
Biden Shuns Latino Nets, Passes Border Crisis Buck to Congress

April 29th, 2021 7:32 PM

In the days prior to President Joe Biden's first address before Congress, Latino nets gushed over his “achievements”. This is in stark contrast to their reporting on President Donald Trump´s initial address four years ago. Despite their boot-licking, Biden gave them the cold shoulder and passed the immigration reform issue over to Congress like a hot potato.


BLACKOUT: Nets Censor Kerry Betraying Israel to Terrorist-Backing Iran

April 26th, 2021 8:42 PM

It was a heck of a way to start a week as the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, NBC, and Spanish-language networks CNN en Español, Telemundo, and Univision completely blacked out the bombshell leaked audio that suggested former Secretary of State John Kerry backstabbed Israel and share secrets with Iran’s terrorist-backing regime.


WE TOLD YOU SO: Immigration Reconciliation Is Here

April 22nd, 2021 3:33 PM

Back in February, MRC Latino warned you that the liberal Spanish speaking media began their push for a “Plan B” regarding the legalization of undocumented immigrants via budget reconciliation. With an infrastructure bill already snaking its way through Congress, that time has arrived.


PROPAGANDISTS: Latino Nets Cheer Dems’ Court-Packing Bill

April 15th, 2021 7:04 PM

Gone are the days when the nation’s leading Spanish-language networks would cover the U.S. presidency with adversarial scrutiny. Their coverage of the Democrats’ efforts to pack the Supreme Court proves their pivot to advocacy propaganda.


Univisión y Telemundo: ¡Busquen los anuncios de coyotes en Facebook!

April 7th, 2021 10:49 AM

Con razón que el negocio de los coyotes que trafican en la frontera sur está en todo su apogeo si Univisión y Telemundo siguen transmitiendo informes a sus millones de televidentes sobre cómo encontrar los anuncios de contrabandistas humanos en las redes sociales.


BUSTED: Univision, Telemundo Help Push Coyotes’ Facebook Ads

April 6th, 2021 6:39 PM

It’s no wonder that “business is booming” for coyotes working the southern border: Univision and Telemundo are broadcasting to millions of viewers that the human smugglers are now advertising on social media!


Coyotes to Univision: ‘Business Is Booming’ Due to Biden ‘Benefit’

March 28th, 2021 6:07 PM

Once again, Spanish-language media displays their commitment to reporting all sides of the immigration issue, by including the underreported perspective of the misunderstood coyotes.


Cadenas hispanas OCULTAN la ley del tumbe demócrata

March 25th, 2021 5:12 PM

Los medios hispanoparlantes han optado por esconder de sus audiencias la ley HR1 (también conocida como la "Ley para el Pueblo"), un proyecto de ley radical diseñado para arrebatar el control electoral a los estados con el fin de amañar el sistema electoral de la nación a favor del partido demócrata. 


CLOWN SHOW: WH Press Corps Embarrass Themselves at Biden Presser

March 25th, 2021 4:38 PM

After 65 days in office, President Joe Biden’s handlers trotted him out for his first formal press conference and, unsurprisingly, the adoring and extremely supportive White House press corps debased themselves with an embarrassing affinity for the far-left administration and questions that largely guided the frail commander-in-chief toward their radical agenda.


Spanish Nets HIDE Massive Dem HR1 Power Grab From Viewers

March 25th, 2021 12:59 PM

The Spanish-speaking media are concealing from its viewers HR1 (AKA the “For The People Act”), a radical bill designed to seize election control from the states in order to rig the nation's electoral system in favor of the Democrat party. 


Medios hispanos ignoran noticia de terroristas arrestados en frontera

March 18th, 2021 1:14 PM

​Cuatro extranjeros en la lista de vigilancia terrorista del FBI han sido arrestados en la frontera sur desde octubre, pero esta alarmante noticia no llegó a los noticiarios de las cadenas liberales en español de la nación que siguen abogando por fronteras abiertas mediante una interminable sucesión de informes que favorecen las nuevas políticas migratorias de Biden.


Latino Nets Ignore News of Terrorists Caught at the Border

March 17th, 2021 3:17 PM

Four foreign nationals on the FBI's terror watch list have been arrested at the southern border since October, but this bit of very worrying news was completely ignored by the nation’s liberal Hispanic networks that continue to push for open borders via an endless succession of reports hailing Biden's new immigration policies.

HIPOCRESÍA: Director de Noticias Univision retuitea imagen homofóbica

March 15th, 2021 11:42 AM

El presidente de Noticias Univisión, el medio que más le endilga una agenda “concienciada” (woke) a los hispanoamericanos, le hizo caso omiso a su propia agenda concienciada cuando retuitió una imagen por la que acusarían a cualquier otra persona de homofobia.


DEPLORABLE: Univisión tilda de “presunta” la crisis fronteriza

March 10th, 2021 12:01 PM

Tras años de duras críticas al gobierno de Trump sobre cualquier cosa relacionada con la inmigración, Univisión dio una virazón, ensuciándose con un informe vergonzoso sobre la creciente crisis en la frontera, el equivalente televisivo del antiguo "Republican Pounce" (republicanos cuestionan).