El inglés hablado ahora es 'polémico' para Noticias Univisión

May 31st, 2016 7:33 PM
De vez en cuando, nos llega una noticia la cual ilustra lo absurdo de los sesgos institucionales en Noticias Univisión. El ejemplo más reciente nos llega desde Wisconsin- y la cobertura que la cadena le brindó a la controversia en torno a la política de "Inglés Solamente" implementado por una heladería en Milwaukee.

Venezuela: Univisión y Telemundo avergüenzan ABC, CBS y NBC

May 31st, 2016 5:44 PM
Los espectadores de los noticieros de ABC, CBS o NBC podrían ser perdonados si piensan que no está pasando nada de interés periodístico en Venezuela, donde una oposición envalentonada en las últimas semanas está trabajando para sacar del poder al presidente socialista Nicolás Maduro por medio de un referendo revocatorio. El país está pasando por una crisis humana devastadora, en la que los…

Spoken English Now Deemed 'Problematic' By Univision News

May 31st, 2016 5:15 PM
From time to time, a story rolls around which will clearly illustrate the absurdities of the institutional biases at Univision News. The latest instance of such a story is the network's coverage of the controversy surrounding a Wisconsin frozen custard establishment's decision to implement an "English-Only" ordering policy.

El Abucheo: María Elena Salinas rompe el silencio

May 31st, 2016 11:36 AM
Tras una semana controvertida, la presentadora del Noticiero Univisión María Elna Salinas ha decidido expresarse en torno a la controversia suscitada tras su discurso ante los graduandos del recinto de Fullerton de la Universidad Estatal de California. Lamentablemente, su columna de opinión al respecto deja mucho que desear y levanta interrogantes nuevas en lugar de cerrar las que ya existían.

Cobertura superficial de Univisión de los candidatos hacia evangélicos

May 29th, 2016 3:02 PM
La cobertura de las presentaciones por vídeo de Hillary Clinton y Donald Trump en la reunión de la Conferencia Nacional de Líderes Hispanos Cristianos (NHCLC) del 2016 en la cadena de televisión en español Número 1 de Estados Unidos fue notable por la ausencia de una explicación de cómo responden los dos aspirantes presidenciales a las prioridades de la organización.

The Booing: María Elena Salinas Lashes Out

May 27th, 2016 4:42 PM
After nearly a week's worth of controversy, Univision anchor María Elena Salinas has seen fit to address the pushback to portions of her commencement speech at Cal State Fullerton. Unfortunately, Salinas' opinion column leaves much to be desired, and raises new concerns instead of resolving old ones.

Networks, CNN, MSNBC Refuse to Cover Couric's Gun Editing Scandal

May 26th, 2016 9:14 PM
After some great work on Wednesday by the Free Beacon’s Stephen Gutowski and others to uncover Katie Couric’s deceptive editing of an interview in her gun control documentary, the major broadcast networks and cable partners CNN and MSNBC have yet to say a word about this embarrassing development for the liberal journalist.

En Puerto Rico, Bernie promete perdón para terrorista impenitente

May 26th, 2016 3:37 PM
Al ver las noticias en las principales cadenas de televisión en español o inglés nadie se habría enterado de que mientras hacía campaña en Puerto Rico el aspirante socialista a la nominación presidencial demócrata, senador Bernie Sanders, anunció que si es elegido perdonaría a Oscar López Rivera. López Rivera fue condenado por fabricación de bombas y entrenar a otros en la forma de hacerlas y…

Bernie Hits Bump on Univision: Speechless on Socialism’s Failures

May 26th, 2016 9:10 AM
The Democrats’ socialist candidate for President of the United States, Bernie Sanders, was seriously tripped up this week in an interview with Univision’s León Krauze. When asked to explain the failure of socialist governments in Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil, Sanders completely clammed up, saying he has an opinion on the subject, but was unwilling to share it, as he is “focused on my campaign…

ABC, NBC Blame Violence in New Mexico and California on Trump

May 26th, 2016 1:09 AM
For the past couple days violence has erupted at Donald Trump rallies in New Mexico and California, resulting in police breaking out the riot gear. The cause? Violent leftists who can’t express themselves through peaceful protest. However, NBC and ABC handed the responsibility solely to Trump on Wednesday night. “Where Trump goes, unrest follows …This is the same scene that we are seeing play out…

NBC, ABC Cover for Hillary After Release of Damaging E-Mail Report

May 25th, 2016 11:40 PM
The US State Department’s Inspector General released a report Wednesday what was highly damaging to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The report found that Clinton did not receive any approval to host a private server what so ever and there were two known attempted hackings. But you may not have learned the true severity of the situation of you were watching NBC’s and ABC’s evening news…

WashPost Pushes Univision Voter Registration Drive

May 25th, 2016 3:18 PM
As further proof that the nation’s leading Hispanic media are really a subset of the establishment media - as opposed to something independent of it - the Washington Post has decided to once again dedicate prime ink to the showcasing of Univision’s much-ballyhooed voter registration drive.

El Washington Post promueve campaña inscripción electoral de Univision

May 25th, 2016 3:18 PM
Como prueba adicional de que los medios principales de la prensa hispana no son sino una burbuja dentro de la burbuja mediática de Washington, el diario The Washington Post se ha dado a la tarea de volverle a dedicar tinta a la promoción de la muy sonada campaña de inscripción electoral de Univisión.

Venezuela Coverage: Univision, Telemundo Put ABC, CBS & NBC To Shame

May 25th, 2016 9:00 AM
Viewers of ABC, CBS or NBC morning shows and evening news programs could be forgiven for thinking nothing newsworthy is going on in Venezuela, where an emboldened opposition in recent weeks has been working to remove incumbent socialist President Nicolás Maduro through a recall referendum. The country is currently going through a devastating humanitarian crisis, in which food is scarce, medicine…