Vox Fails Miserably to Explain Away Obamacare Architect Admitting Subs

July 25th, 2014 11:36 AM
Jonathan Gruber, along with Ezekiel Emanuel, is considered one of the architects of Obamacare. So when he is caught on video admitting the plaintiff's premise of Halbig vs Burwell which was this week ruled in favor of the plaintiffs it went viral on the Web. The court (and Gruber in 2012) agreed that Congress meant that the states would receive subsidies as an incentive to set up their own…

To Vox’s Matthew Yglesias, ‘GOP’ Might As Well Stand For ‘Grou

July 17th, 2014 6:58 AM
No, Vox blogger Matthew Yglesias has not suggested that an appropriate slogan for the current Republican party would be “Get off our lawn!” Yglesias did, however, argue in a Tuesday post that these days, conservative politics reeks of “oldsterism,” as evidenced by developments including righties advocating large budget cuts except for programs benefiting those 55 and older; “constant bickering…

Sarah Kliff: 'States Don't Know How They'll Pay for Year Two of Obamac

June 23rd, 2014 10:27 AM
Up a creek without a paddle. That pretty much describes the situation next year facing states that decided to set up their own Obamacare exchanges. And who is reporting this gloomy outlook? None other than one of the biggest media cheerleaders for Obamacare, Sarah Kliff of General Electric Vox. Kliff delivers the sad news in a story appropriately titled, "States don't know how they'll pay for…

Liberal Vox Claims Little Basis for Scott Walker Prosecution

June 20th, 2014 11:37 AM
Have you noticed in the past few days the big media campaign against Wisconsin governor Scott Walker? As we have seen here in Newsbusters, the New Republic even attempted a race baiting smear with "The Unelectable Whiteness of Scott Walker."  We also have many media sources salivating over what they think is the prospect of Walker being prosecuted over campaign violations such as the Washington…

Sarah Kliff Praises CT Obamacare Website Hours Before Security Breach

June 9th, 2014 8:58 PM
Sheesh! Talk about poor timing... On Sunday, Sarah Klifff of General Electric Vox gleefully reported on the "success" of the Connecticut Obamacare website. In fact so successful according to Kliff that Access Health CT is now thinking about selling its software to other states. However, unknown to Kliff who trumpeted her story with "How Connecticut built a healthcare.gov that actually works…

Sarah Kliff Baffled by Massachusetts Obamacare Failure

May 12th, 2014 3:15 PM
It's really baffling. How could a 2000 plus page complex law which makes no economic sense known as Obamacare possibly fail? Sarah Kliff of General Electric Vox is also baffled but specifically about the utter failure of Obamacare in Massachusetts. Of course, just about everything except the kitchen sink and Obamacare itself is blamed. So let us now watch Kliff play the blame game with the…

Vox Mocked for Income Inequality Interview at Expensive Bar Serving

April 30th, 2014 5:27 PM
There are so many things to mock about General Electric Vox from the fact that there is almost no Vox Populi (i.e. reader's comments) in Vox except for a narcissistic story celebrating itself after just three weeks on the web to Sarah Kliff reporting today with a straight face about how the White House considers that rising health care spending means ObamaCare is working. Perhaps the most…

Even Sarah Kliff Becomes Critical of ObamaCare

April 26th, 2014 1:13 PM
WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!!! The White House Director of Progressive Media needs to send out an emergency response team to Sarah Kliff of General Electric Vox  to get her "mind right" again for going off-message on ObamaCare since the debate is "over." Got that? The debate  is OVER! Except that the debate is not quite over when one of the biggest ObamaCare cheerleaders is beginning to cast…