
Manifestantes anti-Rubio publicitados por Univisión y MundoFox

June 23rd, 2015 4:15 PM
Si el algo puede darse por sentado desde que el senador Marco Rubio (R-FL) anunció su candidatura presidencial, es que la mayores cadenas de habla hispana dedicarán más tiempo en el aire a manifestantes pro-amnistía, acosando a Rubio e interrumpiendo sus discursos, que al contenido noticioso de lo que está sucediendo y a lo que Senador está diciendo en estos eventos.

Nets Again Skip E-Mails Showing Gruber’s Deeper WH Role on ObamaCare

June 23rd, 2015 12:23 AM
The top English and Spanish-language broadcast networks again ignored on Monday night a new development in the Jonathan Gruber saga as new e-mails have surfaced that revealed how his role with the White House on ObamaCare was more detailed than previously thought. As initially reported by The Wall Street Journal, e-mails “show frequent consultations between Mr. Gruber and top Obama administration…

Papal Encyclical’s Injunctions on Abortion, Gender Censored

June 21st, 2015 2:31 PM
While the climate change content in Pope Francis’s new encyclical has been heavily covered by Univision, Telemundo and MundoFox, other core teachings in the encyclical, on such bedrock issues as abortion and gender, continue to be entirely ignored by these networks.

Mandatos sobre aborto y género en la encíclica papal son omitidos

June 21st, 2015 2:30 PM
Mientras los contenidos sobre cambio climático de la nueva encíclica del papa Francisco  han sido ampliamente reseñados por Univisión, Telemundo y MundoFox, otras enseñanzas claves del documento papal sobre el aborto y género han sido completamente ignoradas por estas cadenas.

La campaña Clinton estrecha vínculos con Univisión

June 21st, 2015 12:48 PM
Como si ya no fueran demasiado estrechos los vínculos entre la campaña presidencial de Hillary Clinton y Univisión, la cadena hispanoparlante de mayor audiencia, el conductor principal de Univisión y Fusión, Jorge Ramos, anunció que su hija Paola se incorpora a la Campaña Clinton.

Clinton Campaign Tightens Ties to Univision, Hires Anchor's Daughter

June 20th, 2015 8:18 PM
As if the ties between the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and Univision, the nation's most widely-viewed Spanish-language television network, weren't close enough, along comes Univision and Fusion star anchor Jorge Ramos announcing that his daughter, Paola, is now becoming a Hillary Clinton campaign aide.

Health Coverage for Undocumented Gets Thumbs Up on Univision

June 18th, 2015 6:10 PM
The California legislature’s approval of a bill that enables undocumented children to obtain health insurance from the state’s Health Benefit Exchange was cause for celebration during a recent Univision morning show segment. In addition to covering minors, unauthorized immigrants 19 years of age or older are also slated to become eligible for enrollment upon determination by the state that “…

Cobertura médica a indocumentados recibe apoyo en Univisión

June 18th, 2015 6:05 PM
Univisión celebró la legislación en el estado de California que permite a los niños indocumentados recibir cobertura médica, a través del Health Benefit Exchange. Además de asegurar a miles de menores, inmigrantes mayores de edad—sin estatus legal—podrían acceder a ese beneficio si el estado “dispone de suficientes fondos.”

Trump bajo fuego por las cadenas de habla hispana

June 18th, 2015 5:14 PM
Los comentarios de Donald Trump sobre México y la calidad de los inmigrantes ilegales que actualmente vienen a los Estados Unidos de ese país, que el magnate estadounidense realizó durante el discurso de lanzamiento de su candidatura presidencial, le han provocado una lluvia de críticas en los principales medios de habla hispana a nivel nacional. 

Trump Takes a Beating on Spanish Nets

June 18th, 2015 5:11 PM
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign announcement comments about Mexico and the quality of the current inflow of unauthorized Mexican immigrants to the U.S. have caused a firestorm in national Spanish-language media.  Hasta ahora, Telemundo ha empleado más tiempo reaccionado a las declaraciones de Trump, y por su parte Rolando Nichols de MundoFox, las tomó a nivel personal.

Univision Delivers One-Sided Slam Against Border Patrol

June 17th, 2015 3:53 PM
In keeping with its long record of anti-law enforcement news coverage, the nation’s largest Spanish-language network, Univision, failed to include the United States Border Patrol’s perspective about the findings of a new internal agency investigation that exonerated 64 of 67 Border Patrol agents involved in shooting incidents while in the line of duty between 2010 and 2012. Instead, the report on…

Univisión contra la Patrulla Fronteriza

June 17th, 2015 3:45 PM
Como parte de su largo historial de campaña mediática contra el cumplimiento de la ley, Univisión ignoró la perspectiva de la Patrulla Fronteriza de los Estados Unidos, sobre los resultados de una nueva investigación interna de la agencia. La agencia exoneró 64 de 67 agentes envueltos en incidentes con disparos, durante el cumplimiento del deber entre 2010 y 2012.

Nets Skip Report Feds Unable to Verify $2.8B in ObamaCare Subsidies

June 16th, 2015 9:13 PM
The top English and Spanish networks refused on Tuesday evening to cover the findings of a federal audit report from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) that concluded that just under $3 billion in ObamaCare subsidies have been unable to be properly verified that, according to the audit, puts taxpayer funding “at risk.” While the broadcast networks…

Hillary Speech Hyped on Univision, Telemundo Includes Critics

June 15th, 2015 10:28 PM
The opening rally of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign was the subject of fawning coverage on the nation’s top Spanish-language network, Univision, which failed to include a single critical voice in its report on Clinton’s speech at the rally and celebrated the participation in the event of activist Andrea González, a non-citizen who was the only person other than Clinton to address the…