'Illegal' Aliens? Media Outlets Say 'Undocumented' or 'Unauthorized'

February 18th, 2015 10:59 PM
Although a Texas judge issuing an injunction against Obama’s “executive action” on illegal immigrants came late Monday, national newspapers all put that ruling on the front page on Wednesday. Some headlines buried the judge. USA Today had “Obama immigration plan blocked.” The Wall Street Journal ran with “Obama Dealt Setback on Immigration.” None of the headlines mentioned “illegal” immigrants.…

USAT Reporters Defend Williams: 'False Memories,' 'Seething Reactions'

February 7th, 2015 10:48 AM
At USA Today Friday afternoon, two of its reporters came down on the side of Brian Williams in the controversy over what even the often media-enabling Associated Press has called his "fake Iraq story." Roger Yu tried to portray Williams as a victim of a "synergistic stretch" who is now having to defend himself against the "firestorm on the Internet and social media," while Marisol Bello, who…

Top Papers Bury Strong 62-36 Senate Vote for Keystone Pipeline

January 30th, 2015 11:55 AM
The nation’s leading newspapers buried the Senate’s strong 62-36 vote for the "controversial" Keystone XL pipeline inside Friday’s newspapers. Nine Democrats joined unanimous Republicans in setting up an Obama veto. Other stories seemed more interesting to the papers -- like the president's budget plans. House vote?

McConnell: Kochs Should Be As Free to Spend As Media Companies Do

January 30th, 2015 10:31 AM
On Thursday, USA Today reported Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was "defiant" on the right of the Koch brothers to spend money on political ads. Reporter Susan Page suggested the amount of Koch spending was inappropriate, just too large. McConnell shot back at USA Today ownership: "How many people have to sit down and shut up in order to make the process work? My view is that in a free…

4 Of 5 Top Papers Call For Federal Gas Tax Hike

January 12th, 2015 11:27 AM
Four out of five top U.S. newspapers have called for federal gas tax hikes on the editorial page since oil and gas prices began falling significantly June 19, 2014. In spite of polls that show most Americans oppose it, The Washington Post, USA Today, The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times newspapers have all published editorials that called for increasing the gas tax.  Gas prices fell from…

USA Today Features Radical Cleric's Op-Ed: France 'Provoked' Muslims

January 8th, 2015 11:08 AM
A day after Islamic terrorists murdered 12 people for the offense of printing satirical cartoons about Muhammad, USA Today printed an "opposing view" op-ed from a radical London cleric.

ABC, NBC, Others Decline to Show Cartoons of Muhammad (UPDATED)

January 8th, 2015 12:15 AM
Following the deadly Islamic terrorist attack in Paris on Wednesday, major broadcast networks ABC and NBC joined other news outlets in not showing any of the controversial cartoons of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad from the Charlie Hebdo magazine during their evening newscasts. Despite initially telling Buzzfeed that they would not be showing any of the cartoons, CBS News did go forward and…

Mario Cuomo in 1984: High on Passion, Low on Accuracy

January 2nd, 2015 7:29 AM
Former New York Governor Mario Cuomo, who died on Thursday, is predictably being lionized today by USA Today's Aamer Madhani "as (a) giant in political rhetoric," and by others elsewhere in similarly glowing terms. Madhani goes on to characterize the three-term Empire State chief executive's 1984 Democratic Convention speech in San Francisco as "what is widely considered one of the finest pieces…

Wash Post, NYT Devote Over 3800 Words to Hyping Scalise Scandal

December 31st, 2014 11:31 AM
The liberal New York Times and the Washington Post went into hyperdrive, Wednesday, devoting a combined 3800 words and three front page stories to a scandal involving Republican Congressman Steve Scalise. 

AP's Lederman Pretends Afghan War Is Over, Gets Gooey Over Obamas

December 30th, 2014 4:03 PM
At the Associated Press on Christmas Day, reporter Josh Lederman carried out what might as well be his official administration stenographer duties with special aplomb. Three paragraphs will illustrate how Lederman glossed over realities relating to the 13-year war in Afghanistan and went all gooey over Barack and Michelle Obama's vacation:

Media Embarrassment: Lionized Ferguson Protester Confesses to Crimes

December 28th, 2014 9:52 AM
In St. Louis County, police have arrested 19 year-old Joshua Williams and charged him (HT Gateway Pundit) with committing "1st degree arson, 2nd degree burglary and misdemeanor theft" at the QuikTrip convenience store in Berkeley, Missouri on Christmas Eve. Williams "has confessed to the crimes." The St. Louis Post-Dispatch gets today's prize for most absurd headline, as seen after the jump (…

Democrats Build Fundraising List Out of Colbert Thank-You Petition

December 19th, 2014 7:39 AM
Just how liberal is fake conservative Stephen Colbert? Politico’s Hadas Gold reports the Democrats are raising money off his retirement from Comedy Central. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is asking people to sign a 'Thank you' card. "After nine great years, the Colbert Report is going off the air," the email reads. "Thank you Stephen Colbert for an amazing ride!"

Michigan State Lefties: Disinvite 'Rape Apologist' George Will

December 11th, 2014 6:30 PM
USA Today’s website is carrying a report that “controversial” and “conservative” columnist George Will is drawing protests after being selected as a commencement speaker at Michigan State University. But the protesters aren’t leftists, they’re “advocates for sexual assault survivors.” They aren’t protesting another speaker, unlabeled “filmmaker Michael Moore.”

Nothing to See Here: Major Newspapers Sweep Gruber Off Front Page

December 10th, 2014 3:14 PM
Three of the nation's major newspapers downgraded ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber's testimony to the U.S. Senate, keeping it off the front page. The New York Times on Wednesday demoted the story to page A-20.