
DISGRACEFUL: Univision Dismisses Border Crisis as ‘Alleged’

March 9th, 2021 5:42 PM

After years of hammering the Trump Administration on anything related to immigration, Univision reverses course and soils themselves in a disgraceful report on the burgeoning crisis at the border- the TV equivalent of the old “Republicans Pounce.”

HYPOCRISY: Univision News President Retweets Homophobic Image

March 8th, 2021 10:17 AM

The president of Univision News, the network most responsible for ramming a woke agenda down the throats of Hispanic Americans, recently ran afoul of that woke agenda- by retweeting an image that would get anyone else accused of homophobia.


Jorge Ramos Propagandizes: ‘Biden Is CONCERNED’ About Migrants

March 8th, 2021 9:57 AM

In a radical but not unexpected shift, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos tries to frame a story on the burgeoning crisis at the border by explaining to viewers that President Joe Biden is concerned about migrants.


FLASHBACK: Spanish Nets Hyped Immigration at Biden Inaugural

March 5th, 2021 11:31 AM

It only took the Biden Administration six weeks to plunge America into another border crisis, but they didn’t do it by themselves. Spanish-language media had a huge role to play in this crisis by hyping the coming changes to immigration policy, particularly during their coverage of the Biden inauguration.


Mrs. Chapo’s Lawyer to Univision Anchor: ‘YOU’RE AN IDIOT’

March 2nd, 2021 5:12 PM

On Tuesday morning, nine and a half minutes of incessant baiting led to this moment on Univision's Despierta América. The attorney for Emma Coronel (AKA Mrs. Chapo) tore into Univision's morning news anchor, calling her an idiot for sanctimoniously suggesting that he is somehow linked to the Sinaloa Cartel.


Sesgo en Univisión por los centros de detención de Biden

March 1st, 2021 11:25 AM

Las viejas mañas perduran en Univisión; a la práctica común de silenciar lo que consideran información dañina para sus audiencias, sobre todo cuando es acerca de la inmigración, la cadena hispanoparlante agregó sus habituales diatribas anti-Trump para ofrecer una nota sesgada de lo que antes llamaban "campamentos de carpa" ilegales bajo Trump, ahora que Biden vuelve a abrir las instalaciones…


Univision SPINS for Biden's Detention Centers

February 27th, 2021 10:35 AM

Old habits die hard at Univision; to the standard practice of keeping what they consider damaging information from their audiences, especially when reporting on immigration, the Spanish-speaking network is adding a dash of the tired anti-Trump antics to spin what they formerly called illegal “tent cities” under Trump, now that Biden is reopening those facilities.


INSULTO: Más importante El Chapo que niños para Telemundo, Univisión

February 24th, 2021 5:21 PM

La detención de Emma Coronel, amante del capo mexicano de la droga "El Chapo" por cargos relacionados con el narcotráfico, parece haberle proporcionado a Telemundo y Univisión la excusa perfecta para no cubrir la reapertura de las llamadas jaulas para niños migrantes por parte de Joe Biden.


INSULTING: Latino Nets Favor Mrs. El Chapo Over Biden’s Kids in Cages

February 24th, 2021 3:32 PM

The arrest of Emma Coronel, paramour of Mexican drug kingpin “El Chapo” on charges related to drug trafficking, appears to have given Telemundo and Univision the perfect excuse to not cover Joe Biden's reopening of the so-called cages for migrant children.


Biden Calls Minorities Ignorant, Univision and Telemundo HIDE It

February 18th, 2021 3:06 PM

On Monday, President Joe Biden took part in a CNN Town Hall and while Univision and Telemundo covered the event, showing the same two edited segments of the Q&A session in all their newscasts and leaving out the most relevant moment for their audiences: when Biden called Latinos (and Black) ignorant.


Univision Makes Limbaugh’s Death All About Trump

February 18th, 2021 2:50 PM

Univision, in a half-baked report on Wednesday's passing of the iconic Rush Limbaugh, makes clear both its sneering contempt of conservatism and its need to reduce everything to a tie-in with President Donald Trump.


Biden tilda a minorías de ignorantes, Univisión y Telemundo lo OCULTAN

February 18th, 2021 1:58 PM

El presidente Joe Biden participó en una sesión de preguntas y respuestas organizada por la cadena CNN, conocida en inglés como un Town Hall, el pasado lunes 17 de febrero. Univisión y Telemundo cubrieron la actividad, presentando los mismos dos segmentos editados de la sesión en todos sus noticieros y dejando fuera el momento más relevante para sus audiencias: cuando Biden dijo que…

Telemundo ESCONDE escándalo de Cuomo y muerte de ancianos

February 16th, 2021 4:37 PM

La interminable cruzada de Telemundo para plasmar al gobernador de Nueva York Andrew Cuomo como líder de la mejor respuesta de la nación al covid-19, se hizo añicos con la noticia de que su gobierno deliberadamente encubrió la tasa de muertes por covid en los asilos de ancianos del estado. Sin embargo, la audiencia de Telemundo aún no se ha enterado de estos impactantes acontecimientos.

Telemundo HIDES Cuomo’s Nursing Home Death Scandal 

February 16th, 2021 4:16 PM

Telemundo's unending crusade to portray New York governor Andrew Cuomo as leader of the nation's best response to COVID-19 was shattered by news that his administration willfully covered up the state’s nursing home COVID-19 death toll. But Telemundo’s viewers have not seen any reporting on these shocking developments.