Will Press Note White House Deletion Of Obama 'Unpaid Bills' Joke?

October 21st, 2014 1:24 PM
Josh Lederman's report this morning at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, treats President Barack Obama's return to Chicago as a trip down memory lane: "Obama got glimpses of a simpler time when his life was for the most part, normal: the unpaid bills on his desk, the volunteers who pitched in on his first Senate campaign, the day he marched in seven Fourth of July parades."…

Media Spin Catholic Bishops' Vote as Spurning a 'Welcome to Gays'

October 19th, 2014 10:40 AM
CBS, USA Today, and the Associated Press all sang from the same sheet of music on Saturday, as they covered the end of the Catholic bishops' Extraordinary Synod on the Family. On CBS Evening News, Jim Axelrod played up a supposed "deep split over the direction Pope Francis wants to take the Church," after the Church's leaders rejected controversial language about homosexuals and divorced…

USA Today Hypes Record Life Expectancy: A 0.1-Year Increase

October 10th, 2014 5:50 PM
This morning, I received two identical daily briefing emails from USA Today. The subject line was "Life Expectancy in USA Reaches Record High." As USA Today's web-page version of the email shows, the email body contained no link to or mention of a life-expectancy related article. Giving the paper the benefit of the doubt, I clicked on the email's "5 things you need to know Friday"; it also has…

Holder Gets Mostly Gushing Sendoff at USA Today

September 26th, 2014 1:22 PM
USA Today, gave the equivalent of almost a full page to Eric Holder's resignation in Friday's print edition. The paper's primary story by Gregory Korte, at the top right of the front page, described him as having "championed gay, civil, voting rights." The item's continuation on Page 8A included a quote from Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, which calls itself "America's…

Vets Walking 300 Miles to Demand Action on Jailed Marine; Nets Ignore

September 19th, 2014 9:35 AM
On Wednesday night, it was reported that two Marine Corps veterans are walking from northern North Carolina to Washington D.C. and the White House to demand that President Obama take action to ensure the release of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi from a Mexican prison. However, none of the major broadcast networks have stepped up and covered the actions of the these veterans. One of the two…

Powers Defends O'Reilly Against State Dept.'s 'War on Women' Police

September 10th, 2014 4:05 PM
In recent days, the State Department has tried to paint Fox News's Bill O'Reilly as a sexist monster because he characterized Jen Psaki as "out of her depth." O'Reilly's criticism has a great deal to do with how Ms. Psaki often appears to be, well, out of her depth. The other member of the non-dynamic duo then pounced. Marie Harf claimed that O'Reilly used "sexist, personally offensive language…

10 Million Private-Sector Jobs — and 7 Million More on Food Stamps

September 9th, 2014 2:11 PM
The press is good at putting the most positive spin possible on the monthly job-market news. But at the same time, many of its members still claim that food stamp enrollment remains as high as it is because of the lingering effects of the (Bush did it) recession. On Friday, following the release of August's employment numbers, Obama administration Labor Secretary Tom Perez celebrated how "…

AP, LA Times and USA Today All Avoid Naming Obama in Stories on Libya

September 4th, 2014 3:38 PM
The establishment press is working mightily to shield President Barack Obama from blame for, or even association with, decisions he has made and actions he has taken — unilaterally and with dubious constitutional authority in many instances. One particularly egregious example is Libya. When Obama decided on his own to engage in "kinetic miliitary action" to topple Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, the…

Predictable: Libs Sneer at Phil Robertson’s ISIL Views

September 3rd, 2014 1:59 PM
Although Phil Robertson had already dodged a bullet Tuesday morning by giving a clever answer to ABC reporter Ryan Owens, who asked Phil Robertson if “he was a homophobe,” Robertson still wasn’t out of hot water. The famous patriarch of A&E’s “Duck Dynasty” and outspoken Christian conservative is a frequent media target. Predictably, media lefties made it clear who they think the real enemy…

New York Times Avoids Obama's 'We Don't Have a Strategy' Comment in He

August 29th, 2014 4:15 PM
Some of the country's biggest newspapers avoided highlighting Barack Obama's "we don't have a strategy" comment in their headlines on Friday. The President made the remark in response to questions about how he will deal with Islamic militants in Syria. Yet, although this seemed to be the main takeaway from Thursday's news conference, the New York Times chose this bland headline: "Obama Urges…

Major Newspapers Skew 15-1 Against For-Profit Colleges

August 26th, 2014 3:45 PM
The Obama administration continues its push to regulate for-profit colleges and national media outlets have joined in and overwhelmingly taken the side of bigger government. Three top newspapers – The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and USA Today – portrayed for-profit education negatively by a factor of 15-1 in roughly three years of news coverage.

‘Starstruck’ Actress ‘Cried’ When She Met ‘Icon’ Hillary C

August 23rd, 2014 3:44 PM
“What really gets” actress Chloe Grace Moretz “going” is Hillary Clinton, a USA Today reporter discovered in meeting her for a profile piece on the 17-year-old star of If I Stay, the movie which opened yesterday (Friday) that’s based on the young adult novel by Gayle Forman. “‘I cried when I met her,’ says Moretz, who calls Clinton an ‘icon.’”

Irresponsible: Old Media Outlets Release Info on Where Ferguson Office

August 18th, 2014 3:01 PM
Boy, it's a good thing that we don't have any bloggers, Twitter amateurs or Facebook fulminators going off half-cocked and helping people find out where Darren Wilson lives. Wilson is the Ferguson, Missouri police officer who reportedly shot and killed Mike Brown. I mean, if anybody knew that or could figure it out, his safety and that of any family members would be in jeopardy. Oh, wait a…

USA Today Editorial Calls for Lower Corporate Taxes

August 14th, 2014 12:34 PM
Liberal media outlets often champion higher taxes, or at the very least lash out at businesses for finding ways to lower their tax bills. However, USA Today offered an editorial on Aug. 14, doing the very opposite: calling for lower corporate taxes.  In the “our view” section of the paper’s opinion page, USA Today’s editorial declared “To deter ‘inversions,’ overhaul corporate taxes.”