Univision Silent on Pelosi Blowout Fiasco
Univision has been stone-silent on the controversy surrounding Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s privileged blowout in violation of San Francisco’s COVID orders. This marks a stark contrast with the network’s White House coverage, wherein correspondent Janet Rodríguez makes a point out of calling out the lack of masks and distancing.
Spanish-Language Media OMIT Antifa From Coverage of Portland Murder
Spanish-language media, in furtherance of an agenda that necessitates the removal of Donald Trump from office, are now actively gaslighting their viewers regarding the ongoing violence in Democrat-run cities. In so doing, they scrubbed any mention of Antifa from their coverage of the murder of a Trump supporter in Portland, Oregon.
REVOLT: Hispanics Turn on Univision, Protest Biased News Reporting
As the news media focused its attention on framing both the political conventions and the left-wing violence plaguing American cities, another important event recently took place as members of the Hispanic community in Miami turned out in protest against the nation’s largest Spanish-speaking network: Univision.
Reporte de salida de Conway en Univisión: Basura.
Lo que pasa detrás de las puertas de las familias es privado, ¿cierto? No en Univision, donde la premisa sólo es válida si se refiere a las familias de los demócratas, tal y como vemos en este informe de Despierta América sobre la salida de Kellyanne Conway de la Casa Blanca que se enfoca en su hija adolescente.
Univision’s Report of Conway Resignation: Trashy. Telemundo's? Classy
What goes on behind the doors of families is private, right? Not at Univision, where the premise is only valid if it concerns the families of Democrats. Consider this report on Kellyanne Conway´s departure from the White House that aired over the network’s morning kaffeeklatsch Despierta America, which centered on her daughter Claudia, a minor -- a whole three and a half minutes of…
FLASHBACK: Jorge Ramos’ Iowa Confrontation Of Trump Was Totally Fake
Five years ago today, Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos left the comforts of his Miami studio, headed to Dubuque, Iowa; and attended then-candidate Donald Trump’s press conference. The confrontation that took place became the top story of the day, and would eventually become a landmark media TDS moment that foreshadowed what coverage of Trump presidency would eventually become. But it was…
Jorge Ramos' Gaslighting Gets SHUT DOWN By Former AG of Puerto Rico
In what has become a tale as old as time, Univision’s Jorge Ramos attempted to gaslight his viewers into believing that a Trump statement on immigration was meant to disparage an entire community. This time, though, he was met head-on and absolutely shut down by a prepared guest.
Russia-Obsessed Nets IGNORE Army Vet Charged with Spying for Russia
On Friday night, the broadcast network evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, NBC, Telemundo, and Univision ignored the arrest of a former Army Green Beret for what the Department of Justice alleged was a 15-year stint as a Russian spy providing them with “classified information,” including “details of his unit, and identifying Special Forces team members for Russian intelligence to try to recruit as…
SESGO POR OMISIÓN @UNIVISIÓN: Niega evidencia de espionaje a Trump
Los medios de comunicación liberales en español se han convertido en un circo gracias a las constantes omisiones y reportajes sesgados con los que dan a los televidentes por tontos. Un claro ejemplo de esta tendencia lo fue un reporte sobre la Convención Nacional Demócrata del corresponsal de Univisión en la Casa Blanca, Edwin Pitti, donde se aprecia claramente cómo manipulan las noticias para…
BIAS BY OMISSION by Univision: 'No Evidence of Obama Spying'
The liberal Spanish-speaking news media have become a freak show of sorts, with audiences constantly being taken for a ride either by omissions or through one-sided reporting. A story about the Democratic National Convention by Univision White House correspondent Edwin Pitti, showcases this ongoing trend that amounts to the unconcealed manipulation of the news in order to fit the network´s…
COLUSIÓN: Univisión esconde que comparte encuestador con Biden
El síndrome de la locura por Trump alcanzó nuevos niveles en las noticias de Univisión donde los presentadores hostigaron a los televidentes con informes colusorios sobre una encuesta pro-Biden publicada por Latino Decisions, y que incluso ilustraron con una foto en pantalla del presidente Donald Trump identificada como ... ¡Joe Biden!
COLLUSION: Univision Fails To Disclose They Share Pollster With Biden
Trump Derangement Syndrome reached new levels over at Univision News, as anchors at the Spanish-speaking network assaulted their viewers with a collusive report about a pro-Biden poll released by Latino Decisions, complete with a lingering on-screen photo of President Donald Trump identified as … Joe Biden!
Journos LOSE IT Over Trump Admin Approving Oil Drilling in ANWR
U.S. Interior Secretary David Bernhardt is set to approve oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR). Liberals and journalists lost their minds.
The NYT Scrubs Anti-Blackness From Jorge Ramos’ Op-Ed
Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos has a habit of saying one thing to American media and another overseas. And it appears that The New York Times got wind of his overseas remarks after publication of his latest op-ed. The opinion piece, originally published on August 7th, was entitled “Can a Latina Girl Dream of Being President of the United States?” Shortly after publication, the op-ed’s…