Ezra Klein: Voters Will ‘Eventually Punish’ Obamacare Opponents

May 23rd, 2015 1:55 PM
“The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.” That proverb sums up Vox editor-in-chief Ezra Klein’s Friday analysis of the policy and politics of Obamacare. In this metaphor, the dogs are ideologues on both sides who, heedless of evidence, have been barking (and snarling and growling) at each other about the Affordable Care Act. As Klein noted, “Social scientists have [determined that] the more…

Sarah Kliff Discovers Obamacare Stinks

May 20th, 2015 4:39 PM
Over the past few years there has been no greater Obamacare cheerleader than Sarah Kliff of General Electric Vox. Therefore it was quite a revelation today to discover she had a change of heart and has found her formerly beloved program to be deeply flawed. Is it too harsh to claim she now thinks Obamacare stinks? Well the Vox headline on her article used the term "crummier" as in "Health…

Vox Inadvertently Undermines Global Warming Settled Science Argument

May 13th, 2015 1:18 PM
It's official. 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded! Oops! Never mind. It turned out upon closer investigation that NASA scientists admitted that there was only a 38% chance that was true. Perhaps Vox should have peered just a few months into the future to see their own article written by Julia Belluz and Steven Hoffman which stated that "Science is often flawed. It's time we embraced that."…

Vox Writer Skips Obvious Laugh Line in Hillary's Speech

April 29th, 2015 6:14 PM
Jonathan Allen of General Electric Vox wrote a loving paean about Hillary Clinton's speech today at Columbia University which touched on the Baltimore riots. However, what was really notable about his article is what it left out. An inadvertently jarring laugh line which Allen very conveniently skips. 

Ezra Klein: Real, ‘Angry’ Obama Emerges at WHCD

April 27th, 2015 5:17 PM
Did President Obama do a standup comedy routine at Saturday night’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner? Not as much as he performed “a recital of brutal truths,” asserted Vox’s Klein in a Monday article. For example, regarding Obama’s remark that his executive actions on climate change and immigration were “the right thing to do,” Klein noted, “That's not a joke. That's Obama's actual…

Vox Youth: Open the Borders to Solve Immigration Crises

April 21st, 2015 8:10 PM
Youthful Vox writer, Dylan Matthews, who previously recommended the abolishment of the U.S. Senate and Constitution is back in action. This time he recommends that to solve the immigration crises in Europe and the United States is simply to abolish borders. Just let all people who want to enter those countries do so with no border obstacles. As to their effect on lowering wages of people already…

Yale Eco-Podcast Urges: Eat More Bugs!

March 18th, 2015 12:52 PM
Cricket. It’s what’s for dinner. At least that’s what lefty environmentalists are pushing as a substitute for meat like beef, pork or chicken. All for the sake of the environment. Yum.

Vox’s Ezra Klein: ‘Al Gore Should Run For President’

March 16th, 2015 2:09 PM
Klein thinks pushing the climate-change issue might cost Gore votes, but it’s a risk that could pay off big if Gore’s elected, since “climate change is an issue where the president has real unilateral authority.” In any event, funding the campaign wouldn’t seem problematic. Klein noted that Gore himself now is “fabulously wealthy — richer, even, than Mitt Romney” and added, given super-rich…

Blogger: Right’s Control of GOP ‘Probably Not Sustainable’

March 7th, 2015 12:34 PM
One of the most discussed articles of the past week was Matthew Yglesias’s Monday piece in Vox contending that this country’s combination of a presidential system and increasing ideological polarization is a recipe for eventual political breakdown (the article was headlined “American democracy is doomed”). New York magazine’s Chait thinks Yglesias overlooked something important. Chait argues that…

Vox Writer: Ditch U.S. Constitution, Replace With Parliamentary System

March 3rd, 2015 7:53 PM
A Vox writer once again proves that the Left hates the U.S. Constitution with its limits on government power and checks and balances. Instead he wants the current form of federal government replaced with a parliamentary system giving more power to the chief executive.

Vox's Sarah Kliff: Please Believe in Gruber's Obamacare Integrity

March 2nd, 2015 12:00 PM
Please believe in the integrity of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber. If he disavowed his own remarks, emphatically repeated several times on video, that only state based health exchanges were eligible for subsidies you can believe this honorable gentleman. Such is the attitude of General Electric Vox's Sarah Kliff as she regales us with the history of the King vs Burwell case which will be…

Vox Avoids S-word in Venezuela Crises Photo Essay

February 26th, 2015 8:40 PM
General Electric Vox published a photo essay about the crises in Venezuela.  The photos of the protests were picturesque but something important was missing. It was especially noticeable when the essay by Amanda Taub, 11 stunning photos of the protest movement sweeping Venezuela, touched on the dismal economy. Therefore the most stunning thing about the essay wasn't the photos but the very…

Even Vox Thinks Obama’s Wimping Out On ‘Islamist Extremism’

February 19th, 2015 10:04 PM
Vox writer Max Fisher argues that Obama “has veered so far into downplaying Islamist extremism that he appears at times to refuse to acknowledge its existence at all, or has referred to it as violent extremism. While he has correctly identified economic and political factors that give rise to extremism, he has appeared to downplay or outright deny an awkward but important fact: religion plays an…

Obama Dismisses Terrorism Threat As Media Hype, Networks Silent

February 10th, 2015 4:33 PM
In an interview with left-wing website Vox.com released on Monday, President Obama downplayed the threat from radical Islamic terrorism and blamed the media for supposedly hyping the danger: "If it bleeds, it leads, right? You show crime stories and you show fires, because that's what folks watch, and it's all about ratings. And, you know, the problems of terrorism and dysfunction and chaos,…