
Pro-Trump Republicans MIA on Univision, Telemundo Sunday Shows

June 7th, 2016 4:59 PM
In what could be a preview of things to come, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee failed to have any voices in his corner on the latest round of Sunday talk shows broadcast by leading U.S. Spanish-language television networks Univision and Telemundo.

Univision Skewers Trump on PGA Tournament Move to Mexico

June 6th, 2016 4:08 PM
Predictably, Univision ratcheted up its anti-Trump rhetoric in reporting on the news that the PGA is moving its annual World Golf Championship tournament from Trump’s Doral Golf resort in South Florida to Mexico.

Surprise: Univision Identifies ‘Subversives’ In Anti-Trump Protests

June 5th, 2016 4:56 PM
In a stunning departure from the network’s usual fare promoting anti-Trump protesters, Despierta América, Univision’s morning show, has broadcast a hard-hitting report denouncing the "subversives" involved in the protests and the violence they perpetrated outside a Trump campaign rally in San José, California.

No verás esto en Univisión o Telemundo: Maduro apoya Bernie Sanders

June 5th, 2016 3:27 PM
Curiosamente, los canales en español Números 1 y 2 de Estados Unidos, Univisión y Telemundo respectivamente, hasta ahora no han informado a sus televidentes que el presidente socialista de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, ha dado un rotundo respaldo de la candidatura presidencial de su camarada estadounidense, Bernie Sanders.

Jorge Ramos de Univisión expresa su apoyo al suicidio asistido

June 5th, 2016 10:19 AM
Jorge Ramos mostró su apoyo al suicidio asistido durante una entrevista reciente con un paciente enfermo terminal de cáncer en Puerto Rico que está tratando de poner fin a su vida en sus propios términos.

Univision Misrepresents Ties To New RNC Hispanic Media Boss

June 3rd, 2016 12:04 AM
Sometimes, you can just look at a story as it unspools and know, instinctively, that the corrupt establishment media is going to find a way to embarrass itself. Univision is no different, the latest proof of that coming via the network's brazen material misrepresentation of its former relationship with the RNC's new Director of Hispanic Media, Helen Aguirre-Ferré.

Hillary Tells Univision Instead of Wall, She Will 'Build Bridges'

June 2nd, 2016 9:52 PM
Looks like Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is betting the farm that America’s voters are with her in her position against building a secure wall along the United States’ border with Mexico. When asked by Univision correspondent Luis Megid about how she plans to secure the country’s border, Clinton said that instead of “building walls…we should be building bridges.”

A Story You Won't See: Venezuela’s Maduro Feels The Bern

June 2nd, 2016 3:01 PM
Curiously, America’s top Spanish-language networks Univision and Telemundo have so far failed to inform their viewers that socialist Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has issued a ringing endorsement of the presidential candidacy of his comrade in the United States, Bernie Sanders.

Univision Goes All In on Bloomberg 'Wear Orange' Anti-Gun Propaganda

June 2nd, 2016 1:00 PM
Univision's uniquely biased brand of "no two sides" advocacy journalism is no secret to anyone, particularly readers of this byline. Today, the network is partnering with a notorious Bloomberg-funded anti-gun group in propaganda efforts aimed at pressuring the public into creating a demand for increased curtailment of our Second Amendment rights.

Assisted Suicide Cause Gets Boost from Jorge Ramos

June 2nd, 2016 8:30 AM
Univision’s Jorge Ramos showed his pro-assisted suicide colors during a recent interview with a terminally-ill cancer patient in Puerto Rico who is seeking to end his life on his own terms.

Cadenas hispanas dan enfoque distinto al Dia de la Recordacion

May 31st, 2016 11:59 PM
En MRC Latino, encontramos áreas similares de oportunidad a la hora de senalar los sesgos particulares de nuestra prensa doméstica de habla hispana. Sin embargo, hay ocasiones en las cuales las cadenas le dan cobertura tan distinta al mismo suceso, que nos obliga a prestarle atención. Tal instancia fue la cobertura de los actos del Día de Recordación en Cinco Puntos en Los Angeles, los cuales…

Spanish-Language Nets Take Divergent Approach to Memorial Day Coverage

May 31st, 2016 11:36 PM
Here at MRC Latino, we often find similar areas of concern when pointing out the unique biases of our domestic Spanish-language news media. However, there are times when different networks will take such varied approaches to the same story so as to compel us to take notice. Memorial Day in Los Angeles was such an instance, as Univision and Telemundo both went out to cover the Memorial Day…

Univisión pide mayor reclutamiento de no ciudadanos al ejercito EEUU

May 31st, 2016 10:27 PM
Cuando una organización noticiosa promulga una agenda, todo vale. Univisión Noticias mostró eso mediante la politización vergonzosa de su cobertura del fin de semana del Día de la Recordación de los Caídos (Memorial Day).

Univision News Calls for More Recruitment of Noncitizens into Military

May 31st, 2016 9:56 PM
When a news organization advances an agenda, everything is fair game. Univision News demonstrated as much during its shamefully politicized Memorial Day Weekend coverage.