WSJ, NYTimes, USA Today All Note ObamaCare Signups Mostly Older, Sicke

January 13th, 2014 6:35 PM
The Obama administration today revealed that more than half of the sign-ups for ObamaCare are aged 45 and older, hardly the sort of young, healthy insurance pool the White House was hoping for. On their websites, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and New York Times all focused on the older/sicker skew of the signups. The Washington Post, however, tried to accentuate the…

On, Ex-Viking Punter Chris Kluwe Hopes His Old Coach Is B

January 4th, 2014 4:12 PM
Former Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe wrote an inflammatory post for headlined "I Was An NFL Player Until I Was Fired By Two Cowards And A Bigot." He claims he was released for his "gay rights activism," his wild rants and tweets against social conservatives. The “cowards” were Vikings head coach Leslie Frazier and GM Rick Spielman. The “bigot” was special-teams coach Mike…

In Early October, USA Today's Tim Mullaney Called 'A Wi

December 23rd, 2013 9:35 PM
In an October 3 column at USA Today, economics correspondent Tim Mullaney pronounced " a winner despite glitches." Mullaney from all appearances has never retracted any of what he wrote that fateful day. He also defended himself vigorously in correspondence with yours truly during the week or so after my NewsBusters post critical of his writeup appeared. Accordingly, in light of…

Putin: 'I Envy Obama Because He Can Get Away With' Spying On His Own P

December 19th, 2013 11:21 AM
Russian President Vladimir Putin is jealous of Barack Obama. At a news conference in Russia Thursday, Putin said, "How do I feel about Obama after Snowden's revelations? I envy him, because he can get away with it."

USAT: Obama 'Tweaking' His 'You Can Keep Your Plan' Guarantee, 'Added

November 5th, 2013 11:00 AM
This morning, in an apparent rush to get a jump on the rest of the excuse-making establishment press, Aamer Madhani at USA Today claimed that President Barack Obama's shameless, lame Monday night attempt to explain away his serial guarantee, namely that "If you like your health insurance plan, you can keep your health insurance plan, period" — made roughly two dozen times in 2009 and 2010, and…

USA Today Editor-in-Chief Assures: ‘In the End, Fiasc

October 27th, 2013 3:04 AM
David Callaway, Editor-in-Chief of USA Today, is so upset by Republicans using the roll-out mess to discredit ObamaCare, that he penned an op-ed for Friday’s edition of the national newspaper to dismiss the problems as a blip with no relevance to the overall program. Headlined “Obama’s Y2K moment,” Callaway unpersuasively equated the current situation of the ongoing…

Media Note 5M ‘Assisted’ Births Since 1978, Ignore 36M Abortions

October 17th, 2013 11:50 AM
Believe it or not, the media is celebrating births, as they recently noted that 5 million “assisted reproductive” births since have occurred 1978. But while they’re cheering the productivity of the chemically enhanced and scientifically tweaked stork, it would be nice to mention how busy the vulture has been during the same period – over 36 million U.S. children were aborted during those…

USAT's Davidson and Hansen Treat Growing Hospital Staff Cuts As 'Surpr

October 14th, 2013 11:51 AM
The healthcare sector, particular hospitals, is hitting a wall. In a Sunday morning writeup, USA Today reporters Paul Davidson and Barbara Hansen considered this news "surprising," because Obamacare is supposedly going to bring hospitals so much new business. Well, guys, that new business needs to be profitable. Odds are it won't be. The staff cuts also appear to foreshadow the rationing so…

AP's Ed White Revises Earlier Report to Avoid Directly Tagging Convict

October 11th, 2013 10:15 AM
Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was sentenced to 28 years in prison yesterday. As has been the case for nearly six years as his scandals and prosecution have unfolded (seen here in dozens of NewsBusters posts), press coverage has usually avoided the inconvenient fact that Kilpatrick is a Democrat, and almost completely ignored Barack Obama's hearty endorsement of him during the early…

Gerrymandered Double Standard: USA Today Scribe Says House GOP 'Looks

October 9th, 2013 1:15 PM
Liberals have grown increasingly angry at Republican “gerrymandering” as a cause for today’s “crazy” conservative House, that Republicans represent overwhelmingly anti-Obama districts and are in no danger of losing. They often completely ignore that many minority Democrats represent overwhelmingly pro-Obama districts and are in no danger of losing. (In response to Voting Rights Act-caused…

WaPo, USA Today Declare Redskins’ Name Debate Over

October 8th, 2013 11:22 AM
Well Redskins fans, it’s over. The ruling has been handed down from on high – The Washington Post and USA Today. They’ve got a foam finger for you, but it’s not the index and you’re certainly not #1 to them, and they’re the ones who matter. They’ve decided your team name will change. They got some help last week from President Obama, who took a break from refusing to negotiate with…

USAT's Tim Mullaney: ' a Winner Despite Glitches

October 5th, 2013 10:06 AM
Early Friday afternoon, USA Today's Tim Mullaney excused's "glitches," confidently predicted that "they'll get fixed" (in about two months!) and pronounced the enterprise "an out-of-the-box success for consumers shopping for health insurance" which will "sell tons of insurance," even though he had to go to a canned calculator found elsewhere to do much of his work. As to "selling…

Supreme Court 'Tilts Further to the Right'...After Tacking Firmly to t

October 5th, 2013 6:55 AM
Richard Wolf of USA Today can’t use the word “left” to describe recent Supreme Court rulings, only “right.” It came in a story headlined  “Supreme Court poised to tilt further to the right.” When the Court tacks left, it’s a “blockbuster” term of “landmark" decisions. Wolf began: “After two blockbuster terms in which it saved President Obama's health care law and advanced the cause of same-…

USAT: Obamacare Causing Hundreds of Thousands of Children to Lose Heal

September 24th, 2013 1:49 PM
You have to wonder what it will take for anyone in the establishment press to call out a major malfunction associated with Obamacare for what it really is. The threshold is apparently something worse than hundreds of thousands of children, many of whom previously had coverage, going without health insurance. One of the latest headlined examples of reality avoidance first appeared at USA Today…