Yahoo Used Ground Zero Photos to Score Points on Waterboarding, Econom

February 10th, 2008 3:26 PM
A Yahoo photo slideshow of Ground Zero perfectly demonstrates the bias news agencies frequently insert into captions. Instead of just describing the photo, Yahoo included captions with partisan cheap shots unrelated to the image to score typical anti-War On Terror points (h/t NB reader Larry Jordan). Out-of-place comments about waterboarding, the downturn in the economy and a criticism of Rudy…

LiveScience Uncritically Reports First English Bible Sparked 'Fundamen

December 11th, 2007 3:07 PM

Headline: 'Iraqi Deaths Up in October in Blow to US "Surge" Policy

November 2nd, 2007 12:36 PM
So, did you hear the great news about declining casualties in Iraq last month? Well, if your outlet of choice is the wire service Agence France Presse, or maybe even Yahoo, you might have heard otherwise. In fact, as media around the world were hailing October's casualty figures as a great sign from the region, AFP actually published an article Thursday, featured at Yahoo, with the headline "…

AFP/Yahoo! News Don't Have a Clue

October 23rd, 2007 5:13 AM
You may have seen one of the 19,000 mentions of the "Home-made helicopters from Northern Nigeria." Once the AFP article hit Yahoo! News, it crossed the blogosphere like wild fire. I highly doubt it is true, and if journalists knew the first thing about flight, they might not have been so easily duped. For starters, let's look at the measurements provided by the journalist. For a four-seater it is…

Surge Successful? Just Write of Plight of Underemployed Iraqi Undertak

October 17th, 2007 1:00 AM

NASCAR 'Cooties'? House Democrat Has Aides Get Shots Before Visiting t

October 13th, 2007 7:35 AM

'Bloom County' Lampoons Censorship Weeks After WaPo Withheld 'Opus

September 28th, 2007 2:23 PM
On August 26 and September 2, the Washington Post refused to run the weekly "Opus" comic strip by cartoonist Berkeley Breathed out of concerns of insensitivity to Muslims. NewsBusters associate editor wrote about the controversy here and here, and MRC president and NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell discussed the Post's double standard on religious sensibilities on Glenn Beck's CNN Headline News…

Activist Jane Goodall Condemned Biofuels for Hurting Rainforest

September 28th, 2007 8:29 AM

Follow-up: Ohio Blogger Performs Badly Needed Visibility Enhancement f

September 5th, 2007 4:05 PM

Stunning AP Article Sympathetic to Israel

September 5th, 2007 7:43 AM
Although it isn't a blue moon, it might as well be. In this September 3 article, the AP ditched the generally obvious anti-Israel bias and gave rare insight into what it is like to be on the receiving end of Gaza's rockets in Israel. Not only did the AP describe the difficulties and fears the Sderot townspeople endure, but the wire service even made available a photo of Israeli school children…

Gravitas, Anyone? Yahoo Puts Couric Trip to Iraq, Syria Under 'Enterta

August 29th, 2007 1:21 PM
"Seriously?!" That's what I thought when I received an e-mail from NewsBusters reader Lori Puente informing me that Yahoo News is listing an article about Katie Couric's upcoming trip to report from Iraq and Syria in the "entertainment news" section. Sure enough, I took a look at Yahoo News and there the headline was: "Katie Couric to report from Iraq, Syria."Given the nature of news on the Web,…

Yahoo News Documents Global Warming / Massive Flooding ... From

August 10th, 2007 9:44 PM

'Please Don't Read This' Headline Leads Incomplete AP Beauchamp Story

August 9th, 2007 2:49 PM
One needs to look no further than the Associated Press's story on the Scott Beauchamp saga to understand why the general public not following the news closely doesn't "get" just how biased and antagonistic towards the war, the military, and American soldiers Old Media outlets are. In the case of Scott Beauchamp, now that their brethren at The New Republic (TNR) have been caught red-handed…

More Games with Party Labeling in Yet Another Democratic Corruption Sc

July 13th, 2007 7:21 PM
See below for an update in coverage:The indicted former Newark Mayor and current NJ state Senator Sharpe James sure is mysterious. According to the New York Times, WNBC and via the AP, the Wall Street Journal, Yahoo, Philadelphia Inquirer and the UK's Guardian, among others, James seemingly does not belong to a political party. Maybe he belongs to the same non-party as Rep. William Jefferson who…