USA Today Blogger Annoyed by Ground Zero Mosque/Auschwitz Convent Anal

August 18th, 2010 12:44 PM
"Ground Zero is not Auschwitz, so why all the analogies?"USA Today religion blogger Cathy Lynn Grossman asks that question with the headline of her August 18 Faith & Reason post. Grossman explained that the comparison stems from conservatives who pointed out an incident in the early 1990s when Pope John Paul II halted a planned convent near the Auschwitz concentration camp. The nuns had every…

USA Today Endorses Mosque and Berates 'Reprehensible' Critics Who 'Fom

August 16th, 2010 4:46 PM
Add USA Today to the list of mainstream media outlets denouncing opponents of the plan to build a mosque near Ground Zero. In a Monday editorial, “New York mosque fight stirs all the wrong passions,” the “nation's newspaper” declared: “The argument over building a mosque and Islamic center near Ground Zero is mostly a sorry exercise in political exploitation” and berated that it's “created a…

USA Today Incorrectly Reports Reggie Bush Apologized to USC Athletic D

August 14th, 2010 1:41 PM
New Orleans Saints running back Reggie Bush has caused a lot of problems for his alma mater, University of Southern California. While playing at USC, Bush accepted cash and gifts from a wannabee sports agent which later caused the NCAA to impose harsh sanctions upon USC including four years of probation and banishment from the 2010 and 2011 bowl games. Because of his actions, Bush apologized to…

Reporters Visiting WH for Off-the-Record Lunch Work For Pubs That Dema

August 13th, 2010 9:59 PM
File the news in this report filed late yesterday afternoon by Michael Calderone and John Cook at Yahoo's Upshot Blog under "D" for Double Standards: White House reporters mum on Obama lunch, even as papers back transparency White House reporters are keeping quiet about an off-the-record lunch today with President Obama — even those at news organizations who've advocated in the past for the…

Social Security: Government 'Ponzi' Scheme Turns 75 with $41 Billion S

August 12th, 2010 9:35 AM
This is a historic year for the largest government program: Social Security, which turns 75 in just a few days. The program is also running a deficit for the first time since 1983, and ahead of estimates. Initially, Social Security was created to provide supplemental income to elderly and disabled people who could not work, and was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt Aug.…

USA Today’s Neuharth Ridicules ‘Ludicrous’ and ‘Laughable’ L

August 7th, 2010 2:15 PM
USA Today founder Al Neuharth used his weekly column on Friday to ridicule Rush Limbaugh, marking the 22nd anniversary of Limbaugh’s national radio show by denouncing the conservative talk titan for “ludicrous” assertions and deriding him for having “the best comedy show on radio.” In the column titled “Limbaugh anniversary is a laughing matter,” Neuharth condescendingly maintained: “I'm not a…

USA Today Reporter: 'Do You Care About the Nationality' of Drunk Drive

August 4th, 2010 12:50 PM
On Sunday morning in northern Virginia, a drunk illegal immigrant -- who had previously been convicted twice on DUI charges --  allegedly crashed head-on into a car full of nuns, killing one, Sister Denise Mosier, and injuring the rest. The Benedictine Sisters have since come out to say they are "dismayed and saddened" that the crime "has been politicized and become an apparent forum for the…

USA Today Gleefully Reports on Social Workers Stacking Democrat Votes

July 28th, 2010 11:29 PM
Last Thursday, USA Today bizarrely found a silver lining to the recession: more people walking into welfare offices means more Democrat votes in November. You see, Americans living in poverty are more likely to support Democrats yet less likely to vote. But never fear - ACORN came along to save the day. The liberal group won a major lawsuit in the battleground state of Ohio just in time for 2010…

USA Today Spins Liberal Lincoln Chafee as a 'Centrist' and a 'Moderate

July 6th, 2010 11:14 AM
According to USA Today's Susan Page, Lincoln Chafee, a Republican who left the party and voted for Barack Obama in 2008, is simply a "moderate." A cover story for Tuesday's print edition of the paper featured the misleading sub-headline: "Centrists Fuel Big Crop of Contenders This Year." Nowhere in the 1800 word piece did Page describe Chafee as a liberal. Instead, the politician, now running for…

Malveaux Hates Fourth of July - Reminds Her of Slavery and Economic In

July 5th, 2010 5:24 PM
If you were African-American living in the era of President Barack Obama, would you hate the Fourth of July because it reminded you of slavery and economic inequality?You would if your name was Julianne Malveaux and you were the syndicated columnist that also serves as the president of Bennett College, the historically black women's school in Greensboro, North Carolina.So disdainful of America's…

AP Quietly Lowers the 'Normal' Unemployment Bar to

July 3rd, 2010 10:15 AM
Those looking for evidence that there is a move afoot in the establishment press to lower the bar for whatever economic accomplishments might be accomplished during the Obama administration will be interested in how the Associated Press's report on the government's June jobs report defined "normal" unemployment. Perhaps it's valid for reporters Jeannine Aversa and Christopher Rugaber to refer to…

USA Today Touts Atheist Summer Camp

July 2nd, 2010 11:41 AM
USA Today recently gave free advertising in the form of a 900-word profile to a summer camp, Camp Quest. But unlike other summer camps, however, Camp Quest is for children of atheists and agnostics. In “Summer camp caters to kids of atheists, agnostics,” Meredith Heagney touted Camp Quest as being just like any other summer camp, but she admitted that, while there is an “emphasis on open-…

CNN and MSNBC Applaud Elena Kagan's Capitol Hill Comedy Hour

June 30th, 2010 6:03 PM
In covering Elena Kagan's confirmation hearings, CNN and MSNBC have repeatedly lauded the Supreme Court nominee for her "flashes of humor" and "disarming ease."In tune with the reverberations of the network morning shows' echo chamber, correspondents like CNN's Dana Bash and anchors like MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Tuesday praised Kagan for her ability to inject humor into otherwise "hollow and…

AP Breaking: Supremes' Ruling 'Casts Doubt' on Chicago Handgun Ban

June 28th, 2010 10:54 AM
Lord have mercy, even when it hits him in the face, the Associated Press's Mark Sherman won't concede the obvious: "Cast doubt"? Is that what court rulings do now? A USA Today item has it right: