Jorge Ramos Relishes Socialists' Accosting Kirstjen Nielsen
June 21st, 2018 2:08 PM
As he delivered the news that U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen had been accosted out of her dinner at a prominent downtown Washington Mexican restaurant, the tone of voice of Univision anchor Jorge Ramos gave it away that he was on the side of the protesters – whom he failed to identify as socialists who advocate for the total destruction of U.S. immigration law…
Media's Anti-Gun Obsession Spreads to Squirt Guns on Univision
June 15th, 2018 12:26 PM
Now even innocent children’s play is politicized by the liberal media. Univision, the Spanish-language media giant that aspires to be a leader of the liberal media pack, illustrated the problem when it ginned up the “outrage” over little Prince George playing with a water pistol during a family outing to watch one of his Dad’s polo matches.
Irish Abortion Vote: Social Media Giants ‘Put Their Thumbs on Scale'
June 13th, 2018 3:31 PM
The comfortable victory by pro-choice abortion forces in Ireland was widely reported last month. But what is less known is the active role social media networks such as Google, Facebook and YouTube played during the electoral process, and its impact on the results.
Cadenas hispanas malinforman estudio de Harvard sobre muertes en PR
June 12th, 2018 4:53 PM
Cuando la prensa a sabiendas tergiversa reportes sobre estadísticas para imponer su narrativa particular, tal como lo hizo con un estudio de Harvard acerca del huracán María y las muertes que supuestamente ocasionó en Puerto Rico, contribuye al empeño de convertir el duelo boricua en balón político para fines electorales.
Univision, Telemundo Blatantly Misreport Harvard Hurricane Death Study
June 10th, 2018 8:03 PM
When media knowingly and willfully misreport data stories in service of a narrative, as with the Harvard study on deaths related to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, they contribute to the ongoing effort to commodify grief for political gain.
Tras fustigar a Trump por "animales" Vicente Fox lo tilda de “caballo"
June 1st, 2018 12:16 PM
La hipocresía del expresidente mexicano Vicente Fox ha salido a la luz nada menos que en Univisión, después de criticar al presidente Donald Trump por llamar "animales" a los miembros de la pandilla criminal de los MS-13.
Ramos: México puede provocarle una crisis a Trump en la frontera
May 31st, 2018 11:20 PM
Si estamos en temporada electoral, sea en México o en Estados Unidos, puedes contar con que Jorge Ramos, presentador de noticias de la cadena Univisión, opine sobre lo que él piensa que deba o no ocurrir.
Ramos: Mexico Can Give Trump a Crisis by Not Stopping Drugs, Illegals
May 31st, 2018 10:20 PM
If it’s election season, whether in Mexico or in the U.S., you can count on Univision’s Jorge Ramos to weigh in with what he thinks should or shouldn’t happen.
En artículo feroz, Gawker clava el puñal a Univision
May 31st, 2018 5:12 PM
En el transcurso de estos pasados años, hemos seguido de cerca los problemas autoinfligidos de Univisión, causados principalmente por una mala administración, deficiencias en el análisis predictivo y la servidumbre ciega a una agenda política. Ahora llega la crítica más fuerte del estilo gerencial de Univisión hasta la fecha, y para colmo viene desde las entrañas de la propia empresa.
Ramos y Gutiérrez fomentan histeria sobre crítica de Trump a pandillas
May 31st, 2018 4:09 PM
El presentador de Noticias Univisión Jorge Ramos se volvió a unir al congresista saliente de Chicago Luis Gutiérrez para dar una clase magistral sobre la demagogia racial y el periodismo motivado por agendas particulares. En esta ocasión, lo hicieron para sacar millaje político a los comentarios del presidente Trump sobre los integrantes de la Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), a quienes lildó de animales…
Denouncing Trump on ‘Animals’, Vicente Fox Calls Trump a 'Horse'
May 29th, 2018 4:50 PM
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox has been left with mud on his face on no less a network than Univision, after his latest denunciation of U.S. President Donald Trump for calling criminal MS-13 gang members “animals” backfired badly.
Presentador de Univisión acusa a Trump de "deshumanizar" a inmigrantes
May 26th, 2018 1:49 PM
El presentador de Noticiero Univisión Edición Nocturna y heredero aparente de Jorge Ramos, Enrique Acevedo, compareció recientemente ante el programa Tucker Carlson Tonight de la cadena Fox News para denunciar las expresiones del presidente Donald Trump, en la que calificó a la nefasta Mara Salvatrucha de “animales”.
Media Mostly Uncritical in Covering Assisted Suicide Advocates
May 23rd, 2018 3:35 PM
The latest example of massive media collusion and manipulation to advance the culture of death came in Exit International’s staging, earlier this month, of the death of renowned Australian scientist David Goodall in Switzerland. In news coverage offered by major U.S. Spanish-language media outlets, for example, there was no semblance of fair or balanced reporting on the controversy surrounding…
Jorge Ramos, Luis Gutiérrez Fan Hysteria Over Trump's 'Animals' Slam
May 20th, 2018 11:01 PM
Univision senior news anchor Jorge Ramos and retiring Chicagoland Congressman Luis Gutiérrez once again teamed up for a master class in racial demagoguery and agenda-driven journalism. This time, in order to make hay out of President Trump’s “animals” remark regarding MS-13 gang members.