Media Question Whether Santorum's Comments In Interview Ar

January 20th, 2011 6:58 PM
In an interview with last week, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum (R) referenced President Obama's African-American heritage last week and "found it remarkable" that he could be pro-abortion. Santorum, later clarifying his comments under media scrutiny, said he meant he is dismayed that a President who "rightfully" fights for civil rights ignores the civil rights of the unborn…

USAT's Neuharth Blames Everyone But the Tucson Killer; MSNBC Response

January 14th, 2011 4:17 PM
On Wednesday (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), in commenting on USA Today's poor decision to quote a paragraph from a New York Times op-ed by former Congressman Paul Kanjorski (D-Pa.) -- a bad decision because Kanjorski's call for "civility" directly contrasts with his call for someone to shoot Florida gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott just a few months ago -- I wrote that USAT Founder Al…

USAT Cites Kanjorski NYT 'Civility' Op-Ed As 'Smart Insight'; Former C

January 12th, 2011 10:25 AM
The folks at USA Today really ought to vet their candidates for the "Et Cetera -- Smart insights on the news of the day" section of the print edition of its editorial page a bit more thoroughly. Wednesday morning's opener in that section (apparently not available online) featured two paragraphs from a New York Times op-ed by former Pennsylvania Congressman Paul Kanjorski, including this final…

AP's New-Home Industry Meme ('Worst in 47 Years') Is Demonstrably Fals

December 27th, 2010 10:11 PM
In its reports about the U.S. homebuilding industry and new home sales, the Associated Press has gotten lazy and/or deliberately deceptive. In doing so, it is giving readers, listeners and viewers at its subscribing outlets a completely incorrect impression that the industry and market are getting off the mat after recently being in their worst shape, in their words, "in 47 years." After…

USAT Builds a False Alternative Reality in Reporting on Housing Market

December 26th, 2010 11:58 PM
2010 will be by far the worst ever in the 48 years records of new home sales have been kept, and there is little if any reason to believe things will get better soon. The news on existing home sales has hardly been better, given the price reductions sellers have had to make to move their homes. Graphics will follow shortly indicating just how bad the market for new and existing homes has been…

Liberal Media Take Exception to American Exceptionalism

December 1st, 2010 10:19 AM
Is America a special nation, chosen by God as “the shining city on the hill?” Do our founding documents, with their explicit invocation of natural rights, set us apart from the rest of the world? Majorities of Americans believe so. Even the liberal Brookings Institution recently published a survey that found 58 percent of citizens believe: “God has granted America a special role in human…

USAT Report on Federal Employees Paid $150k+ Per Year Makes Key Points

November 11th, 2010 12:33 PM
Before critiquing, I should recognize that USA Today, while most of the establishment press has snoozed, has done a very creditable job of exposing the wide differential between federal employee and private-sector pay (Aug. 10, 2010; "Federal workers earning double their private counterparts"), and of identifying the outrageous degree by which salaries in the upper levels of Uncle Sam's empire…

USA Today Reporter Outs Himself As...a Democrat

November 11th, 2010 9:08 AM
In his weekly “The Final Word” column for USA Today, “Out of the closet...well, almost,” features reporter Craig Wilson recalled in Wednesday’s newspaper: “I once knew a gay youth who was bullied. Me.” He soon, however, pivoted to “when I came out to my parents, they were not surprised.” But, “the real trouble came when I told my mother I had become a Democrat.”

Newspaper Circ Drops Another 5%; WSJ Is Sole Meaningful Gainer

October 31st, 2010 9:02 AM
This past week, we learned that it was another year, another dive for newspaper circulations: 5% for dailies, and 4.5% on Sundays, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations. That's not as bad as some past declines, but it's still going the wrong way. As usual, they'll blame the Internet, and reject the possibility that persistent, pervasive bias and blind adherence to politically correct…

Chris Matthews: Sarah Palin Brags About Lack of Knowledge, Doesn't Rea

October 17th, 2010 2:46 PM
Chris Matthews on Friday said Sarah Palin brags about her lack of knowledge and doesn't read the paper. In a discussion about Tea Party candidates on the syndicated program bearing his name, Matthews echoed the typical liberal media elite nonsense about such people all being illiterate idiots (video follows with transcript and commentary):

USA Today Frets Over the Possible Loss of (Democratic) Women in Congre

October 6th, 2010 12:48 PM
A headline in USA Today on Monday worried, "Elections are likely to trim number of women in Congress." It wasn't until the 15th paragraph of Susan Page's story that the numerous female Republican candidates running in the midterm elections were mentioned. Instead, the Washington Bureau Chief explained, "The prospects for female congressional candidates have been hurt by a combination of a tough…

USA Today Shocker - 'Global Warming Good News: Fewer Big Ocean Storms

September 16th, 2010 4:18 PM
Since Al Gore's schlockumentary "An Inconvenient Truth" came out in 2006, Americans have been deluged on almost a daily basis about the evils of a slowly warming planet.On Thursday, surprisingly offered an upside to rising temperatures:A new study out Wednesday in the British journal Nature finds that large, powerful North Atlantic ocean storms should actually become less frequent… Notes Poll Showing Bush Blamed for Economy, Skips One Sho

September 2nd, 2010 4:23 PM
Yesterday the Gallup organization released a poll showing that Americans trust Republicans over Democrats on most major issues heading into the general election season. Today the same polling outfit released a poll that found a large number of Americans blame George W. Bush for the faltering economy. Guess which one Gallup partner USA Today hyped?Here's how USA Today staffer Susan Page began her…

Media Use Crazy Weather to Hype Global Warming, Despite Admissions Wea

August 19th, 2010 9:46 AM
Last winter, as blizzard snowfalls piled up into several feet in the nation's capital, conservatives mocked global warming alarmists for trying to link weather incidents to global warming. But as summer heat waves, volcanoes and sinkholes have appeared recently, climate alarmists proved they missed the point. A top Obama administration scientist attacked global warming skeptics during the…