Nets Skip Sebelius Stating ‘Financial Literacy' of Americans Is 'Low'

December 5th, 2014 12:21 AM
In an interview with USA Today published on its website Tuesday, former Obama administration Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius tried to distance herself from the numerous comments by ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber, but still found a way to sound like Gruber when explaining why Americans oppose the health care law. Speaking with USA Today’s Susan Page, Sebelius …

Obsessed USAT Sends 4 Emails in 2 Minutes After NYC Cop Not Indicted

December 3rd, 2014 5:41 PM
Apparently someone at USA Today was either mad as all get out and wanted to make sure its readers knew about today's news item relating to a policeman killing a suspect, or that person fell asleep with their finger on the "Send" button. Yours truly received four emails between 2:36 and 2:37 PM telling me that New York City Police Officer Daniel Pantaleo will not be charged in the death of Eric…

CNN 'Breaks' Months-Old News About Brown Family's 'Expert'

November 30th, 2014 11:56 PM
The establishment press's performance in Ferguson has certainly been disgraceful, especially its role in turning one local death into a national obsession. One element of that buildup involves Shawn Parcells, one of two men hired by the family of Michael Brown, the 18 year-old man who was killed in an altercation with Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in early August, to look into his death…

USA Today Editor Sneers at 'All That Wasted Noise Over Benghazi'

November 25th, 2014 1:04 PM
In the wake of a House Report from last week concluding that the CIA and military had acted properly,  USA Today editor Rem Rieder on Tuesday complained about "all that wasted noise over Benghazi." Rieder sneered, "For the last three years, the right has worked feverishly to turn Benghazi into a major scandal, a cudgel with which to batter President Obama and former secretary of State Hillary…

USA Today: Obama Like Bush on Immigration, But With More Compassion

November 23rd, 2014 7:01 AM
USA Today has joined The New York Times in showing their ongoing support for a president who, on Thursday, unilaterally granted amnesty to five million illegal immigrants. In an article entitled “First take: Echoes of Bush in Obama's immigration speech,” reporter Gregory Korte went out of his way to portray Obama’s actions as comparable to George Bush’s call for congressional approval of an…

Not National News: Dem 'Kingmaker' Arrested on Child Sex Charges

November 20th, 2014 9:57 PM
Brett M. Decker is a member of USA Today's Board of Contributors and "consulting director at the White House Writers Group." Early this evening, he effectively did double duty for the paper, both as a columnist and a journalist. Decker appears to be the first person to report visibly in a national publication that "influential gay rights advocate and top Obama donor" Terry Bean was arrested on…

Headline Roundup: Obama to 'Shield' Aliens With 'Deportation Relief'

November 20th, 2014 1:52 PM
Some of the nation's most influential newspapers sympathetically broke out the euphemisms for Obama as he prepares for unilateral executive action to "shield" some illegal immigrants from the rule of law, which they call "deportation relief." He's "cheered by reform advocates."

USA Today: Under Obamacare, 'Rural Hospitals In Critical Condition'

November 15th, 2014 6:31 PM
Here’s an easy nomination for the front-page newspaper story most likely to be spiked by the TV networks. It’s on the front of Friday’s USA Today: “Rural hospitals in critical condition: Obamacare critics say law speeding up demise of facilities.” Reporters Jayne O’Donnell and Laura Ungar began in Richland, Georgia, whose 25-bed hospital had to close, and now the locals have to travel up to 40…

ABC, NBC, LAT Censorship of Gruber Videos Continues Into Eighth Day

November 15th, 2014 6:06 PM
As of Saturday afternoon and a full eight days after the first video of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber surfaced, major broadcast networks ABC and NBC and the Los Angeles Times have persisted in keeping their audiences in the dark on this story.  Over the course of Friday evening and Saturday morning, news outlets that previously had ignored Gruber arrived on the scene included the …

ABC-NBC-PBS-NPR-NYT-LAT-AP Censor Gruber 'Stupid' Americans Video

November 13th, 2014 10:37 AM
Just imagine the reaction of the liberal media if a video had surfaced of a George W. Bush administration official admitting that “lack of transparency” was “a huge political advantage” in selling the Iraq war and that they relied on the “stupidity of the American voter” to launch an attack on Iraq? That video would be everywhere. However, the clip of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber using…

USA Today Media Columnist: 'MSNBC Loses Election'

November 10th, 2014 7:28 AM
USA Today media columnist Michael Wolff let MSNBC have it with both barrels in a column headlined "MSNBC Loses Election." Wolff asked “Is a vote against a political party also a vote against the network that supports it?” He suggested the sinking fortunes of the Democrats “have been pretty accurately charted in the declining ratings at MSNBC,” which unsurprisingly fell 22 percent from their 2010…

USAT Lists 7 'Things' Middle Class Can't Afford; Includes Medical Care

October 29th, 2014 9:02 PM
On Saturday, Erika Rawes at USA Today's Wall Street Cheat Sheet engaged in some impressive gymnastics as she discussed the middle class and identified seven things its members "can't afford anymore" (the headline) or that "a larger percentage of people have trouble paying for" (the content). It's a sloppy list. One of the items — debt — isn't a "thing" at all, but rather the result of buying too…

ABC Covers Real Housewives Jail Sentence Over Violent Illegals Report

October 24th, 2014 12:59 AM
On Thursday night, ABC and NBC continued to make no mention of a damning report by USA Today that the Obama administration covered up the release of illegal immigrants from prisons who had committed numerous violent crimes, including rape and murder.  At the conclusion of the morning newscasts of the major broadcast networks, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today had no coverage while CBS…

Exquisite Timing: USAT Runs Op-Ed on 'Beware the Christian Extremists'

October 23rd, 2014 1:48 AM
Sandwiched in between two domestic terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists in Canada during the past three days, USA Today ran a Tuesday op-ed which appeared in Wednesday's print edition by Mary Zeiss Stange called "Beware the Christian Extremists." With all due respect, ma'am, we've got bigger worries. But in Ms. Stange's world, Christian "religious extremism taken to potentially lethal ends"…