Pathetic: CNN Claims Tuesday Stock Market Rise Entirely Due to Obama

July 20th, 2011 1:39 AM
In a USA Today email I received 20 minutes after Tuesday's closing bell, I was informed that the exceptionally good day occurred because the stock markets were "buoyed by strong earnings reports by IBM, Coke and others." A visit to the email's linked article also partially attributed the rise to "renewed hopes that U.S. lawmakers would be able to break their stalemate and strike a deficit-…

Media Softballs to Obama: Why Won't Republicans 'Budge' on Tax Increas

July 11th, 2011 5:10 PM
Six out of seven reporters, called on by Barack Obama at today's press conference, asked a question of the President that came from the left and/or blamed Speaker John Boehner and the Republicans for standing in the way of a deal on the debt ceiling. Ben Feller of the AP, began the trend of questioning when he asked how Obama was going to deal with Republicans who were "adamantly" opposed to…

USA Today Religion Blogger Mocks Caterers Who Would Feel Uncomfortable

June 20th, 2011 4:11 PM
As the New York state legislature debates authorizing same-sex marriage, some Republican legislators want to ensure that Empire State business owners in the hospitality industry, such as caterers and florists, could refuse to lend their services to a same-sex couple hoping to hire them without being wrung out to dry in court for discrimination. In response to this development, USA Today's…

USAT's Scott Patterson Covers the Neglected Topic of Business Formatio

June 13th, 2011 10:47 PM
To say that the statistics concerning new business formation during the past few years haven't been very good would be a major understatement. USA Today's Scott Patterson deserves some credit for even looking at the topic. It is tailor-made for neglect by the rest of the establishment press. When government policies lean towards lower taxation and regulation, policies left-leaning journalists…

USA Today Religion Reporter Slams Baptist Preacher for Tweeting That R

June 13th, 2011 1:03 PM
A Baptist preacher calling a sinner to repent and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation is hardly news. Except, perhaps, when it's done via Twitter. USA Today religion blogger Cathy Lynn Grossman yesterday took seminary president and Twitter user Albert Mohler to task for this tweet sent on Saturday:  

Mostly Strong USAT Coverage of Federal Obligations Marred by Ideologic

June 7th, 2011 8:55 PM
Dennis Cauchon at USA Today has been one of a very few establishment press reporters willing to expose federal workers' disproportionate pay and benefits (previous examples here and here) as well as Uncle Sam's precariously dangerous financial situation. Cauchon has two USAT items today on the latter topic (HT to NB commenter Gary Hall): "U.S. funding for future promises lags by trillions,"…

Hide the (Bigger) Declines: Audit Bureau's Newspaper Circ Report Redef

May 3rd, 2011 7:28 PM
How convenient. Via Editor and Publisher, the newspaper industry's Audit Bureau of Circulations, in issuing its March 31, 2011 circulation figures, tells us we shouldn't try to compare this year's numbers to last year's: Because of the new and redefined categories of circulation on this FAS-FAX report, ABC recommends not making any direct comparisons of March 2011 data to prior audit periods…

USA Today Religion Reporter Oddly Suggests Elderly Have No Powerful Lo

April 11th, 2011 4:11 PM
Clearly annoyed with conservative moves to cut the federal budget and, I suppose, with the success of conservative voters and the gun rights lobby, USA Today religion writer Cathy Lynn Grossman penned an odd entry entitled "Budget battles: Granny, get your gun," excerpted in full below:

AP Hits California Megachurch for Requiring Choir Members to Agree to

March 16th, 2011 2:53 PM
"Megachurch wants choir to sign anti-gay covenant," blared the headline gave a March 16 Associated Press (AP) story today. But the story itself reveals the document in question -- Crystal Cathedral Worship Choir and Worship Team Covenant -- simply states traditional, biblically-based Christian doctrine on marriage and sexual ethics. Here's the offending passage, according to…

Regarding the Truth About Social Security, Krauthammer Reports; Jack L

March 11th, 2011 10:53 PM
Yesterday, Washington Post syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer performed an act of journalism that anyone in the establishment press could have done -- and didn't -- for 17 days. Krauthammer did a masterful job of taking apart Obama White House Office of Management and Budget Director Jacob ("Jack") Lew's ridiculous February 21 defense of Social Security and its alleged irrelevance to…

Mostly Suppressed in AP Pirate Hostage/Murder Stories: Leader's Threat

February 23rd, 2011 11:15 AM
USA Today's Wednesday cover story ("Killings Escalate Piracy Crisis"), has this reference to a quote obtained by the Associated Press: Killing hostages "has now become part of our rules," said a pirate who identified himself as Muse Abdi in a statement to the Associated Press. "From now on, anyone who tries to rescue the hostages in our hands will only collect dead bodies," Abdi said. "It…

USA Today Reporter Gratuitously Slams Tea Party in Story on Civil War

February 17th, 2011 4:03 PM
"The Civil War still divides Americans, especially at a time when some in the Tea Party movement talk of states' rights and secession; when many states are rebelling against federal initiatives such as the health care overhaul; and when America's changing demographics make some nostalgic for a society in which white Christians were more dominant." That's how USA Today's Rick Hampson went out…

USAT's Davidson Drinks Deeply from the Obamanomics Job-'Generation' Ko

February 15th, 2011 11:37 PM
Twice on Monday (here and here), I took serious issue with the opening sentences of two Associated Press stories on Uncle Sam's fiscal situation. First, there was Martin Crutsinger's Sunday stinker, which described the level of spending in President Obama's yet to be released 2012 budget as "$3 trillion-plus," timed so that early morning news readers, radio listeners, and TV viewers would…

USA Today Op-Ed: ‘Obama Is...Wizard of All Things to All People and

February 13th, 2011 10:44 AM
Friday’s USA Today featured an op-ed, “Centrist Obama mustn't sacrifice too much,” from Rich Benjamin, a Senior Fellow at something called “Demos,” who admitted he remains “besotted by President Obama” as he gushed: Obama is...rebooting his operation to what he knows best: wizard of all things to all people and master of warm healing. He is acting as a multi-hued, but blank, canvas upon…