AP: 'Writers Welcome a Literary President-elect

November 6th, 2008 12:53 PM
Taking a dig at outgoing President George W. Bush while lauding President-elect Obama as a man of letters, Associated Press writer Hillel Italie suggested that well-respected writers are welcoming the arrival of a "literary president-elect." Italie suggested that it was admiration of Obama's writing style and intelligence, not his liberal ideology, that pushed authors Toni Morrison, Ayelet…

AP/Yahoo: 'Suddenly, It May Be Cool to Be An American Again

November 5th, 2008 3:20 PM
If Michelle Obama gets tired of merely entertaining dignitaries as first lady, she might try her hand at editing for the Associated Press. After all, according to the AP, her husband has made it "cool" to be an American again. Yahoo.com is giving play to the story by featuring it as a top headline in the "World" section of its news page (see image at right).From AP writer William J. Kole:VIENNA,…

Yahoo Front Page Heralds Obama 'First Truly Global U.S. President

November 5th, 2008 2:27 PM
Visitors to the home page for the Yahoo! search engine today are greeted with a photo of President-elect Barack Obama from his election night victory speech from Chicago's Grant Park last night and the caption: "First truly global U.S. president."Beneath the exultant headline and photo, visitors were teased with a link to an article on how the "world" is reacting: "Barack Obama's historic victory…

The Hocus-Pocus in AP-Yahoo's Racism Poll

September 24th, 2008 10:49 PM
On September 20, Noel Sheppard of NewsBusters posted on a misleading Associated Press/Yahoo poll on racism. The poll asserted that if Barack Obama loses, it will be because of "[d]eep-seated racial misgivings" held by "one-third of white Democrats." Later that day, NB's Michael Bates criticized the AP's report on the poll for its historically inaccurate claim that the US "enshrined slavery into…

FBI Closes in on Alleged Palin Hacker

September 23rd, 2008 4:12 PM
The feds are zeroing in on David Kernell, the suspected hacker of GOP veep nominee's Yahoo email account:The FBI searched the residence of the son of a Democratic state lawmaker in Tennessee over the weekend looking for evidence linking the young man to the hacking of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's personal e-mail account, two law enforcement officials told The Associated…

AP's Racist Poll: If Obama Loses It's Because He's Black

September 20th, 2008 2:20 PM
UPDATE at end of post: Polling agency VIPs have contributed to Democrats including Obama.Are you getting tired of the mainstream media meme that if you're white and you don't vote for Barack Obama it's because you're a racist? Or that if John McCain wins, it's because he's white and Obama isn't?Well, on Saturday, the Associated Press and Yahoo News released results of a new poll, and the major…

PBS Ombudsman Raps Anti-Palin Wisecrack

September 19th, 2008 9:33 PM
On PBS's Web site today, ombudsman Michael Getler writes of complaints over an incident during last Sunday's pledge drive.  He describes the cheap shot taken by actor Mike Farrell against vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin:According to Joseph Campbell, vice president of fundraising programs, here's what happened:

CNN's Chetry: 'Please Tell Me It's Not Lipstick Again

September 10th, 2008 11:40 PM
 On CNN's American Morning today, White House correspondent Suzanne Malveaux reported on Barack Obama's campaigning in Virginia.  Afterwards, anchor Kiran Chetry had a question:CHETRY: All right. And Suzanne, what's on tap for the campaign today? And please tell me it's not lipstick again.MALVEAUX: Let's hope not. He's going to be in Norfolk, Virginia. That is in southeast Virginia, and it's home…

Yahoo Ageism: Making John McCain Into an Ancient Artifact

August 30th, 2008 9:49 AM
The folks at Yahoo News Photos section must have been greatly amused by their web page titled "Anthropology & Archaeology." The first four pictures in the slide show are various archaeological discoveries... well, except for the third one. THAT one happens to be a photo of John McCain. Yes, Yahoo seems to be saying that John McCain is an archaeological artifact! Nice ageist slap, eh? Here's…

Yahoo! Hypes Newsweek Poll With 15-Point Obama Lead

June 21st, 2008 7:52 AM

Yahoo/AP Heralds Elian Gonzalez’s Entrance into Young Communists

June 16th, 2008 12:25 PM
Leave it to the mainstream media to highlight the latest "accomplishment" of the Castros’ oppressive regime. One of Yahoo.com’s front page news items Monday morning linked to a story from the Associated Press about Elian Gonzalez’s entrance into Cuba’s Young Communist Union. The short uncredited story put the news this way:The Cuban boy at the center of an international custody battle eight years…

AP: Afghan Women Victims of 'Stern Social Codes;' Not Sharia

May 1st, 2008 10:30 PM
The AP's Alisa Tang wrote a horrifying account of the oppression and misogyny that women face in Afghanistan. The April 30 article bucks the post-9/11 trend of the media turning a blind eye to women's issues in Muslim countries. What's missing are two words—Islam and Sharia.The AP article was about a country that uses religion to oppress women but which didn't mention that religion or the system…

Reporter Quits Al Jazeera English for Anti-American Bias

March 28th, 2008 12:33 PM
The anti-American bias at Al Jazeera English became “so stereotypical, so reflexive” that former “Nightline” reporter David Marash quit his job with the Qatar-based channel, in part over that attitude. What was even more interesting was Marash's assertion that the anti-American attitude came more from the British administrators than the Arabs at AJE. In a March 27 article, AP television writer…

The Media FINALLY Label Spitzer ... Oh Wait

March 13th, 2008 4:31 PM
From the ridiculous to the absurd Contemplating the SwitchThose of us who have been participating in the Eliot Spitzer Media Waiting Game -- halting our respitory activity in anticipation of the Jurassic Press actually ascribing Party affiliation to the recently resigned Big Apple Governor -- can finally breathe easy.The Agence-France Presse and Yahoo! have teamed up to finally do what's right.…