George Will: 'Any Charm Offensive Labeled a Charm Offensive Loses Some

March 17th, 2013 12:40 PM
George Will on Sunday took a swipe at the media's love affair with Barack Obama. Appearing on ABC's This Week, Will marvelously said, "Any charm offensive that is labeled a charm offensive thereby loses some of its charm" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CNN Catches Obama's Falsehood on Sequester; Networks Barely Report It

March 4th, 2013 6:45 PM
CNN's Dana Bash fact-checked President Obama's falsehood about the sequester on Friday, but the major networks didn't exactly follow CNN's lead in reporting the distortion that Capitol Hill janitors and police would receive a pay cut because of the sequester. In his Friday press conference, Obama claimed, "They're going to have less pay, the [Capitol Hill] janitors, the security guards. They…

Rodman Cancels TV Appearances After Disastrous ABC Interview

March 4th, 2013 5:35 PM
As NewsBusters reported, NBA Hall of Famer Dennis Rodman had a truly disastrous appearance on ABC's This Week Sunday. According to TVNewser, this apparently has led the good friend of North Korean despot Kim Jong Un to cancel subsequent television interviews:

Mika 'Angry' Stephanopoulos Invited Rodman On 'This Week

March 4th, 2013 7:53 AM
Ping-pong diplomacy worked with China, so why not b-ball diplomacy with North Korea? Mika Brzezinski is clearly not buying that line of logic. On today's Morning Joe, Brzezinski confessed to being "angry" with George Stephanopoulos for having the extraterrestrial otherwise known as Dennis Rodman on This Week to discuss his recent trip to North Korea, which included meeting with its new leader,…

Dennis Rodman: North Korea's Kim Jong Un Wants Obama To Call Him

March 3rd, 2013 12:51 PM
NBA Hall of Famer Dennis Rodman made news this week when he travelled to North Korea to meet with leader Kim Jong Un. Rodman made more news Sunday telling George Stephanopoulos on ABC's This Week that the Korean despot wants President Obama to call him (video follows with transcript and commentary):

George Will: ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Should Win As 'Rebuke To Senators

February 24th, 2013 12:55 PM
Syndicated columnist George Will on ABC's This Week Sunday made a marvelous observation about the upcoming Academy Awards. In his view, “Zero Dark Thirty” should win as best picture as a “rebuke to Senators Levin, Feinstein, and McCain who have enough to do without being movie critics and falsely accusing that movie of taking a stand on torture it does not take” (video follows with…

NBC and ABC Avoid Asking Tough Benghazi Questions to White House Chief

February 18th, 2013 12:19 PM
While new White House chief of staff Denis McDonough was grilled about the Benghazi terrorist attack on CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday, NBC Meet the Press moderator David Gregory only lobbed a single softball on the scandal, while fill-in host Jonathan Karl ignored the topic all together on ABC's This Week. The White House was unwilling to even allow Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace to…

George Will: Sequester Needed to Curb Washington's Contemptuous Treatm

February 17th, 2013 5:28 PM
Syndicated columnist George Will appears all for Congress allowing sequestration to reduce spending on March 1. Appearing on ABC's This Week Sunday, Will said it would be appropriate given the "utter contempt with which Washington treats taxpayers' money."

Newt Gingrich Smacks Down WaPo's Ruth Marcus: 'This Is Just Such Washi

February 17th, 2013 1:56 PM
Newt Gingrich had a fabulous exchange with the Washington Post's Ruth Marcus on ABC's This Week Sunday that really speaks volumes about the media's reaction to Republican Senators filibustering Chuck Hagel's confirmation as Defense Secretary. When Marcus spouted the typical liberal commentator line "Republicans just want to make themselves look even more obstructionist with a country that’s…

Dr. Ben Carson on Run for President: 'I Will Leave That Up To God

February 17th, 2013 1:20 PM
"It's not my intention to do that, but as I always say in every part of my life, I will leave that up to God." So said Dr. Ben Carson Sunday when he was asked on ABC's This Week if he's going to run for president (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Gingrich: Obama Immigration Bill Will Never Pass House Due to Hostilit

February 17th, 2013 12:34 PM
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich made a statement on ABC's This Week Sunday that will turn heads on both sides of Capitol Hill and both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. "An Obama immigration plan is not going to pass the House" due to "the level of hostility towards the president and the way he goads the hostility." 

Media Whistle Past Menendez Prostitution Scandal

February 11th, 2013 10:33 AM
Allegations of shady campaign contributors and procurement of prostitutes are usually the ingredients of a political scandal that send the media into a feeding frenzy – unless, of course, the figure involved is a Democrat. When news broke that the FBI opened an inquiry into New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez’s jaunts (that may have included solicitation of prostitutes) to the…

What Prostitution Scandal? ABC's World News and GMA Skip Dem Sex Scand

February 5th, 2013 5:08 PM
ABC on Tuesday ignored the ongoing prostitution scandal of Robert Menendez. The network's morning and evening newscasts have skipped the news that federal agents raided the office of a Florida doctor connected to the Democratic senator and his flights to the Dominican Republic. (There, Menendez allegedly engaged prostitutes.) The Senate Ethics Committee is also investigating. ABC avoided the…

Paul Krugman: NRA Is 'An Insane Organization

February 3rd, 2013 12:59 PM
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman on Sunday once again perfectly illustrated the intolerance of America's liberal media. Appearing on ABC's This Week, he said the National Rifle Association is - and I quote! - "an insane organization" (video follows with transcript and commentary):