Obama's Other Inaugural Preacher Supports Gay Clergy, Same-sex Marriag

December 19th, 2008 1:13 PM
While the media are fixated on the ire gay activists are directing at the president-elect for selecting Prop 8 proponent Rick Warren to give the invocation at the Obama inaugural, I've noticed little attention given to the fact that the man selected to give the benediction is pretty much the polar opposite of Warren on some key doctrinal matters related to homosexuality.Rev. Joseph Lowery, a…

USA Today Shifts Corruption Focus from Illinois - to North Dakota

December 12th, 2008 12:25 AM
You can just see the scene from the Wizard of Oz, where the wizard says ‘Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.' When it comes to diverting attention from a scandal plagued home state, don't worry Senator Obama, USA Today has your back. In a bizarre demonstration of spinning numbers with the sole purpose of getting people to look away from the recent Blagojevich scandal, John…

IL Gov. Blagojevich Arrested: Name That Party Roundup

December 9th, 2008 11:26 AM
(Also, see Matthew Balan's NB post on CNN.com's Name That Party Blagojevich whiff, and related posts by Mark Finkelstein and Warner Todd Huston.)Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was arrested today. The Associated Press's Mike Robinson actually identified "Blago's" party in the third paragraph of his 10:27 a.m. report (link is dynamic; cited report is also here for future reference; underlying…

USA Today Guts Conservative Critique of Gay Marriage in Iowa Story

December 8th, 2008 5:29 PM
Condensing a December 7 story by Des Moines Register's Grant Schulte on a lawsuit in Iowa that may create same-sex marriage in the Hawkeye State, USA Today's left out the meat of conservative critiques of the lawsuit, citing three supporters of the lawsuit to one conservative critic. The lone conservative was given just four words in print in the December 7 article "Iowa high court to hear gay-…

USA Today: 'Obama's Actions Perk Up Stock Market

December 1st, 2008 11:10 AM

So Eager for Obama, Wants Inauguration Moved to December

November 15th, 2008 11:52 PM
“People who elect a new President are eager for the change to take place. The sooner the better,” USA Today founder Al Neuharth argued in his Friday column in which he asked, coincidentally just a week-and-a-half after Barack Obama's election: “Why wait until late January to turn the Oval Office over to a new President elected in early November?” He proposed: “We should move the President's…

SC Catholic Priest Makes Firm Post-Election Doctrinal Statement on Abo

November 14th, 2008 4:20 PM
Why wasn't there more of this before the election? The headline at a Greenville, SC News story carried at USA Today says, "Priest urges penance for Obama voters." Father Jay Scott Newman is actually demanding it of those who would claim to be faithful Catholics. In the process, he is also stating longstanding Church policy on abortion that has largely been absent from Sunday pre-election…

Anatomy of a Biased Headline: Part IV

November 14th, 2008 10:03 AM
How is it that in this time of historic change and euphoria, the media can remain so pessimistic? The messiah has been elected, ACORN and Democratic Secretary of State Mark Ritchie are stealing an election in Minnesota, conservatives are going to be silenced via the Fair-Less Doctrine, and gay marriage activists are assaulting the elderly. It is a time of hope and optimism in this, our…

USA Today: This 'Economic Crisis' Has Nothing on the Great Depression

November 4th, 2008 3:56 PM
Perhaps this is coming a little late with the election already underway, but the idea the current economy is as threatened as it was during the Great Depression is unfounded, according to the Nov. 4 USA Today. "Failed banks. Panicked markets. Rising unemployment. For students of history, or people of a certain age, it all has an all-too-familiar ring. Is this another Great Depression? Not yet,"…

USAT Notices Low October Iraq Troop Deaths, But Obscures Overall WOT I

October 31st, 2008 3:46 PM
Give them credit for noticing. Pass out demerits for incompleteness.Friday's USA Today carried a slightly inaccurate Page 1A tease ("Iraq is safer for US troops; October is on track to tie July for the month with fewest combat deaths"). It went to a top of Page 7A story ("US Deaths in Iraq on track for record low") that noticed how relatively well the month of October has gone for our troops in…

Al Neuharth's Hysterical 'Plain Talk': News Coverage Used to Be Slante

October 31st, 2008 2:19 PM
Al Neuharth's Friday mini-column in USA Today should have been in a section the paper doesn't have: the comics.Neuharth claimed that today's newspapers play the news straight, while in the "olden days" they didn't.Put down all drinks before reading (bolds are mine): Fewer newspapers try to dictate votesPlain Talk by Al Neuharth More newspaper bosses across the USA have wised up to the fact that…

Palestinian Campaigns for Obama from Gaza, Media Mostly Mum

October 29th, 2008 10:32 AM
On Tuesday, Yahoo News published an Associated Press picture of a young Palestinian gentleman who is campaigning for Barack Obama from his home in Gaza:Palestinian Ibrahim Abu Jayab, 24, is seen next to his computer, in his family house in Nusayrat refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2008. A young Palestinian in a Gaza refugee camp is doing his part to get out the vote for Barack…

USA Today Story on White Supremacists Subtly Suggests GOP Home to Bigo

October 21st, 2008 11:08 AM
In her October 21 article, "White supremacists target middle America," USA Today's Marisol Bello took a look at how hate groups are trying to go more "mainstream" by ditching Nazi armbands, brown shirts and white sheets and going for a more "middle class" look. While there is merit in covering such a story, Bello and/or her editors unfortunately chose to color the piece in a way that reflected…

Will Media Report ACORN Voter Registration Fraud and Obama Ties

October 14th, 2008 11:03 AM
In battleground states across the country, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now is being investigated for voter registration fraud.Yet, this group's nefarious activities this election cycle have not received the kind of mass media exposure you would expect given its ties to the current frontrunner for president, Barack Obama.As the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday (…