ABC, NBC Ignore Judge’s Ruling for Judicial Watch Against Hillary
March 29th, 2016 9:15 PM
One day after the networks failed to acknowledge to big developments on Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News similarly punted Tuesday evening on a federal judge’s ruling that granted the group Judicial Watch discovery powers in the lawsuit concerning the response of Hillary Clinton’s State Department to the deadly 2012 Benghazi terror attack. The top…
2 cadenas en español destacan acusaciones sin fundamento contra Cruz
March 29th, 2016 5:07 PM
En los últimos días tanto Univisión como Telemundo dieron prioridad a acusaciones sin fundamento publicadas en National Enquirer de que el senador Ted Cruz le habría sido infiel a su esposa. Su rival Azteca América, por el contrario, cubrió muy escuetamente este nuevo golpe bajo en la campaña presidencial.
Unsubstantiated Cruz Allegations Featured on Spanish Nets
March 28th, 2016 8:30 PM
Over the past few days, both Univision and Telemundo have played up unsubstantiated allegations published in National Enquirer that Senator Ted Cruz was unfaithful to his wife. Rival Azteca America, in contrast, has only given passing coverage to the latest new low in the presidential campaign.
Hannity destruye paso a paso la credibilidad de Jorge Ramos
March 28th, 2016 1:27 PM
Si se le oye contar el cuento a Jorge Ramos, parecería que desde que inició su campaña por la presidencia en junio del 2015 Donald Trump no ha hecho otra cosa que condenar constantemente en general a los inmigrantes mexicanos que entran ilegalmente a Estados Unidos como “criminales, violadores y traficantes de drogas”.
Hannity Chips Away at Credibility of Jorge Ramos
March 24th, 2016 9:29 PM
To hear Jorge Ramos tell it, since launching his candidacy for President back in June 2015, Donald Trump has done nothing but issue a blanket condemnation of unauthorized Mexican immigrants to the U.S. as “criminals, rapists and drug traffickers.Ramos’ chronic misrepresentations and mischaracterizations of what the Republican presidential frontrunner has said on the subject was disected during a…
Univisión encubre realidad de las "ciudades santuario"
March 24th, 2016 9:47 AM
Otra ciudad importante estadounidense ha promulgado una política de “ciudad santuario”, y allí estuvo Univisión para celebrarlo, ofreciendo una preocupante imagen mal informada e inexacta de la realidad de esos "santuarios" urbanos en Estados Unidos.
More Sanctuary City Cover-Up on Univision
March 24th, 2016 9:45 AM
Another major U.S. city has enacted sanctuary city policy and sure enough, Univision was there to celebrate, with a disturbingly uninformed and inaccurate picture of the reality of sanctuary cities in America.
¡Sorpresa! Un informe con partidarios hispanos de Trump en Telemundo
March 23rd, 2016 5:24 PM
Después de meses y meses de un desfile de expertos anti-Trump en el programa dominical de Telemundo, sucedió algo muy fuera de lo común en la edición de Enfoque del 20 de marzo.
Univisión urgió a hijas Obama a fumar tabacos, tomar mojitos en Cuba
March 23rd, 2016 2:49 PM
Univisión promueve propaganda del régimen castrista mediante listículo de marketing digital.
Surprise! An Entire Segment with Latino Trump Supporters, on Telemundo
March 23rd, 2016 9:15 AM
After months and months of anti-Trump pundits parading on Telemundo’s Sunday show, something quite out of the ordinary happened on the March 20 edition of Enfoque.
Presentadora de Univisión en "pie de guerra" contra Donald Trump
March 22nd, 2016 4:40 PM
María Elena Salinas nos trae retórica belicosa y CNN recalienta una narrativa del pasado.
Breaking: Jay-Z And Beyoncé Recommended Havana 'Paladar' To Obamas
March 21st, 2016 3:22 PM
Univision is now at the intersection of celebrity and political news.
Obama Daughters Urged To Smoke Cigars, Drink Mojitos by Univision
March 21st, 2016 11:55 AM
Univision pushes Castro regime propaganda as listicle clickbait.
New Cartoon Series Featuring Presidential Candidates
March 19th, 2016 12:24 PM
What do you get when you mix the movie Armageddon with this year's presidential campaign and add a large dollop of humor? Answer: Heads of Space. You might have caught the promo for it during the Univision debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders earlier this month. The voices of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are provided by Eric Harthen who was featured last year here in Newsbusters…