Michael Sam: If I Had Never Come Out, I’d Still be in the NFL

May 6th, 2016 10:58 PM
Michael Sam believes that the fact that he came out as gay, played a “huge part” in why he is no longer in the NFL.

Not a Shock: ESPN Hires Left-Wing, Hillary-Supporting Analyst

May 5th, 2016 8:51 PM
In what might go down as the most redundant and superfluous hire in the history of redundant and superfluous hires, a network already dominated and run by leftist, LGBT activists hired…wait for it…a leftist, LGBT activist.

Jenner SI Cover, Wearing U.S. Flag, Gold Medal, Nothing Else

May 5th, 2016 9:09 AM
If you ever wondered why Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban all believe that they can collectively, or individually, kick our butt…this might explain it.

ESPN Pulls Curt Schilling ‘Bloody Sock’ Game From ’30 for 30'

May 2nd, 2016 6:56 PM
Apparently, being fired by ESPN means not only are you erased from the employee rolls at Bristol, but you are also erased from history!

NFL Draft Watcher? Johnny Manziel Is Your Fault, Says NYT Front Page

April 26th, 2016 4:40 PM
The NFL draft has become must-see-TV for a lot of people, and New York Times pro football writer John Branch does not approve. In fact, he implies that excessive public focus may have ruined Heisman Trophy winning quarterback Johnny Manziel's NFL career and life. Branch gained valuable space on the front of Monday’s New York Times with "In Manziel, a Draft Machine’s Human Cost.” Branch excoriated…

Liberal Sports Media Revel in Curt Schilling's Firing from ESPN

April 21st, 2016 1:34 PM
The sports media continued their postgame celebrations on Thursday, after ESPN’s firing of Curt Schilling. A firing that so many members of the liberal sports media openly, and privately, rooted for.

ESPN Fires Curt Schilling for ‘Unacceptable’ Free Speech

April 21st, 2016 4:52 AM
Curt Schilling was fired by ESPN on Wednesday, for expressing an opinion online earlier in the week which just happens to be the view held by the vast majority of the American people. Earlier this week, Schilling posted a picture of a transgender person, and made a comment regarding the effort to let transgender men use women’s restrooms.

ESPN’s Bomani Jones ‘Caucasian’ Stunt Falls Flat

April 11th, 2016 11:01 PM
ESPN’s Bomani Jones really wants you to know that his T-shirt is clean, and powerful. Bomani Jones wore a ‘Caucasians’ t-shirt after his appearance on Mike & Mike last week. A shirt basically identical to a Cleveland Indians shirt, complete with Chief Wahoo, except it says, ‘Caucasians’ and has a dollar sign in place of a feather.

ESPN Cries ‘Invasion’ After Cuba Broadcast Is Halted by Dissidents

March 24th, 2016 1:27 AM
Bob Ley, ESPN's longest-serving commentator, was in Cuba yesterday after the Tampa Bay Rays defeated the island nation's national team 4-1 in an exhibition baseball game. Shortly after the conclusion of that game, ESPN had Ley report from a rather nice-looking streetscape in Havana (not your typical avenue in the workers' paradise). As he did, a demonstrator interrupted him. ESPN, acting as if…

ESPN Host: ‘ESPN Heads Toward Communism Like Another Cruise Port’

March 21st, 2016 11:30 PM
ESPN has had a hoot playing the role of sports Pravda during Barack Obama’s trip to Cuba.

ESPN: Castro Did Bad Stuff But Boxing, Baseball Programs Totes Amazing

March 20th, 2016 8:48 PM
Sure, he was a murdering dictator who imprisoned any and all who opposed him and suppressed any dissent through brutal repression. But man, could he appreciate a great curve ball.

Pro Football Talk: ‘Anti-Gay Law Could Cost Atlanta a Super Bowl'

March 19th, 2016 1:38 PM
The award for objectivity in headlines this year will most certainly not be going to Pro Football Talk.

Curt Schilling FEC Employer Filing: 'ESPN (Not Sure How Much Longer)'

March 19th, 2016 1:14 PM
As an ESPN MLB analyst, and perhaps one of two (maybe?) outspoken and openly conservative on-air employees at the Bristol-based giant, Schilling took a humorous outlook on the fragility of his employment at ESPN in a recently released FEC filing.

ESPN’s Mike Ditka Pulled After Calling Obama ‘Worst President’

March 9th, 2016 10:31 PM
Not so much as a week has gone by since ESPN’s Mike Ditka offered the opinion (correctly) that Barack Obama is ‘the worst President we’ve ever had.’ And apparently, less than a week is all it took for ESPN to decide to pull ‘Da Coach’ from the network’s premier Sunday pregame show ‘Sunday NFL Countdown.’