USA Today Initially Fails to Identify 6-2 Majority in Supremes' Mich

April 22nd, 2014 12:34 PM
In his story (saved here for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes — and in case it gets edited later today; Update: It did) on the Supreme Court's decision this morning upholding Michigan voters' 2006 approval of a ban on race-, ethnic- and gender-based preferences in university admissions, USA Today's Richard Wolf failed to identify the size of the court majority, which was 6-2.…

USA Today Echoes Occupy Wall Street

April 4th, 2014 2:57 PM
No need for the “share the wealth” crowd to worry. USA Today is ready to step into the void and stoke class division in the absence of Occupy Wall Street. On April 4, USA Today profiled “The $100 Million Club,” a group of wealthy corporate CEOs, and contrasted their pay with the US median wage of $40,872 in 2013. A subhead on the print edition complained: “CEOs get richer, workers get left…

USA Today Reporters Distort, Lament SCOTUS Ruling in Campaign Finance

April 2nd, 2014 2:55 PM
USA Today's Richard Wolf and Fredreka Schouten wasted no time this morning distorting the Supreme Court's April 2 ruling in McCutcheon v. FEC, which essentially holds that a provision of federal law setting an aggregate limit on an individual's campaign contributions violates the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech. Wolf and Schouten, however, practically endorsed the lament of…

'Breaking' News at USAT's Ministry of Propaganda: 'Hillary Gains Respe

March 4th, 2014 5:07 PM
Shameless shilling for the Demcratic Party's presumptive presidential 2016 nominee appears to have reached an all-time peak. A USA Today email I received this afternoon (email web link here) breathlessly delivered the following "Breaking" news story readers will see after the jump. Keep in mind that this is not a normal, garden-variety news story. No, this one's "breaking," meaning that we…

Press Outlets All Over Report on Milk Price Increases While Ignoring L

February 19th, 2014 10:37 PM
According to a USA Today item carried at ABC News, "Sixty percent of adults can't drink milk." In July 2012, the New York Times ran an item entitled, "Got Milk? You Don't Need It." But the last time I checked, everyone uses electricity to some extent. I'm bringing up these points because, as a friend showed me earlier today, the establishment press has run stories galore in the past several…

CBS ‘This Morning’ Challenges Sochi Climate Change Hysteria

February 13th, 2014 4:52 PM
Climate alarmists really do find the most outlandish evidence possible for global warming. This time, they are pointing to the warm weather in a subtropical region. Since the Winter Olympics began in Sochi, Russia, broadcast networks have talked extensively about the warm weather in the region, although they have resisted warnings of climate change. (Video after break)

Predictably, USA Today's Coverage of Nagin's Conviction Omits His Dem

February 12th, 2014 4:24 PM
Former New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin was convicted on 20 of 21 counts of corruption and bribery today. USA Today reporter Rick Jervis did a bit of a profile of Nagin in the course of reporting on the convictions. It included a recounting of his time at the city's helm during Hurricane Katrina in 2005. But one thing his 2:39 p.m. report predictably did not include was Nagin's Democratic Party…

Anti-Voter ID March Requires Participants Bring Photo ID; Most Media O

February 9th, 2014 9:46 PM
Leftist protesters trying to portray themselves as mainstream gathered in Raleigh, North Carolina yesterday to protest moves made by the Republican-dominated state government yesterday. One of protesters' major objections is to a voter-identification law passed last year. That's more than a little ironic, because guess what organizers required march participants to have? That's right: photo…

Networks Completely Ignore $70 Billion Puerto Rican Debt Crisis

February 6th, 2014 9:13 AM
With rapidly rising debt and an unprecedented credit downgrade, Puerto Rico is facing a looming default with terrifying implications on American bond markets, though you would never know about it watching broadcast news. The leading credit rating firm Standard & Poor’s Rating services downgraded Puerto Rican debt to “junk” status on Feb. 5, with further downgrades likely. Despite Puerto…

The Business Press's Theme After the Markets Plunge Again: The Weather

February 3rd, 2014 11:53 PM
After opening the day at about the same level as Friday's close, the three major U.S. stock indices fell by over 2 percent Monday (DJIA, -2.08%; S&P 500, -2.28%; NASDAQ, -2.61%). About half of the rout took place in the first 30 minutes after the 10:00 a.m. release of two reports, one on manufacturing activity and the other on construction spending. The former, from the Institute for…

Press Nearly Mum As VW Displaces GM As World's Number Two Automaker

January 31st, 2014 4:58 PM
In yet another negative milestone for the bailouts that supposedly saved the U.S. auto industry — already a hard-to-handle claim given that Chrysler, one of the two beneficiaries, is now 100% owned by an Italian company — Volkswagen has surpassed General Motors as the world's number two automaker behind Toyota. The reporting on this development has been quite sparse. It's not news at the…

Math-Challenged Cory Booker Wrong on 'Half of All Students Live in Pov

January 15th, 2014 12:58 PM
Before anyone seeks to level a criticism for picking on someone's mistake, let's imagine what the press, which is so desperate to pin anything on Ted Cruz that one of its members recently tried to hold him responsible for others' comments on his Facebook page, would do to him if he made the error recently elected New Jersey Senator Cory Booker made two days ago on Twitter — and has yet to…

USAT's Wolken Impugns Integrity of Football Head Injury Researcher

January 14th, 2014 7:19 PM
We've seen it play out in several areas, one of which is climate science. Any researcher who questions the supposedly "settled science" of global warming is a hack who will produce whatever industry wants if they have ever accepted a dime from an energy company, while those who depend on government grants to sustain their livelihood — grants which heavily depend on toeing the politically…

USA Today: Obama’s Contraception Mandate ‘Foolish,’ ‘Suspect

January 14th, 2014 1:59 PM
At least one government watchdog is learning to bark again. USA Today’s Opinion section dedicated “Today’s Debate” to religious freedom – or the fight over Obamacare’s contraception mandate. In a January 13 piece entitled, “Obamacare Overreach Tramples Little Sisters of the Poor,” USA Today rebelled against its own (media) kind to call out the Obama administration for having “picked a fight…