Vox's Sarah Kliff Slams Obamacare Plaintiffs as Obama Haters

February 10th, 2015 1:32 PM
Forget about the legal merits of the King vs Burwell case which states that the Obamacare law actually means what it says: that subsidies should only go to state-run, not federal exchanges. What really counts according to Sarah Kliff of Vox is that the plaintiffs in this case are guilty of the thought crime of thinking ill of (GASP!) President Obama.  

Vox: At Prayer Breakfast, Obama Rebuked Those Who ‘Hate Muslims’

February 10th, 2015 11:35 AM
Max Fisher writes that Obama’s comment was “so banal it could be an after-school special. That it has provoked national controversy goes to show that there is still a mainstream thread of thought in America that Islam is an inherently violent religion, that the world's 1.6 billion Muslims are somehow different, and that non-Muslims are superior human beings.”

Obama Declares News Media 'Balkanized' Since 'If It Bleeds, It Leads'

February 9th, 2015 6:56 PM
During a pair of interviews with people from Vox.com -- which is described as a "general interest news site for the 21st Century" -- president Barack Obama on Monday described the roles of news sources in a variety of unflattering ways. In the first discussion, editor-in-chief Ezra Klein asked Obama to respond to the fact that “you are the most polarizing president really since we began polling…

O’Donnell Skips Lies in Obama’s Book, Yet Attacked Chris Kyle's Story

February 5th, 2015 12:30 AM
On Tuesday night, Lawrence O’Donnell devoted nearly four minutes of MSNBC show The Last Word to reading from and professing his complete admiration for President Barack Obama’s memoir Dreams From My Father as the “most honest,” “open,” “artful,” and “finest literary work ever authored by a President of the United States.” He spent no additional time on the book’s many inconsistencies, which…

Vox Writer Wants 'Anti-Democratic' U.S. Senate Abolished

January 3rd, 2015 5:43 PM
Vox writer Dylan Matthews has decided that the U.S. Senate is "anti-democratic" and wants to toss over 200 years of the Constitition and federalism down the tubes and abolish that institution.

AlterNet: Cruz Courts ‘Pro-Israel Extremists,’ But Liberal Donors OK

December 2nd, 2014 4:40 PM
Liberal politicians often get a free pass from the media when they receive millions in support from billionaire activists like Tom Steyer. But when Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, associates with pro-Israel donors and activists, liberal bloggers call this a "political nightmare." AlterNet criticized Cruz in an article December 1 for being overly pro-Israel. Cruz was reportedly "courting" conservative…

Naomi Wolf: ISIS Beheading Videos May Have Been Staged

October 6th, 2014 12:44 PM
The author of The Beauty Myth alleged over the weekend on Facebook that the U.S. government isn’t really fighting the terrorist group and the deadly disease, but instead is engaged in a power grab.

Politico: 'Vox Not Living Up to the Hype, Explained

August 23rd, 2014 2:57 PM
The science is settled. General Electric Vox is now widely recognized as a tedious Web laughingstock. I could Voxsplain it to you with a whole bunch of annoying and condescending Voxcards but others have already done so including James Taranto last month in the American Spectator. However, while his criticism and that of others might be Voxsplained away by founder Ezra Klein as just having a…

Let Joe Do It? Ezra Klein Says Presidents Need to Take ‘Restful’ V

August 23rd, 2014 2:25 PM
Last Saturday, we noted that three well-known liberal bloggers had written that criticism about presidential vacations is silly and dopey. Vox’s Ezra Klein not only agrees with his brethren, but further contended in a Friday post that when a POTUS goes on vacation, he should get some real R&R, to the point that the vice president would “take over for a week or two,” with the president “get[…

Ezra Klein: ‘The White House No Longer Believes Obama Can Bridge Div

August 19th, 2014 3:48 PM
The major left-right disagreement regarding President Obama as a speechmaker hasn’t been over whether he’s talented (most conservatives concede he’s got a flair) but over whether he’s effective. Now, however, Ezra Klein thinks that a certain key group of liberals has lost confidence that Obama speeches in general, and specifically one about the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, would bring about…

Vox's Fisher Spins Pope's Support for Stopping ISIS As A 'Crusade

August 18th, 2014 5:01 PM
Vox's Max Fisher shamelessly invoked medieval history in a Monday post about Pope Francis. Fisher highlighted the pontiff's support for action against ISIS's "unjust aggression" in Iraq, and hyped that "there is good precedent for this...between 1096 and 1272 AD, popes also endorsed the use of Western military action to destroy Middle Eastern caliphates. Those were known as the crusades; there…

MSNBC’s Matthews Disses Colleague Ezra Klein’s Vox: 'Let Me Deal W

August 8th, 2014 5:10 PM
Chris Matthews is apparently no fan of blogs or websites, even when they are run by his comrades at MSNBC. On the August 8 edition of The Reid Report, guest host Jonathan Capehart welcomed the Hardball host to the program to discuss Iraq. He got a whole lot more than he bargained for. Capehart read an excerpt from a piece appearing on Ezra Klein’s Vox.com, which purports to be in the…

Now Substitute Host Ezra Klein Fails to Disclose Ties to Vox and Vox R

August 1st, 2014 7:10 PM
Serving on Friday as the substitute host for Now with Alex Wagner, Vox founder and Editor-In-Chief Ezra Klein had a science reporter from Vox.com on to discuss the current outbreak of the Ebola virus in Africa and the arrival of two Americans who were working there to an Atlanta-area hospital. The segment was very informative, but it left out one key detail: Klein failed to disclose his own…

Obamacare Documents Contradict Ezra Klein's Damage Control Over 'Speak

July 28th, 2014 9:09 PM
Jonathan Gruber absolutely did not mean what he clearly said over and over and over again. That pretty much sums up the left's rationale for "Speak-O" Gruber stating again and again and again that states with federal health care exchanges would not be eligible for subsidies. Of course, Gruber made these quite clear statements before it became obvious that the vast majority of states would…