The Situation Room
Lemon FLIPS OUT: ‘God’s Honest Truth’ Trump to Blame for Racism
During a guest appearance on CNN’s The Situation Room Thursday evening, CNN Tonight host Don Lemon flipped out and doubled down on comments he made the previous night, blaming President Trump for the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer. Insisting it was the “God’s honest truth,” Lemon decried how the U.S. attorney on the case had said the White House and the…
Blitzer Marvels at Bash’s ‘Excellent,’ Social Distance Biden Interview
Loyal Lackey: CNN’s Bash Goes Soft on Biden, Helps Push Conspiracies
CNN Dismisses Unmasking List as ‘Disgraceful,’ ‘Shameful,’ Politics
Blitzer, Stelter Nail Trump as Racist for Exchange With Weijia Jiang
PANIC! CNN, MSNBC Go Berserk Over ‘Nuts,’ ‘Terrifying’ Flynn Decision
In a Thursday afternoon that felt like a trip back to life before the coronavirus pandemic, CNN and MSNBC were not only apoplectic over the Department of Justice dropping its case against retired General Michael Flynn, but despondent over the “demoralizing,” “destructive,” “nuts,” and “terrifying” “injustice” that signaled “the collapse of the Justice Department” and “the rule of law.”
Nets Give Pence Not Wearing Mask 3x More Coverage Than Biden Scandal
CNN Attacks Birx for Not Trashing Kemp, Trump for ‘Gaslighting’
Try as they might to memory hole their disdain on Thursday for the Trump administration’s reopening guidelines, CNN rallied around them on Tuesday after leaving the White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing in order to spend over 12 minutes engaging in their usual bomb-throwing, partisan gibberish. With Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer at the helm, panelists attacked Dr. Deborah Birx for not…
Acosta, Blitzer TRASH Americans Weary of Lockdowns, Cover for Lefties
Liberal media elites sure don’t seem to have a problem with life-crippling stay-at-home orders stretching through 2020 into 2021 and 2022, do they? On Friday’s Situation Room, CNN host Wolf Blitzer and chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta griped about how President Trump would not only acknowledge the mental toll that they’ve taken on the American people, but not denouncing those voicing…