Cadenas hispanas impulsan a Kamala como "hija de inmigrantes"
¡Extra! ¡Extra! Olvide la insignia de “persona de color” para Kamala Harris. No. En las cadenas hispanas de la nación, la senadora de California y elegida de Biden como compañera de fórmula, se ha convertido en una especie de Mesías para los inmigrantes de la nación por su condición de "hija de inmigrantes".
Spanish Nets Deploy “Daughter of Immigrants” Narrative To Boost Kamala
Extra Extra! Forget the “Person of Color” card for Kamala Harris. No. At the nation´s Hispanic networks, the California senator and VP pick for Biden is now some kind of Messiah for the nation's immigrants, being as she is, “the daughter of immigrants” herself. The immigrant card, however, didn´t originate from the networks themselves, but rather as talking points pushed by the real producers…
Univision Deploys Ye Olde ‘Joe Biden Is Catholic’ Defense
Univision, a radical immigration advocacy PAC with a broadcast license seeking government permission to become a foreign-owned entity exercising undue influence in our electoral process, deployed the ancient “but he’s a devout Catholic” defense of Joe Biden when faced with an inconvenient set of facts.
Jorge Ramos: Blacks 'Already Had' a President So It’s Time for AOC ‘24
Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos is at his most candid and revealing when discussing U.S. politics with overseas press. His recent interview with El País Semanal, Spain’s equivalent to The New York Times Magazine, is no exception. Ramos sat down with El País for a broad interview, which he closes out by reaffirming his singular devotion to the cult of Alexandria…
Spanish Nets Omit BLM Extortion of Hispanic Business in Louisville
The nation's Spanish-speaking liberal media goes into a frenzy every time a racist incident against Latino immigrants comes to light. Any kind of contempt for a person based on their race is 100% unacceptable and reprehensible; however, those same vigilante media choose to deprive their audience of an incident of appalling racism against Cuban immigrants in Louisville, Kentucky, perpetrated by…
Los medios hispanos tapan acoso de cubanos en Louisville por BLM
Los medios liberales en español de la nación suelen pegar el grito en el cielo cada vez que sale a la luz un incidente racista perpetrado contra inmigrantes latinos. Todo tipo de despecho hacia una persona basado en su raza es 100% inaceptable y reprochable; sin embargo, esos mismos medios justicieros eligieron privar a su audiencia de un incidente de racismo atroz contra inmigrantes cubanos…
Must Be Nice: Univision Does Damage Control For Joe Biden
It must be nice to run for president, secure in the knowledge that the nation’s largest Spanish-language network will do its best to clean up if an embarrassing story about your campaign were to land. In this case, Univision dives on a bombshell story from The Miami Herald that charges the Biden campaign of “suppressing the Hispanic vote” in Central Florida, as if it were a grenade.…
Univisión simpatiza con las turbas, condena arrestos "ilegales"
Los medios de comunicación en español siguen restando importancia a las violentas manifestaciones en Portland, condenando las detenciones "ilegales" realizadas por agentes gubernamentales enviados a proteger la propiedad federal contra el vandalismo, la destrucción, y a sí mismos, de las turbas ultra violentas que llevan dos meses aterrorizando la ciudad.
Univision Sides With Mob, Condemns 'Illegal' Portland Arrests
The Spanish-language media continues to downplay the violent protests going on at Portland for nearly two months, condemning the “illegal” arrests carried out by government agents protecting federal property against vandalism and destruction – and themselves --from the ultra-violent mobs.
Univisión a la defensa del sindicato de maestros en Florida
En su incesante búsqueda por encontrar "noticias" con que dar voz a sus agendas políticas, los presentadores de Univisión ahora tienen la mira puesta sobre el gobernador de Florida Ron DeSantis. Ello quedó claro con su amplia cobertura de una demanda presentada por el sindicato de maestros más grande de Florida contra DeSantis, en un reporte donde sólo se ofreció un punto de vista: el de una…
Univision Gives FL Teachers’ Union a National Platform for Propaganda
Univision’s anchors, perpetually on the hunt for “news” to fit their political agendas, have now painted a bullseye on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Case in point: its sympathetic coverage of a lawsuit filed by Florida's largest teacher’s union against DeSantis. Only one point of view was offered: that of a teacher and union activist who actively campaigned for Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.…
Medios en español se alinean con las turbas de Antifa
La violencia extrema que viven algunas ciudades en la nación no es culpa de los saqueadores, tiradores y vándalos que han destruido Seattle y Portland. Claro que no, al menos para los presentadores y reporteros de las cadenas noticiosas liberales en español del país. Según ellos, son los agentes federales los que causan el caos cuando invaden las ciudades pacíficas y ordenadas que gobiernan…
Spanish-Language Media Side With Antifa Mobs
The extreme violence that some of the nation's cities have been experiencing is not the fault of the looters, shooters and vandals that have all but destroyed Seattle and Portland. Not, at least, according to the anchors and reporters at the nation´s Spanish-Speaking liberal news networks. To hear it from them, federal agents are to blame for invading the aforementioned peaceful, orderly…
Marxist Terrorist Supporter on Univision: ‘Trump Is an Ally to Nazis’
Univision, a radical immigration advocacy PAC with a broadcast license seeking government permission to become a foreign-owned entity exercising undue influence in our electoral process, has predictably taken a side in the Great Goya War of 2020.