Univision no deja de darle pauta a alcaldesa radical de San Juan
December 31st, 2017 5:44 PM
Se avecina el final de 2017, y con ello Univisión aprovechó una última oportunidad para colocar el foco sobre una de las querendonas nuevas de la cadena: Carmen Yulín Cruz, la alcaldesa separatista radical de San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Jorge Ramos Proclaims 2018 'Year Of The Resistance'
December 31st, 2017 4:41 PM
Fresh from his year-end African safari (with subsequent column already in the bag), Univision anchor Jorge Ramos graces Twitter with a bold proclamation, decreeing that 2018 shall be the "Year Of The Resistance." Funny, I thought that's what 2017 was.
Jorge Ramos reduce cirujano de renombre a ficha migratoria
December 31st, 2017 3:23 PM
En un episodio reciente de “Real America” transmitido en la cadena Fusion, el presentador Jorge Ramos muestra el grado al cual las historias de éxito individual no son sino un accesorio de frente a una agenda más abarcadora- y ni siquiera se salva un brillante neurocirujano .
Univision News Can't Stop Promoting Radical Mayor Of San Juan
December 29th, 2017 5:07 PM
As 2017 draws to a close, Univision took one last opportunity to spotlight one of the network's new favorites: Carmen Yulín Cruz, the radical separatist mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Jorge Ramos Reduces Renowned Neurosurgeon To Immigration Prop
December 29th, 2017 2:43 PM
In a recent episode of “Real America”, host Jorge Ramos shows the extent to which an individual life story is but an accessory to a broader agenda- even that of a brilliant brain surgeon.
Jorge Ramos Says He’s Now Having the ‘Worst Time’ of His Life in U.S.
December 20th, 2017 8:34 PM
Nearly a year into the Trump presidency, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos says he’s experiencing “the worst moment I’ve had in the 34 years I’ve been living in the United States.”
Univisión se alista a culpar republicanos de fracaso de DACA
December 18th, 2017 4:58 PM
No es un secreto que altos niveles de inmigración a los Estados Unidos son críticos para la sobrevivencia a largo plazo de la cadena Univisión. Por tanto, la posición de la cadena requiere que se echen a perder posibles acuerdos migratorios de consenso que podrían ser tan solo un pedazo de la "enchilada completa" cuando se trata de lograr una aministía migratoria para millones de personas…
Univision Sets GOP Up for Blame on Failure to Reach DACA Deal
December 13th, 2017 4:42 PM
It is no secret that high levels of immigration are crucial to the long-term survival of Univision. Accordingly, the network’s position requires the scuttling of potential compromises that could potentially constitute less than “the whole enchilada” when it comes to securing a massive amnesty for millions of people currently unlawfully present in the country. The current battle over the future of…
Univision alimenta aspiraciones del 2020 de Gutiérrez
December 12th, 2017 3:58 PM
Luis Gutiérrez, el congresista saliente de Chicago quien a mediados del año en curso comparó al terrorista convicto de las FALN Oscar López Rivera con George Washington y quien en el 2015 tachó la muerte trágica de Kate Steinle de "cosa pequeña", compareció en Univision para hablar de una posible candidatura presidencial en el 2020.
Dos de las seis cadenas noticiosas latinas reportan baja en desempleo
December 11th, 2017 8:23 PM
El presidente Trump observó que los medios dedican “el menor tiempo posible” a discutir noticias económicas positivas. El juicio del “analista de noticias en jefe” estadounidense también aplica a los medios nacionales hispanoparlantes – un segmento que uno supone tendría particular interés en informar a sus audiencias las últimas cifras sobre el desempleo, ya que el desempleo entre hispanos cayó…
'Snarlin' Luis' Stokes 2020 Presidential Run on Univision
December 11th, 2017 4:36 PM
Luis Gutiérrez, the retiring Chicagoland congressman who earlier this year compared convicted FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera to George Washington and who in 2015 dismissed Kate Steinle’s tragic death as “a little thing”, appeared on Univision to discuss a potential 2020 presidential candidacy.
Record-Low Unemployment is News on Only Two of Six Latino Networks
December 11th, 2017 3:34 PM
President Trump has observed that the media spend “as little time as possible” discussing positive economic news. The judgement of America’s “News Analyst in Chief” also certainly applies to the national Spanish-language media - a media segment that had special reason to inform their audiences of the latest unemployment numbers, as unemployment among Hispanics has now fallen to a record low of 4.…
Medios hispanos sobre tuits: problema es Trump, no los radicales
December 5th, 2017 2:48 PM
Imagínese cómo fue presenciar un intenso bombardeo aéreo durante la era de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Se trata de una metáfora apropiada para ilustrar el trato al que varias de las cadenas noticiosas hispanoparlantes de la nación someten a sus televidentes mediante su cobertura de prácticamente cualquier cosa relacionada al presidente Trump: una historia sesgada tras otra, destinada a estallar…
In Latino News on Tweets: Problem is Trump, Not Radical Muslims
December 4th, 2017 7:43 PM
Imagine what it felt like to be on the ground during a World War II era bombing raid. Well, that is an apt metaphor for what several of the country’s Spanish-language television networks submit their viewers to in their coverage of practically everything related to President Trump: one story after another fully loaded with bias, exploding with content that lacks accuracy, fairness and often, even…