Univision Smears Trump Tax Cuts

January 27th, 2018 6:45 PM
Throughout the years, Univision's news division has made its biases very clear, and those biases extend far beyond immigration. In this particular instance, we see how the network smears the tax reform bill recently signed by President Donald Trump.

Drama por DACA opaca esfuerzo por estadidad para Puerto Rico

January 24th, 2018 10:07 PM
La prensa nacional estadounidense hace mucho alarde de su apoyo a la igualdad para todos, si es que podemos darle credibilidad a ese alarde. Sin embargo, el trato que le ha dado al esfuerzo oficial de Puerto Rico por lograr la estadidad deja claro que tan sólo apoya la igualdad de la boca hacía afuera.

DACA Drama Drowns Out Puerto Rico Statehood Drive

January 24th, 2018 4:46 PM
Our national media talk a big talk when it comes to advocating equality for all, if their shameless self-promotion is to be believed. However, their treatment of Puerto Rico's official push for admission into the Union as the 51st state makes crystal clear that some causes are more "equal" than others.

Cadenas hispanas silentes ante viaje a Cuba de terrorista de las FALN

January 24th, 2018 3:31 PM
Fue hace poco más de un año, ya en el ocaso de la presidencia de Barack Obama, cuando las cadenas hispanoparlantes principales del país anunciaron con bombos y platillos la conmutación de la sentencia en prisión federal del terrorista convicto de las FALN Oscar Lopez Rivera. Pero hemos oído muy poco con respecto a sus actividades luego de ser excarcelado.

Update: Nets Cover Women’s March Nearly 7X More Than March for Life

January 22nd, 2018 6:08 PM
Time is everything, especially when it comes to understanding the media’s priorities. At the end of January, there were two marches the same weekend both claiming to stand for women. But the network coverage was anything but similar.

Spanish Nets Silent On FALN Terrorist's Cuba Trip

January 20th, 2018 12:31 AM
As the sun set on Barack Obama's presidency a little over a year ago, the nation's leading Spanish-language networks breathlessly announced his commutation of convicted FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera's federal prison sentence. However, we've heard very little regarding his activities since securing his freedom.

Univision Does LGBT Lobby Bidding on 'Gay Conversion' Issue

January 18th, 2018 5:16 PM
In “Politics and the English language,” George Orwell wrote, “political writing is bad writing” because “The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.”

Univisión se hace cabildero para la comunidad LGBT

January 18th, 2018 5:00 PM
En su ensayo “Políticas y el lenguaje inglés”, George Orwell escribió, “La escritura sobre política es mala escritura” porque “el gran enemigo de un lenguaje diáfano es la falta de sinceridad”.  

Jorge Ramos Kicks Off Search for Republican Trump Challenger

January 17th, 2018 3:15 PM
For months, Univision and Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos has been inviting to his shows prospective 2020 Democrat challengers to President Trump. Now, he’s expanded his search to include potential Republican challengers.

Jorge Ramos inicia búsqueda de contrincante republicano para Trump

January 17th, 2018 2:53 PM
Durante meses, el presentador de Univisión y Fusión, Jorge Ramos, ha invitado a su programa a posibles competidores demócratas del presidente Trump para el 2020. Ahora, él ha ampliado su búsqueda para incluir a potenciales rivales republicanos.

Cartelera de invitados de Jorge Ramos destaca a artistas anti-Trump

January 14th, 2018 11:34 AM
Si alguna vez sintoniza Univisión un domingo en la mañana, probablemente verá por lo menos un artista invitado al programa semanal Al Punto de Jorge Ramos. Y, casi siempre, el artista se unirá a Ramos en un intercambio de insultos a Trump.

Trump-Bashing Entertainers Headline Jorge Ramos Show

January 14th, 2018 11:21 AM
If you ever tune in to Univision on a Sunday morning, you are likely to see at least one entertainer make an appearance on Jorge Ramos’ weekly Al Punto show. And almost invariably, that entertainer will join Ramos in an intense round of Trump-bashing.  

Univision Attacks President’s Son for Birthday in Mexican Restaurant

January 10th, 2018 3:01 PM
With so much important news going on, the principal national evening newscast of Univision incredibly decided to devote more than two minutes of time to attacking President Trump’s son, Eric, for celebrating his 34th birthday in a Mexican restaurant in New York.

Univision se burla de Eric Trump por celebrar en restorán mexicano

January 9th, 2018 7:25 PM
Con tanta noticia importante para informar al público, el principal noticiero nacional de Univisión increíblemente dedicó más de dos minutos a ridiculizar al hijo del presidente, Eric Trump, por el sencillo hecho de haber…