Vox Writer: Decades of GOP ‘Fear and Paranoia’ Paved Way For Trump

December 3rd, 2015 12:41 AM
Though a great many on the right don’t consider Donald Trump one of their own, he’s the Republican presidential frontrunner in large part because he’s exploited an ideological and media environment designed to increase the power of movement conservatives, contended Roberts in a Tuesday piece. According to Roberts, Trump appeals to “a faction of the electorate that has been primed to respond to…

Vox Writer: Right Prefers ‘Martial Rhetoric’ to Actually Bombing ISIS

November 17th, 2015 9:27 PM
Last week, ex-Bill Clinton adviser Paul Begala snarked on CNN that during the most recent Republican presidential debate, the candidates mentioned Hillary Clinton so often that they came off as “creepy…in a stalker sort of way…Maybe it's affectionate…Maybe they’re like junior high schoolboys.” Vox's David Roberts has joined Begala in likening the GOP contenders to middle- or high-schoolers, but…

Blogger: I’ll Buy Harwood a Beer For Questioning Rubio on Taxes

October 29th, 2015 5:38 PM
Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio put media bias on the front burner at CNBC’s Republican presidential debate, but conservatives and liberals differed sharply on whether what was in the pot smelled appetizing. Several lefty bloggers turned up their noses at the idea that in last night’s event and in general, the media favor Democrats.

S-Word Avoided in Stories About Near Worthless Venezuelan Currency

October 19th, 2015 7:51 PM
How inflated is Venezuelan currency? So inflated that even thieves in Venezuela are refusing to steal it.  This has been reported in several media outlets such as the New York Times and Vox but a certain word is very noticebably absent in both reports. It is the S-word that dare not speak its name. One big reason it is taboo in liberal circles to associate that word with economic failure is that…

Vox Writer: Hillary’s Not Concerned With ‘The Spirit of the Rules’

October 6th, 2015 9:28 PM
The antics of the former major-league baseball player Manny Ramirez were frequently described as “just Manny being Manny.” Yglesias suggests that Hillary Clinton’s ill-advised use of a private email server was just Hillary being Hillary, and that that’s a good thing. In a Tuesday article, Yglesias wrote that “from her adventures in cattle trading to chairing a policymaking committee in her…

Ezra Klein Prematurely Declares Yet Another Peak Trump

September 30th, 2015 3:15 PM
How many times have we heard that Donald Trump has peaked since he declared his candidacy for president in June? A half dozen times? More? And each time Peak Trump was announced by pundits, it was inevitably followed by yet another surge in the polls. This is probably why in recent weeks, media prognosticators seem to have shied from declaring Peak Trump since it is always followed by you-know-…

Daily Beast's Michael Tomasky: A Democrat Won the GOP Debate

September 17th, 2015 10:21 PM
Among the insights: Fiorina "has a notable facility for delivering answers that thrill conservatives but fall apart under close examination"; a discussion of childhood vaccines showed that the party is "fervid, claustrophobic, recklessly insinuating, and, at the same time, utterly timid when it comes to extremism in its own ranks”; and the GOP as a whole is "wedded to the tenets of [George W.]…

Vox Lauds Obama Comment That’s ‘Likely to Enrage Conservatives’

September 1st, 2015 9:42 PM
In a Tuesday post, David Roberts opined that “nativist conservatives” won’t accept that America shares responsibility for climate change, or for any other “ills in the world,” because they believe that the very idea is “unpatriotic.” “Conservative psychology is averse to ambiguity and nuance,” asserted Roberts, “so for ideological conservatives America is either God's chosen country, a force for…

Vox Writer: Pregnancy a Type of ‘Living Organ Donation’

August 21st, 2015 4:33 PM
Tales of people awakening in hotel bathtubs to find their kidneys had been removed were an Internet staple in the 1990s. Taub, who's expecting her first child, argues that those bogus stories have something in common with unwanted pregnancies, given that pregnancy is a “category of living organ donation.” “The idea of forcing someone into an organ transplant is indeed so appalling that it is the…

NBCUniversal Invests $200 Million in Liberal Vox Media

August 14th, 2015 7:54 AM
Two liberal media groups are joining forces. CNBC reported on Aug. 13, that NBCUniversal has invested $200 million in the privately-owned digital media company Vox Media. Vox Media Chairman and CEO Jim Bankoff told Squawk Box that the money would be going into building Vox brands, advertising capabilities, technology and infrastructure.

Vox Writer: Fewer Reporters ‘Sand Down’ GOP’s Extremism

July 31st, 2015 2:29 PM
David Roberts has penned a tale of two media, dealing first with how a profusion of conservative outlets has pulled the Republican party to the right -- the subject of a recent Harvard study -- then pivoting to analyze the mainstream media’s belated (and still incomplete) awakening to the GOP’s “radicalism.” “One of the longstanding critiques of mainstream media on the left,” wrote Roberts in a…

Vox 'Voxsplains' CNN's Dildo Flag Blunder

June 28th, 2015 1:04 PM
I am sure that when John Cameron Swayze began anchoring the Camel News Caravan at NBC in 1949 he never in his wildest imagination would have thought that there ever could be a day when a flag covered with dildos and butt plugs at a gay pride parade would become the focus of a television news broadcast. However such was the case on Saturday when a CNN reporter confused a parody ISIS flag with the…

Vox's Kliff Biting Fingernails Awaiting SCOTUS ObamaCare Ruling

June 24th, 2015 3:05 PM
Anxious much, Sarah? Sarah Kliff of Vox.com sounds like she needs to take a page out of the playbook of South Park's Eric Cartman who couldn't wait the three weeks for the  Wii video game console to be released so he had himself frozen to spare himself the waiting time from his POV. Although Kliff only has to wait another day or two until the Supreme Court releases its ruling on the Obamacare…

Vox Writer: Media Don’t Like Hillary, But Average People Do

June 2nd, 2015 9:47 PM
The mainstream media don’t like Hillary Clinton, contends Yglesias, nor does she “care to hide her disdain” for them. Conservatives don’t have to choose a side (talk about strange bedfellows either way) but Yglesias related in a Monday post that in this conflict, he’s partial to Hillary. Yglesias claimed that “the press hates to admit…good news” about HRC, such as her edge in polls over her…