Univisión aprovecha duelo de un padre de Parkland para atacar al NRA
May 20th, 2018 5:38 PM
Una vez más, el presentador de noticias de Univisión Jorge Ramos comprueba que ningún argumento es impropio siempre y cuando fomente la agenda antiarmas de la cadena, ni siquiera una teoría de conspiración sin base fáctica.
Univision Anchor Exploits Parkland Dad's Grief For Anti-NRA Push
May 20th, 2018 4:43 PM
Once again, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos proves that no argument is off limits so long as it advances the network’s gun control agenda, not even a conspiracy theory with no basis in fact.
Univision Anchor Charges Trump with 'Dehumanizing All Immigrants'
May 18th, 2018 4:54 PM
Univision late night news anchor Enrique Acevedo, the heir apparent to Univision senior news anchor Jorge Ramos, made a guest appearance on the Tucker Carlson Tonight show to denounce President Trump's 'animals' remark regarding the nefarious transnational gang known as MS-13.
In Scathing Exposé, Gawker Remnant Turns On Univision
May 15th, 2018 4:58 PM
Over the past several years we‘ve chronicled Univision’s self-inflicted struggles, which for the most part are the result of poor forecasting, haphazard management and blind servitude to a political agenda. Now comes the most scathing indictment of Univision’s mismanagement to date, and most notably, it comes from within the company. The Gizmodo Media Group’s Special Projects Desk recently…
Ramos a O'Rourke: ¿Verdad que Ted Cruz es un traidor a la raza?
May 11th, 2018 2:47 PM
Una vez más, el presentador de Univisión Jorge Ramos recurre a una de sus ideas más trilladas- sugerir que los hispanos que no le siguen la corriente ideológica son traidores a la raza.
Ramos to O'Rourke: Isn't Ted Cruz A Race-Traitor?
May 7th, 2018 7:30 AM
Once again, Univision's Jorge Ramos goes to a favorite trope of his- suggesting that Hispanics who don't follow ideological suit are race-traitors.
Rabble Rousers in Puerto Rico Dominate May Day Coverage
May 6th, 2018 1:32 PM
From coast to coast, along with everywhere else the American flag flies, May Day is typically an occasion for protest marches by leftists and assorted malcontents. That was certainly the case this year in the U.S. Caribbean territory of Puerto Rico, where protesters (accompanied by unrepentant convicted domestic terrorist Oscar López Rivera) were the focus of attention by both Univision and…
ACTUALIZIÒN: Menosprecio a la masiva ayuda federal en Puerto Rico
May 3rd, 2018 3:09 PM
Si usted se deja llevar por lo que dicen los medios liberales, especialmente Univisión, Puerto Rico apenas ha recibido ayuda del gobierno de Estados Unidos desde que el huracán María golpeó la isla el pasado mes de septiembre.
UPDATE: Network Hosts Disparage Massive Federal Aid Effort in PR
May 2nd, 2018 8:15 PM
If you go by what you hear from liberal media outlets, especially Univision, Puerto Rico has received next to nothing in U.S. government aid since Hurricane María struck last September. For partisan political purposes, Democrat politicians like San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz are all too happy to work hand-in-glove with the liberal media in propagating this myth, as was the case during a recent…
Tucker Carlson and Jorge Ramos Battle Over Migrant Caravan
April 30th, 2018 11:08 PM
Tucker Carlson and Univision senior news anchor Jorge Ramos resumed their ongoing argument over immigration. This time, with the Central American migrant caravan as a backdrop.
Alcaldesa ausente de SJ promueve teorías de conspiración en Al Punto
April 24th, 2018 5:12 PM
La entrevista más reciente del presentador de Noticias Univisión Jorge Ramos con Carmen Yulín Cruz (la alcaldesa ausente de San Juan, Puerto Rico) deja claro que si eres separatista radical y además aborreces públicamente a Donald Trump, tú también puedes recibir trato VIP en el semanario político Al Punto.
Absentee Mayor of San Juan Floats Bitcoin Bro Invasion
April 24th, 2018 3:13 PM
Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos' latest interview of Carmen Yulín Cruz- the absentee mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico- proves that if you are a radical separatist and #Resist Donald Trump, you too can receive VIP treatment on the network's Sunday political talker, Al Punto.
Univisión se hunde
April 23rd, 2018 5:06 PM
Una nueva ronda de despidos, con "recortes catastróficos" por venir, confirma que el modelo empresarial viciado de Univisión ha provocado su propia destrucción.
Univision Is Sinking
April 23rd, 2018 3:39 PM
A fresh spate of layoffs with more "catastrophic cuts" ahead confirms that Univision's biased business model has brought about its own, painfully self-inflicted undoing. Here's how Veronica Villafañe described Univision's implosion for Forbes magazine: “Univision's empire seems to be crumbling. The huge aspirations of an IPO, fueled by an expensive and failed joint-venture with ABC, the $135…