Univision Favors Gay Agenda Over Religious Freedom
April 8th, 2016 10:33 AM
In a slanted piece covering the Mississippi law allowing businesses to protect their religious beliefs, Univision gave the gay rights movement deferential preference, and showed religious freedom the hand.
English, Spanish Nets Yawn at Report VA Is Still Fudging Wait Times
April 7th, 2016 11:26 PM
On Thursday evening, the major English and Spanish broadcast networks failed to cover an explosive, new investigation released early Thursday afternoon by USA Today revealing that Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals in seven states have been falsifying wait times, marking yet another piece in the multi-year VA scandal.
Solo Telemundo informó sobre recién fraude de visas, cruce de frontera
April 7th, 2016 5:42 PM
Telemundo fue la única cadena de televisión que informó sobre una operación federal encubierta contra el fraude de visas de estudiante por una banda criminal así como sobre una acción de la Patrulla Fronteriza que impidió a 102 inmigrantes cruzar el Río Grande para entrar ilegalmente a Estados Unidos.
Latest Mass Visa Fraud, Border Interdiction Only Covered By Telemundo
April 6th, 2016 8:49 PM
Telemundo was the only major television network to cover a federal sting operation against student visa racketeering, along with a Border Patrol effort that prevented 102 undocumented immigrants from crossing the Río Grande.
Etiquetan "racista" y "antiinmigrante" a Ley de Sentencia de Arizona
April 6th, 2016 2:04 PM
Si se oyera el cuento a través de Univisión o Telemundo, podría pensarse que la Ley HB 2451 en Arizona promulgada recientemente por el gobernador Doug Ducey está llena de odio y es totalmente "antiinmigrante". Una vez más, la realidad es muy diferente.
Univision Shows Favoritism to Higher Minimum Wage
April 5th, 2016 3:13 PM
In a television piece by Jaime Garcia, only commentary in favor of the newly approved state mandated wage hikes were given airtime. Predictably, union leaders, Democrat party lawmakers, leaders of progressive non-profits and the law’s advocates were showcased in the segment. Apparently, Garcia could not find one person in opposition to the law.
Arizona Sentencing Law Gets ‘Racist, Anti-Immigrant’ Billing
April 5th, 2016 9:00 AM
If you heard it through Univision or Telemundo, you’d think that Arizona House Bill 2451, recently signed into law by Governor Doug Ducey, was an entirely unjustified, hate-filled ‘anti-immigrant’ measure. Once again, the reality is quite different.
More Bad News for Hillary Blacked Out on Spanish Nets
April 4th, 2016 4:23 PM
A federal judge’s latest adverse ruling against Hillary Clinton, along with the Democratic candidate’s most recent temper-tantrum on the campaign trail, went entirely uncovered on the nation’s top two Spanish-language television news programs.
Univisión da rara cobertura positiva a acción contra criminales
April 4th, 2016 1:48 PM
Los televidentes de Univisión, acostumbrados a ver noche tras noche en el segmento de noticias nacionales informes hostiles a la acción policial, recibieron un merecido descanso de esa rutina la semana pasada.
Law Enforcement Receives Rare Positive Coverage on Univision
March 31st, 2016 7:24 PM
Viewers of Univision, long accustomed to seeing anti-law enforcement stories night after night on the network’s national evening news, received a welcome break from the routine this week.
Univisión informa sobre amenazas contra una partidaria pro-Trump
March 31st, 2016 2:22 PM
La propietaria de un restaurante mexicano en Arizona que en un acto reciente de campaña sostenía un cartel que decía "Latinos Apoyan D. Trump" ha recibido un aluvión de amenazas de matarla y quemar y bombardear su negocio por parte de los opositores a Trump. Pero ante el odio y las amenazas violentas la comunidad local se ha unido en apoyo al restaurante, cuyas ventas ahora están mejor que nunca.
Univisión quiere que "El Quemazón" se sienta con ritmo musical
March 31st, 2016 2:00 PM
Un grupo musical norteño de California ha grabado un "corrido" mexicano con el título "El Quemazón". En su esfuerzo abierto de llamar la atención de más hispanos para que sientan la "quemazón" de Bernie Sanders, Univisión decidió darle a este tributo musical una nota positiva.
Threats Against Trump Fan, and Response, Gets Univision's Attention
March 30th, 2016 7:21 PM
A Mexican restaurant owner in Arizona who held a “Latinos Support D. Trump” sign at a recent campaign rally has received a barrage of threats, by Trump opponents, to kill her, burn and bomb her business. But in the face of the hate and vicious threats, the local community has rallied in support of the restaurant, where business is better than ever.
Univision Wants You To Rhythmically 'Feel The Bern'
March 30th, 2016 12:30 PM
A norteño band from California has recorded a Mexican folk song, known as a “corrido” titled “El Quemazón” which translates to “The Burn.” In an obvious effort to support the attempt to sway more Hispanic voters into “Feeling The Bern”, Univision decided to give the musical tribute entirely positive play.