The Situation Room
They Think You're Stupid: CNN Carries Less Than Half of Virus Briefing
Showing how much they not only hate the American people but think they’re unintelligent, CNN carried less than half of the first episode of the reincarnated White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing, choosing to wait until the question and answer portion to allow viewers to listen to the latest news and thinking of President Trump. All told, they carried 12 minutes and 18 seconds of the…
CNNers Admit They Hate ‘Lazy’ Trump: He’s ‘Failed the American Public’
One of the more intriguing affects that Donald Trump’s presidency (and, prior to that candidacy) has been his ability to have the left and their media allies to say “the quiet part” out loud, discard masks of objectivity, and show little care for the public they serve. Such was the case on Tuesday’s Situation Room as host Wolf Blitzer and assembled guests openly stated their hatred for the “…
Repulsive Liberal Media Spin Trump's Hope Speech into Hate Speech
On Friday night, President Trump began the Fourth of July weekend with a 42-minute speech celebrating American history, our Founding documents, and patriotism at Mount Rushmore. Naturally, CNN and MSNBC chose to declare it “a culture war bonfire,” “a love letter to white supremacy,” “divisive,” and laden with “racist dog whistles.” MRC analysts examined CNN and MSNBC’s Friday and Saturday…
CNN Panel Rages Against Trump's Use of 'Kung Flu' as 'Overtly Racist'
Based on Monday’s edition of The Situation Room, it looks like the liberal media are running out of talking points to use when trashing President Trump. Host Wolf Blitzer and the panel repeatedly trashed the President as a racist and managed to invoke yet another Trump-Nixon comparison.
Mask-Free Acosta Scolds McEnany for Announcing She Won't Wear a Mask
Delivering a report from the White House on Friday’s edition of The Situation Room, CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta scolded White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany for saying that she would not be wearing a mask at President Trump’s campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ironically, as Acosta criticized McEnany, who described the decision to wear a mask as a “personal choice…
Saturday Night Hate: CNN Spews Lies, Compares Cops to North Koreans
CNN’s crusade against police continued Saturday night as protests broke out in Atlanta after the death of Rayshard Brooks 27-year-old African-American man who was intoxicated behind the wheel in a Wendy’s parking lot, resisted arrest, stole an officers taser, and tried to use it before being shot dead in the back. Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer led the mob, allowing falsehoods and…
Blitzer Interviews Fauci for 17 Mins on Virus, But Nothing on Protests
For someone with a long, legendary career in journalism, CNN’s Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer has been no better in the Trump era than fellow Zuckerville citizens Jim Acosta, Chris Cuomo or Don Lemon, offering partisan takes, snarky chyrons, and, omitting key facts or sides to a story. We saw that final point on Friday when he spent 17 minutes and 12 seconds interview the NIH’s Dr.…
CNN's Blitzer, Guests Demand Return to Lockdowns, Ignore Mass Protests
This week, CNN made the pivot from openly encouraging nationwide, social distance-free Black Lives Matter protests to where they had been for months prior, which was shaming anyone who dared to unlock their doors, leave their homes, and attend in-person gatherings (unless it’s a protest, of course). Wednesday’s The Situation Room served an encapsulation with over eight minutes of…
WH Press Beclown Themselves: Close Seating Put Our Lives in ‘Jeopardy’
The White House press corps (and like-minded individuals) made a fool out of themselves on Friday, flipping out over how their lives were “put in jeopardy” by being seated closer than six feet apart for President Trump’s Rose Garden remarks while, on the other hand, eagerly promoting massive, nationwide protests for Black Lives Matter.
CNN Spent Over 90 Minutes Hyping Now-Retracted Coronavirus Study
When Jeffrey Zucker’s CNN settles on a narrative, they flood the zone with employees singing from the same sheet music seeing as how they have a President to hate. Such was the case on May 22 when CNN shows spent 90 minutes and 54 seconds heralding a now-debunked study that originally claimed taking hydroxychloroquine while battling COVID-19 could be fatal. Over on MSNBC, the total clocked out…
CNN RAVES Over Obama’s ‘Confident,’ ‘Hopeful,’ ‘Strong’ Remarks
The pro-Antifa and pro-riot CNN continued to its embarrassing display of affection for liberals and viewing opponents as enemies of the people. Reacting on Wednesday’s Situation Room to Barack Obama’s remarks voicing support for protesters, host Wolf Blitzer tag-teamed with CNN Tonight host Don Lemon and correspondent Abby Phillip to fawn over of Obama’s “confident,” “hopeful…
Very 'Authoritarian': CNN Decries Bolstering White House Defenses
Ahead of a Monday night that would likely see more chaos, looting, and riots on the streets of the nation’s capital, National Guard troops made their way onto White House grounds to bolster Secret Service and local police protecting President Trump. In response to the images coming in, CNN was appalled. Chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta equated it to something you would see in an…
Venomous: Lemon Claims Trump Is ‘Declaring War on Americans’
CNN Tonight host Don Lemon continued to foment division and hatred Monday night for people that disagree with him and CNN, declaring after President Trump’s address to the nation that America’s “teetering on a dictatorship” and “declaring war on Americans.” As if to signal that he’s set on more violence, he warned that Trump’s “playing a very, very dangerous game” as Americans “feel…
MSNBC, CNN Compare Trump to George Wallace
The liberal media appear to have adopted Rahm Emanuel’s saying “never let a good crisis go to waste” as their official slogan; especially when a crisis gives them an opportunity to trash President Trump. On-air personalities on both MSNBC and CNN have used Trump’s tweet announcing his plan of action to handle the unrest and riots in Minneapolis, namely “when the looting starts, the shooting…