Did You See This? Neither Did America

October 7th, 2008 2:12 PM
Did you happen to catch the candidate who handled her heckler with grace, poise, and dignity? It’s created quite a buzz in the media… The Boston Globe spoke of her ‘snappy comeback.’ The Consortium for Independent Journalism reveled in ‘her deft reaction.’ MSNBC reported from the scene that there was ‘roaring cheers and applause from the stunned crowd.’ USA Today remarked about her ‘…

Headlines Offer an Alternate Liberal Reality

September 8th, 2008 10:21 PM
This is to say, not reality at all. What is the first step in the main stream media’s handbook of liberal bias?  Why, alter the headline to fit your agenda, of course. In textbook MSM form, liberal news outlets have been altering the planned Tuesday announcement by President Bush that 8,000 troops in Iraq will be home by February.  Allow me to demonstrate…

'Jobs Americans Won't Do' Meme Takes Another Hit in Mississippi

September 6th, 2008 8:48 AM

Elite Media Give Big Bucks to Gay Journalist Group

August 28th, 2008 12:19 PM
Rarely do the media put their institutional political bias on public display, but this past weekend, America's news industry titans left no doubt that they're fully behind one of the nation's most radical cultural and political movements.  ABC, AP, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the corporate owners of USA Today, the Miami Herald, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution…

USA Today Hits McCain in Hillary Article

August 25th, 2008 2:23 PM
Just in time for the Democratic Convention in Denver this week, is the national press doing their best once again to tilt the playing field in favor of Senator Barack Obama? It would seem that that is indeed the case. Case in point is an article in the USAToday online edition headlined Poll: More than half of Clinton backers still not sold on Obama. However, once the story passes its main focus…

Advancing Hysteria by Editing Skeptical Views of Global Warming

August 18th, 2008 12:32 PM
Remember back in November when Nobel Laureate Al Gore actually told NBC's Meredith Vieira that trying to cover global warming from a fair and balanced perspective was wrong, and only climate alarmists should be given any attention in pieces concerning this controversial subject?Well, a Stanford social psychologist has recently done a study of how people's opinions about global warming change if…

Neuharth: Olympics Beat Naziism & Communism, Now Ping-Pong

August 10th, 2008 3:15 PM
USA Today founder Al Neuharth suggested in his weekly column for the paper on Friday that, as the 1936 Olympics in Berlin preceded the rise of the German democracy and the 1980 Olympics in Moscow preceded Russia's move toward democracy, the Olympic games this year in Beijing “will bring 1.3 billion closer” to the end of communism. In the “Other Views” below Neuharth's column, Foundation for…

USA Today Touted Obama Lead; Sees 'Doubts, Divisions' in McCain Edge

July 29th, 2008 4:06 PM
When a USA Today poll found Barack Obama holding a six point lead over John McCain in late June, the newspaper trumpeted, "Poll: Obama Has Edge Over McCain." But when a USAToday/Gallup survey resulted in a four point spread for the Arizona senator, the July 29 print headline mildly offered, "Doubts, Divisions Seen in Tight Race." The online adaption of Tuesday's article featured a more balanced…

Opposite Trajectories: Rush and The Newspaper Business

July 2nd, 2008 8:19 PM
Rush Limbaugh's new deal with Clear Channel, as flashed by Drudge (also covered or addressed here and here at NewsBusters; here at the New York Times; and here in a very long New York Times magazine article), is north of $400 million for the next eight years.Good tax planning too: Maharushie will get his reported nine-figure signing bonus this year before a possible President Obama does his…

Neuharth: Raise Income Tax So Iraq War Hawks Will Become Doves

June 30th, 2008 12:52 AM
Regretting that “few grownups are concerned about the $526 billion cost so far for the Iraq war without end” because “President Bush and his rich buddies have made sure most of the monetary burden will be borne by our children and grandchildren,” USA Today founder Al Neuharth, in his weekly column on Friday, recommended “a stiff income tax surcharge” to pay for the war. But Neuharth made clear…

Justice O'Connor's Legacy 'Undercut' by Roberts Court

June 10th, 2008 11:07 PM

Reminder: Bush Won in Florida Recounts Conducted by the Media

May 25th, 2008 7:56 PM
With HBO's 'Recount' movie (airing Sunday and Monday night at 9 PM EDT/PDT) sure to rekindle claims that Al Gore would have won if only the U.S. Supreme Court had not “stopped the counting,” a reminder that both recounts conducted by major media outlets in 2001 determined George W. Bush would have won anyway. Two stars of the film have fueled the re-writing of history with actor Kevin Spacey, who…

Welfare Rolls Inching Up? It's Not the Economy, USAT

May 20th, 2008 4:15 PM
In early May, Richard Wolf at USA Today tried to make a big deal over a very small statistic, and wrote one of those "signs of hard times" pieces that have become all the rage these days in Old Media (previous examples are here and here). Wolf's piece was hampered by a possibly excusable math error, courtesy of the data supplied. But he also showed no curiosity as to why there have been such…

Soros Attacks Free-Market Capitalism in USA Today Puff Piece

May 13th, 2008 3:58 PM
If you're a believer in the Larry Kudlow creed, that "free-market capitalism is the best path to prosperity," then look out, because George Soros is going to make you cringe. A May 13 USA Today article by David J. Lynch profiled the Hungarian billionaire who said he sees traditional free market theory as "flawed." "Of course, real life never matches up exactly with the theory's assumptions.…