Naked Bias at the New York Times, Which Wins the Bury-Lois-Lerner-Reti

September 24th, 2013 11:06 AM
The New York Times won this morning’s athletic effort to bury the story of Lois Lerner retiring over “gross mismangement” of the IRS tax-exempt organizations branch. At the very bottom of page A-14, in the second item under a “National Briefing” header, the Times ran a 77-word AP snippet, because who really cares when Tea Party groups are harassed by the Obama administration? The 1379-word…

90% of Top Newspaper Headlines Censor Islam in Nairobi, Pakistan Attac

September 23rd, 2013 1:03 PM
Dare a top newspaper journalist to play connect-the-dots and chances are he’ll fail miserably – at least with drawing the line between Islam and terrorism. In Nairobi, Kenya last weekend, Islamist militants took over a high-end shopping mall and began executing non-Muslims. In Pakistan, Islamist suicide bombers detonated at a Christian Church on Sunday.  Yet on Monday, September 23, 90…

Editorials on Popes Dominated by Focus on Gays, Women

September 12th, 2013 12:11 PM
Let’s look at the way the print media reacted to Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis after their first six months as pontiff.   We looked at the editorials in 15 of the nation’s largest newspapers to see what they said about the current pope, and his predecessor, after their first six months in office (Pope Francis will celebrate his first six months on September 13).

USA Today Finds Home Solar Panels Not Cost-Effective

August 15th, 2013 3:31 PM
Are solar panels are the way to a bright future of clean energy – or the way to an empty bank account? On Aug. 14, USA Today profiled a man who built solar panels in his backyard to demonstrate the inefficiency and high costs of solar energy as well as the taxpayer-funded government subsidies he got in the process. According to the article, Rochester, N.Y. resident Jeffrey Punton installed…

USAT's Story on Jesse Jackson Jr.'s Sentencing Fails to Tag Him as a D

August 14th, 2013 2:30 PM
USA Today's "breaking news" email ("Ex-Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. sentenced to 30 months") opened with the following opening sentence: "The nine-term Democrat from Illinois and son of the former civil rights leader had pleaded guilty in February to using $750,000 in campaign money to pay for living expenses, clothes and luxury items." So it seemed like it would be a waste of time to click through…

On MSNBC, USA Today's Page Preemptively Blames Republicans For ObamaCa

August 14th, 2013 11:53 AM
ObamaCare is set to hit all of us this October, and Susan Page of USA Today is already blaming the Republicans in the likely case the law turns out to be an abject failure. Appearing on MSNBC’s Weekends with Alex Witt on Saturday, Page made a confession that has been hard for the liberal media to make: “[W]e are entering this really critical period when we’re going to find out if [ObamaCare]…

USA Today Flubs it: Pope ‘Closed Door’ on Women Priests

July 30th, 2013 2:27 PM
Surprise, surprise: the media still can’t seem to get their act together on the Pope’s words. Continuing the sloppy reporting on the Pope’s recent press conference, USA Today’s print version flubbed the Pope’s remarks on women’s ordination. While hyperventilating over the Pope’s words on gays, the paper mistakenly claimed that the Pope’s remark “closes door on women’s ordination” – implying…

USA Today: John Kerry ‘Worked A Bit Of Magic’ In Israel-Palestinia

July 30th, 2013 11:23 AM
For decades, no American president has successfully navigated the tenuous relationship between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, each one failing to broker a long-term peace agreement between the two groups. Despite the daunting task of establishing Middle East peace, USA Today believes that President Obama has a secret weapon that no president has had before: Secretary of State John Kerry…

Media Overreact, Claim Pope ‘OK with Gays

July 29th, 2013 3:45 PM
Liberals in the media are doing what they do best when it comes to Pope Francis today: misrepresenting him to their hearts’ content. When asked in a press conference about celibate priests who suffer same-sex attraction, the Pope replied: “If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge him?” – a view which is exactly in line with Church teaching. But of course, the…

Former Top Journalism Professor Blasts Media for Zimmerman Coverage

July 16th, 2013 8:07 AM
One of the most important things a journalist is supposed to do is check, double check, and sometimes even triple check sources to make sure the news being reported is accurate. That's not what happened in the case involving George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, according to Rem Rieder, a former journalism professor and a media columnist for USA Today. Instead, the members of the news media…

Major Newspapers Turn Down Pro-Life Ad, Baby Image 'Too Controversial

July 6th, 2013 5:45 PM
Liberal newspapers across the nation have no problem selling advertising space for pictures of babies to promote such products ranging from diapers to online investment firms. However, three major papers -- USA Today, the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune -- rejected an ad from a pro-life organization that showed an infant at roughly 20 weeks' gestation because it's “too controversial.”…

Girl Scouts March in Gay Pride

July 3rd, 2013 1:40 PM
If the newly gay-friendly Boy Scouts were paying attention last week, they may have caught a glimpse of their future.  According to USAToday, Girl Scouts marched in San Francisco’s infamous gay Pride Parade “for the first time.” Celebrating the “boost” that the DOMA and Prop 8 rulings gave to the Pride Parade, the article quoted Girl Scout parent Del Gregor, who brought her 11-year-old…

At AP, Seven Stories in Two Days on Texas's 500th Death-Penalty Execut

June 30th, 2013 10:52 PM
On Wednesday and Thursday, as seen in this search result at its national site, the Associated Press devoted six stories and a morning "10 Things" tease to the death-penalty execution of Kimberly McCarthy. Make that seven, as an unbylined AP story which appeared at USA Today the morning after McCarthy died appears to have been replaced at the wire service's national site by another during…

USA TODAY: Hollywood ‘the best man of gay marriage

June 27th, 2013 3:10 PM
Being a Hollywood liberal means getting to choose which societal developments you’re responsible for. Culture of violence? Our blood-spattered shoot-em-ups are just good fun that don’t influence anyone. Growing acceptance of gay-marriage? Put our names high in the credits for that one!  Hollywood “has for decades now chipped away at a once taboo topic,” USA Today reporter Marco della Cava …