Bozell: All Candidates Should Boycott Univision/Washington Post Forum

June 30th, 2015 8:53 AM
Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued the following statement calling for all Presidential candidates to skip the Univision/Washington Post (WaPo)-sponsored forum.

Arrecia conflicto entre Univisión y Trump

June 28th, 2015 1:32 PM
La escalada del conflicto entre Donald Trump y Univisión nos brinda un valioso vistazo respecto a como la cadena elabora narrativas convenientes a través de sus diferentes divisiones. En este caso particular, es una versión de alto perfil de algo que ya hemos visto antes.

Trump Vs. Univision

June 28th, 2015 10:40 AM
The ever-escalating war between Donald Trump and Univision gives us a valuable glimpse at how the network advances convenient narratives throughout its various divisions. This particular instance is a higher-profile version of something we’ve seen before.

Tormenta de fuego aumenta con palabras chocantes de Trump

June 28th, 2015 10:30 AM
El precandidato presidencial Donald Trump lo podemos comparar con el tipo que sale con una latina: la adora con elogios solo con terminar la noche diciéndole que él opina que su hermano menor es un vago drogadicto.

La otra amnistía publicitada en Univisión

June 27th, 2015 10:05 AM
Increíble: amnistía en recompensa por inmigrar ilegalmente no es la única transgresión promovida en la programación noticiosa de Univisión. Recientemente,  la mayor cadena hispanoparlante brindó cobertura favorable a otra amnistía, esta vez para perdonar multas a los conductores que tienen sus licencias suspendidas en California debido a violaciones de tráfico sin pagar.  

Firestorm Escalates Over Trump’s Tough Talk

June 25th, 2015 7:33 PM
Presidential candidate Donald Trump is like the guy who takes out a Latin woman, showers her with compliments, and then calls her younger brother a pothead loser.

Cómo examina Univision la crisis inmigratoria de Obama

June 25th, 2015 5:45 PM
Si se quiere tener una idea mejor de dónde viene la parcialidad izquierdista de Univisión, solo basta echar un vistazo a los patrocinadores detrás de la programación de la cadena. Esto se hizo evidente, una vez más, durante el programa “Alivio Migratorio en Crisis”,  el cual exploró el dilema en que se encuentran las acciones ejecutivas del presidente Obama y sus beneficiarios por la Acción…

Obama Immigration Crisis Examined on Univision

June 25th, 2015 4:15 PM
If you want to get a better idea of where Univision’s liberal bias comes from, just take a look at some of the sponsors behind the network’s programming. This became apparent once again during Univision’s recent televised “town-hall” meeting aimed at examining the predicament both President Obama’s executive immigration actions and the targeted beneficiaries of those actions currently find…

New Benefits for California Undocumented Widely Praised

June 24th, 2015 10:08 PM
The recent agreement between the California state legislature and Governor Jerry Brown to open the state’s public healthcare program to children who are in the United States illegally received widespread praise on the principal national newscasts of Univision, Telemundo and MundoFox.

Nets Barely Acknowledge Jindal’s Entrance into 2016 Presidential Field

June 24th, 2015 8:58 PM
While Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal became the 13th Republican on Wednesday to join the 2016 Republican presidential field, the top English and Spanish-language network evening newscasts all but dodged Jindal’s decision by providing a total of 54 seconds across English networks ABC, CBS, and NBC. As for the Spanish-language networks, MundoFox and Telemundo ignored Jindal’s announcement…

Nuevo beneficio para indocumentados en California es celebrado

June 24th, 2015 8:10 PM
El reciente acuerdo entre la legislatura y el gobernador Jerry Brown (D) de California, para ofrecer acceso al sistema estatal de salud pública a los infantes que se encuentran ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos, fue celebrado ampliamente en los principales noticieros nacionales de Univisión, Telemundo y MundoFox.

Clintons’ Confederate Flag History Highlighted on Univision

June 24th, 2015 2:31 PM
Unlike CBS, NBC and ABC evening news, in its coverage of the latest Confederate flag controversy Univision, the nation’s top Spanish-language network, has pointed out Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s checkered past in relation to the rebel emblem.

El historial de los Clintons con la bandera confederada en Univisión

June 24th, 2015 2:31 PM
A diferencia de los noticieros nacionales estelares de CBS, NBC y ABC, la cobertura de la controversia sobre la bandera confederada en Univisión, el mayor canal de habla española, destacó la inconsistencia de la candidata presidencial demócrata Hillary Clinton en relación con el emblema rebelde.

Anti-Rubio Protesters Get Top Billing on Univision, MundoFox

June 23rd, 2015 4:22 PM
If one thing can be counted on since Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) announced his presidential campaign, it’s that the nation’s top Spanish-language networks will give more coverage to the pro-amnesty protesters stalking the Senator’s campaign and interrupting his speeches than to the substance of what is happening and what Rubio is actually saying at those events.