Coming Unglued: María Elena Salinas’ Thermonuclear Defense Of Ramos

August 30th, 2015 10:40 AM
Jorge Ramos' longtime co-anchor shot all the way in on the Jorge Ramos trollfest, and her editorial column really has to be seen to be believed. Here it is full text in all its glory (link to Spanish-language original here)

No. Jorge Ramos NO representa a todos los hispanos

August 29th, 2015 1:54 PM
Cuando Jorge Ramos irrumpió en la conferencia de prensa de Donald Trump en Iowa, lo hizo con el claro intento de incitar a una confrontación. Su misma colega María Elena Salinas admitió que la misión de Ramos era de “cuestionar, denunciar, y exponer.”

No, Jorge Ramos Does Not Represent All Hispanics

August 28th, 2015 11:44 AM
When Jorge Ramos trolled Donald Trump’s press conference in Iowa, he clearly did so with the intent to initiate a confrontation. By his own co-anchor María Elena Salinas’ admission, Ramos was there to “question, denounce, and expose”. His acts were not of journalism, but of agenda activism. The undisputed fact is that Jorge Ramos ASKED NO QUESTIONS when he addressed Trump, launching instead into…

Networks Tout Hillary's 'Tough Talk' Calling GOPers ‘Terrorists’

August 27th, 2015 11:07 PM
While it may be a shock that the major broadcast networks on Thursday night reported that Hillary Clinton compared Republicans to “terrorists” on women’s health, it was far from a surprise that ABC and NBC openly cheered her for “coming out swinging” “on the offensive” with some “tough talk.” In addition, ABC, CBS, and NBC all refused to denounce Clinton’s comparison even though they chastised…

El martirio artificial de Jorge Ramos

August 27th, 2015 2:16 PM
La confrontación surreal acaecida entre el presentador de Univisión Jorge Ramos y el precandidato presidencial por el Partido Republicano, Donald Trump, fue el mejor ejemplo posible de lo que ocurre cuando intersecan el periodismo, las agendas, el activismo político, y los intereses comerciales. 

Brent Bozell arremete contra activismo político izquierdista de Ramos

August 26th, 2015 3:06 PM
Reston, Virginia - Brent Bozell, presidente del Centro de Investigación Mediática (MRC, por sus siglas en inglés) y el director de MRC Latino, Ken Oliver Méndez emitieron las siguientes declaraciones, tras el reciente craso abandono de los estándares y protocolos periodísticos por parte del presentador Jorge Ramos, de Univisión y Fusión.

Jorge Ramos Is Leftist Political Heckler, Not a Reporter

August 26th, 2015 2:52 PM
Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell and MRC Latino Director Ken Oliver-Mendez issued the following statements in the wake of Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos’ crass abandonment last night of professional journalism standards and protocol.

The Stage-Crafted Martyrdom of Jorge Ramos

August 26th, 2015 2:23 PM
Tuesday night’s surreal exchange between Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos and GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump was the greatest single example of what happens at the intersection of journalism, agenda advocacy, political partisanship, and special business interests. 

NBC: Jorge Ramos ‘The Walter Cronkite of Latino America’

August 26th, 2015 12:28 PM
At the top of Wednesday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer described how Univision anchor Jorge Ramos was “kicked out of a Donald Trump news conference” on Tuesday and wondered: “Can Trump’s confrontational style carry him all the way to the White House or will it wear thin with voters?” Peter Alexander proclaimed: “To be clear, Jorge Ramos is the most powerful newsman in Spanish-language TV. He's…

ABC’s Nightline Jumps on Ramos' Bandwagon in Battle with Trump

August 26th, 2015 2:54 AM
In the first major network news program since 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump sparred with liberal Fusion/Univision anchor Jorge Ramos at a press conference on the subject of illegal immigration, ABC’s Nightline was there to circle the wagons for their Disney partner and “America’s best known Latino anchorman.”

Trump Clashes with Ramos on Illegals; Ramos Gets Tossed from Presser

August 25th, 2015 11:44 PM
In the epic multi-part battle on Tuesday night that social media and every cable news outlet were talking about, 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump sparred with Fusion/Univision anchor Jorge Ramos over illegal immigration with Ramos being removed then allowed back into a press conference prior to a campaign rally in Iowa.

CBS, NBC Ignore Report Japanese Amb. Kennedy Used Private E-Mail

August 25th, 2015 10:19 PM
On Tuesday night, CBS and NBC teamed with Spanish-language networks Telemundo and Univision to hide from their viewers news that U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy has been using a private e-mail server to conduct government business and send sensitive material. Surprisingly, ABC’s World News Tonight stepped up to the plate with a scant 50-second report on this new e-mail scandal by chief…

¿Pura celebración? La cobertura de Univision al matrimonio gay

August 24th, 2015 9:46 PM
La primera boda gay masiva ha puesto a todo el mundo de fiesta en Puerto Rico. O al menos esta es la conclusión a la que llegaría cualquiera que confíe y dependa de Univisión para recibir un servicio noticioso preciso.

NBC Oozes: Biden Rumors Have ‘Electrified the Political World’

August 24th, 2015 9:38 PM
NBC Nightly News continued on Monday to sing the accolades of Vice President Joe Biden amid rumors of a possible 2016 presidential run, declaring that he’s “electrified the political world” as he met with “liberal icon Elizabeth Warren,” while ABC’s World News Tonight ignored declared candidate Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal. NBC's Peter Alexander began his report by gushing: “Talk about a full…