
John Oliver Conducts Anita Hill Pity Party

July 31st, 2018 3:03 PM
In light of the recent accusations against Les Moonves, Last Week Tonight host John Oliver found it his duty to address workplace harassment and to help resurrect an old liberal hero. On his July 29 show, after giving his own thoughts about sexual harassment, Oliver turned to the person he said “kickstarted” the conversation about workplace harassment back in the 90s; this was none other than…

Salon Writer: The Catholic Church Is Too Catholic

July 30th, 2018 4:33 PM
God forbid a Catholic priest preaches what the Catholic Church teaches. But because of that, Mary Elizabeth Williams, a staff writer for Salon and self-proclaimed Catholic, doesn’t know how she can be Catholic anymore.

Salon Mocks MSNBC for Doing 455 Stormy Daniels Segments in Past Year

July 26th, 2018 7:36 AM
In stark contrast the laughably absurd claim by the Morning Joe panelists last March that they barely covered the Stormy Daniels story, published an article by Adam Johnson on July 25 revealing that there had been 455 segments about that porn star on MSNBC during the past year. The mocking criticism of the Stormy Daniels overdose of coverage on MSNBC comes from a left perspective since…

Salon Doubles Down On Sarah Sanders Rumor

July 24th, 2018 4:07 PM
On Tuesday, Salon published an article speculating about Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders potential departure from the White House. Only, they referenced the same rumor reported in June by CBS. Author of the article, Matthew Rozsa, also cited an unsubstantiated Politico article which claimed White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications Bill Shine has “asked a number of friends and…

CNN Panel Praises ‘Brilliant’ Trump Resistance on TV

July 23rd, 2018 4:17 PM
There’s nothing quite so rare as a “fair and balanced” media take on entertainment and politics. For proof, look no further than CNN, which missed the mark. For proof, look no further than CNN, which missed the mark. During a special report, aired on July 20, titled The Trump Show: TV’s New Reality, CNN host Brian Stelter, New York Times critic James Poniewozik and Salon critic Melanie McFarland…

Coaches Come to Jordan’s Defense...And the Media Ignore Them

July 11th, 2018 3:14 PM
A bunch of people in a position to know say Jim Jordan did not enable sexual harassment as a college wrestling coach, but you would hardly realize that if you follow the liberal media. On June 9th, six wrestling coaches who personally know and worked with Jordan when he coached at Ohio State University came to his defense against recent sexual harassment allegations. 

‘Disgrace’ and Scandal: Justice Kennedy Under Fire from Daily Beast

July 2nd, 2018 2:55 PM
Once a hero for Democrats and the left, Anthony Kennedy now is being reviled as a defective pawn of the liberal cause. On July 2, The Daily Beast published an article under the headline, “Anthony Kennedy, You Are a Total Disgrace to America.”

Lefty Radio Host to Steyer: ‘Buy Clear Channel’ and Silence Trump!

June 29th, 2018 10:23 AM
Progressive radio host Thom Hartmann has some advice for impeachment crusader Tom Steyer — buy a radio network. Hartmann wrote on left-wing Salon on June 26, “If liberal billionaires like Tom Steyer want to have a real and lasting impact on American politics, they should think seriously about buying a nationwide radio network.”

Liberal Media's SCOTUS Rationalization: Kennedy Was a Conservative

June 28th, 2018 1:03 PM
The announced retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy has thrown the left even further into angry confusion. Amid all the doomsaying and rending of garments, some in the media are attempting to label Anthony Kennedy as a “traditional conservative.”

Media Outrage Over Justice Kennedy: ‘Get Your Abortions Now’

June 27th, 2018 3:57 PM
The media are very worried about Justice Kennedy leaving for one main reason: abortion. On Wednesday, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement. The media immediately expressed fury that, with a pro-life judge as replacement, Roe v. Wade might be overturned. The 1973 Supreme Court decision legalized abortion on a federal level in the United States. Overturning it would leave…

Salon Publishes Liberal Journalist Field Guide To Trump

June 20th, 2018 2:37 PM
Wednesday, Salon published a blog written by Robert Reich, Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley, and former Secretary of Labor for President Clinton. Originally published on his own website, Reich’s blog served as a field guide for liberal journalists covering the Trump Administration.

Salon Finds Psychiatrist to Diagnose Trump as Insane

June 13th, 2018 5:21 PM
Under the law, President Trump might be innocent until proven guilty, but that has not stopped the left from diagnosing him insane without a proper evaluation. On June 13th, the notoriously liberal news site, Salon, posted an interview with Dr. John Gartner discussing the state of President Trump’s mental health.

Ex-CNN Pundit Reza Aslan: Trump Is 'Enemy of the State'

May 1st, 2018 11:08 AM
Former CNN contributor Reza Aslan is in the media again decrying Donald Trump and his voter base of “radicalized extremists.” One would think that Aslan would tone down his personal brand of anti-Trump rhetoric, considering it got him removed from CNN. But Aslan sees the Trump presidency and its cult-like following as a dire situation for America, one that warrants fierce dissent from the left…

Salon: Only Losers Voted for Trump

March 9th, 2018 4:02 PM
We’ve heard lots of assertions from the media about who Trump voters are: poorly-educated, racist, and authoritarian-leaning. Now Salon is adding to the rich stock of disdaining assumptions. The Trump-voting conservative, says the site, is a washed-up, lonely loser whose disconnect from reality and the rest of society inspired him to spite the democratic process. Might they add he can’t get a…