SERIOUSLY? Jorge Ramos Whines the Media Wasn’t Hostile Enough to Trump
Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos has, yet again, found occasion to milk his performative ejection from then-candidate Donald Trump’s 2015 Iowa press conference. This time, Ramos uses it as the basis from which to make the ridiculous assertion that the liberal media wasn’t hostile enough in covering Donald Trump.
Telemundo defiende encierre como “necesario para salvar vidas"
La nueva orden del gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom de paralizar la economía en ese estado, le parece una gran idea a la presentadora de Telemundo Felicidad Aveleyra, quien tildó las restricciones que se avecinan como "necesarias para salvar vidas". No será el bolsillo de la presentadora el que sentirá los estragos de (otra vez) perder un trabajo y ni tampoco sufrirá las restricciones y…
Telemundo: Economy-Crippling Lockdowns Are 'Necessary to Save Lives'
California governor Gavin Newsom's new economic order seems like a great idea to Telemundo anchor Felicidad Aveleyra, who wholeheartedly endorsed the upcoming restrictions as “necessary to save lives.” It's not the anchor's pocket that will feel the pinch of (again) losing a job and remaining restricted and completely isolated at home (the new order prohibits private gatherings of any size).…
El insulto de Obama a los hispanos conservadores, explicado
La entrevista del presidente Barack Obama con The Breakfast Club, transmitida el día antes de Día de Acción de Gracias, obtuvo amplia cobertura y reacciones gracias a un comentario incauto sobre los evangélicos hispanos que votan a conciencia. Sin embargo, al poner la mira sobre las palabras de Obama, la mayoría (si no todos) de los análisis posteriores pasaron por alto la razón …
Univisión clama por amnistía en masa via TPS por covid
Joe Biden ni siquiera se ha certificado como presidente electo de los Estados Unidos, pero Univisión ya está exigiendo una orden ejecutiva para encaminar una amnistía en masa.
Univision Pushes Mass Amnesty with COVID Temporary Protected Status
Joe Biden has not even been certified as President-elect of the United States but Univision is already demanding a mass amnesty via executive order.
2020: A Catastrophic Failure For Spanish-Language Media
To hear it from the nation’s Spanish-language media, 2020 was supposed to be the year that Latinos, having displaced African-Americans as the nation’s largest ethnic minority, asserted their power and at long last brought change to the country. But the exact opposite happened, and the media outlets that heralded this wave have so far avoided serious scrutiny.
Medios hispanos minimizan desdén de Newsom hacia sus propias reglas
El pánico por el Covid-19 sigue ganando tracción en los medios hispanoparlantes de la nación. Basta con sintonizar cualquier noticiero en Telemundo y Univisión para ver político liberal tras político liberal clamando para que se cancelen las tradicionales festividades de Acción de Gracias y Navidad. Desde Joe Biden, hasta gobernadores rimbombantes como Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer y Gavin…
Latino Nets Play Down Newsom´s Disregard for His Own Rules
The nation´s Spanish-speaking networks have taken their Covid-19 panic-porn to new heights, featuring one liberal politician after the other, set on cancelling Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations altogether. Just tune in to any of the news editions at Telemundo and Univision, and voilá – from Joe Biden, to flamboyant governors like Andrew Cuomo.
‘MY ADMINISTRATION’: Obama Reveals True Intentions to Univision
Anything and everything can be said on paper, and now, on air, as an exclusive Univision interview with Barack Obama to promote his latest book – A Promised Land - proves. From avowing that he couldn’t do anything about immigration and DACA because he “inherited ICE and Border Patrols and the various laws that were already in place”-, to openly admitting his plans to be the…
Univisión ignora violencia de antifa contra seguidores de Trump
La principal cadena hispanoparlante de la nación volvió a negarse a llamar a antifa por su nombre, esta vez durante un informe sobre las actividades violentas del grupo en las principales ciudades estadounidenses.
YET AGAIN: Univision Hides Antifa Violence Against Trump Supporters
The nation’s leading Spanish-language network has, once again, found itself unable to mention Antifa by name when reporting on the group’s violent activities throughout major American cities.
Cadenas en español ocultan amenazas a grupo de salsa proTrump
Esta pasada semana, los medios de comunicación en español de la nación se dedicaron a exaltar en historia tras historia, a su “presidente electo”, Joe Biden, haciendo incapié en cómo, por arte de magia, unificará una nación dividida y traerá amor y paz a todos los latinos. A todo esto, las mismas cadenas ni se inmutaron en reportar las muy reales amenazas de ataques personales y de propiedad,…
Spanish Nets Hide Death Threats to Pro-Trump Salsa Group
For the past week, the nation's Spanish-speaking media have devoted story after story to the exaltation of their declared President-elect – Joe Biden – with a particular emphasis on how he will magically unify a divided nation and bring peace and love to all Latinos. However, these same outlets have turned a blind eye to very real threats of physical danger against those who supported…