El ascenso del socialismo entre demócratas es debatido en Univision
September 14th, 2015 4:09 PM
El ascenso de fuerzas de “extrema izquierda” dentro del Partido Demócrata, que encarna la candidatura del senador socialista, Bernardo Sanders, surgió como sorpresivo motivo de preocupación compartido por panelistas republicanos y demócratas durante el programa de actualidad política de Univisión, Al Punto.
Univision’s Jorge Ramos Fails To Live Up To His Own Rhetoric
September 10th, 2015 1:35 PM
The aftermath of Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos’ expulsion from (and prompt return to) Donald Trump’s Iowa press conference played out exactly as I predicted. Aided and abetted by his mainstream media comrades, Ramos has sought to cast himself as a brave resistor to injustice á la Rosa Parks, and his post-Trump defenses seek to portray him as a tough truth-teller willing to stand up to…
Informe de Univision compara a Trump con populistas latinoamericanos
September 8th, 2015 10:04 PM
En un evidente intento de facilitar un mejor entendimiento de su teleaudiencia a la popularidad de Donald Trump entre el electorado estadounidense, el principal noticiero vespertino de Univisión consultó a dos académicos de tendencia izquierdista, radicados en Washington, que compararon a Trump con líderes populistas de Latinoamérica, quienes también recientemente han apelado al amplio…
Univision Report Compares Trump to Latin American Populist
September 8th, 2015 2:21 PM
In an evident attempt to help their viewers get a handle on the popularity of Donald Trump among the U.S. electorate, Univision’s principal evening newscast recently consulted two left-leaning, Washington-based academics who compared Trump to outsider, populist leaders in Latin America who have also recently successfully appealed to widespread voter dissatisfaction with politics as usual,…
CBS Skips Hillary Staffer Taking the 5th; ABC Asks If She’ll 'Survive'
September 3rd, 2015 9:53 PM
The CBS Evening News bid farewell on Thursday to Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal as the newscast, unlike ABC and NBC, dodged news that longtime Clinton aide Cheryl Mills testified before the House Select Committee on Benghazi plus word late Wednesday night that a former staffer who helped set up her private e-mail server would invoke his Fifth Amendment by not testifying before Congress.
Demócratas reciben el 87% de los donativos políticos de Univision
September 3rd, 2015 3:42 PM
Los hechos son más convincentes que las palabras. Tal como Jorge Ramos está perdiendo el debate sobre su equilibrio como periodista, las donaciones del comité de acción política (PAC por sus siglas en inglés) de la cadena, confirman que Univisión tiene el mismo problema.
O'Reilly, Ramos Duel on Kate's Law, Ramos' Tilt; 'You're an Advocate'
September 3rd, 2015 7:31 AM
In a heated yet entertaining battle of the minds, the Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly faced off on Wednesday night against Fusion/Univision anchor Jorge Ramos for a seven-minute-plus bout over the proposed Kate’s Law, illegal immigration, and Ramos’ decidedly liberal tilt toward advocacy that had O’Reilly telling Ramos that “you’re not a newsman anymore.”
Nets Cheer ‘Unstoppable’ Iran Deal Amid Public Opposition; ‘Done Deal'
September 2nd, 2015 10:11 PM
On the heels of President Obama and Senate Democrats achieving the minimum threshold on Wednesday to preserve the Iran nuclear deal, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC applauded during their evening newscasts the “unstoppable” “done deal” that had Secretary of State John Kerry taking “a victory lap.”
Democrats Receive 87% of Univision's Political Donations
September 2nd, 2015 1:55 PM
Actions speak louder than words. Just like Jorge Ramos is currently losing the argument that he’s a fair journalist, his network’s PAC donations are confirming Univision has the exact same problem.
Though Univision Communications, Inc. -- Univision’s PAC -- talks about Latino voters as if it were nonpartisan, 87 percent of its political donations have gone directly to Democratic candidates. The…
Nothing to See, Move Along: ABC Waves Goodbye to New Hillary E-Mails
September 1st, 2015 11:54 PM
Deeming it not pertinent for their viewership, ABC’s World News Tonight refused to cover on Tuesday night the latest round of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails released by the State Department despite having briefly reported on them on Monday hours before they were actually released. Joining ABC in their zero coverage of Clinton was Spanish-language network Telemundo (which also failed to mention the…
Trump Still Rules Spanish-Language Political Talkers
September 1st, 2015 5:54 PM
The nation’s two top Spanish-language public affairs shows led once again this week with coverage of Donald Trump’s campaign, with many interesting takeaways and conclusion from both programs. At this point, Univision is about to transform into The Trump Channel, so prevalent is its coverage of Trumpmania.
Nets: Hillary E-Mails Are ‘Bedeviling’; Batch Might Cause 'Headaches'
August 31st, 2015 9:37 PM
On Monday night, all three of the major broadcast networks covered the impending release of more e-mails from Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server, but largely kept their coverage to a minimum before moving onto dissecting the latest 2016 polls on the Republican and Democratic sides. All told, the networks spent one minute and 42 seconds on Clinton’s e-mails and news that 150 of them have been…
Notable Quotables: TV 'News' Anchor Berates Trump Over Immigration
August 31st, 2015 9:11 AM
This week, Univision "news" anchor Jorge Ramos uses a press conference to berate Donald Trump on his immigration plan: "It's full of empty promises. You cannot deport 11 million undocumented immigrants....[A border wall is] a completely unnecessary waste of time and money and resources." At the same time, CNN finds "fun" in Hillary Clinton's dismissive approach to the growing scandal about her…
María Elena Salinas despotrica en defensa de Jorge Ramos
August 30th, 2015 4:20 PM
La copresentadora de Jorge Ramos entró con todas las ganas a la reyerta mediática entre él y Donald Trump, y su columna editorial es verdaderamente algo insólito. Aquí hay un enlace a la columna completa, pero dejemos a un lado, por el momento, la floridez y verbosidad del despotrique de Salinas. Hay varias cosas dentro de la columna a las cuales quiero llamar su atención: