; Blames Depa

June 8th, 2010 3:26 PM
It's hard to imagine a scenario where one would be sympathetic toward former "dean of the White House press corps" Helen Thomas following her videotaped remarks that Israeli Jews "should get the hell out of Palestine" and go back to Germany or Poland. However, in a June 7 column on, Anna Clark wrote that Thomas deserved leeway, since some talk radio personalities say "controversial,…

Reviewers Find Tea Party Link In 'Prince of Persia

May 28th, 2010 1:16 PM
The movie "Prince of Persia" hit theaters this week.  And although it's based on a decades-old video game and set in the sixth century, reviewers across the nation have identified a very contemporary link: The Tea Party.McClatchy Newspapers's Connie Ogle writes that Alfred Molina, in the role of Amar, "plays a sort of cross between Han Solo with dental-hygiene issues and a Tea Party supporter." …

Media Defend Islam from 'Sex and the City' Jibes

May 27th, 2010 9:45 AM
There are some review snippets that likely won’t end up as movie poster taglines: “an affront to Muslims” – USA Today “breathtaking cultural insensitivity” – Washington Post “cinematic Viagra for Western cultural imperialists”- Of all the criticisms that could likely be launched against Warner Bros.’ new “Sex and the City 2” movie, the media have latched onto the film’s reported…

Reuters Editor: Limbaugh's Right About Oklahoma City Bombing Not Clint

April 25th, 2010 6:17 PM
A truly extraordinary thing happened on CNN Sunday: a mainstream media representative actually took Rush Limbaugh's side in a dispute with Bill Clinton.As readers are likely aware, the conservative talk radio host and the former President exchanged words last week over who was to blame for the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995."Reliable Sources" host Howard Kurtz broached this subject in Sunday's…