Hillary Began Campaign With Soft CNN Interview, But Wanted Softer

April 18th, 2017 5:17 PM
On Tuesday, a new book looking back at the 2016 presidential campaign revealed that despite Hillary Clinton starting off her candidacy with a relatively easy national TV interview conducted by CNN’s Brianna Keilar in July of 2015, the Democratic candidate actually wanted an even friendlier sit down with Yahoo’s Bianna Golodryga.

Big National News at Yahoo: Sleep-Deprived People Upset About Trump

March 19th, 2017 8:25 PM
At Yahoo News, Lisa Belkin, its Chief National Correspondent, filed a story on Saturday about how "Trump-induced insomnia stalks blue-state America." The writer, who is apparently too disengaged despite her position to cover substantive national issues, reports that "Blue America is having trouble with sleep — tossing and turning as they lie awake, then falling into nightmares," and they "tend to…

Warren's Hostile Anti-Sessions Tweetstorm Gets Scant Press Attention

February 12th, 2017 8:10 PM
Elizabeth Warren has become a heroine of the establishment press and the left — but I repeat myself — after deliberately violating Senate Rule 19 against "imput(ing) to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator" Tuesday evening in criticizing Trump administration Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions. The Massachusetts Democrat's bitter, ugly…

Yahoo: Man Harassing Ivanka Trump Ejected Only For 'Questioning' Her

December 22nd, 2016 10:57 PM
The leftist press really wants to disappear the story of the man who, accompanied by his husband, was kicked off of a Jet Blue flight for harassing President-Elect Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka. Having learned more about the ejected pair, I can understand why — but it's not the media's job to try to minimize and suppress the incident's details, which they are clearly doing. TMZ broke the news…

Yahoo: 'Early Reports' of Gun at OSU 'Spur' Gun Control Talk

November 28th, 2016 6:10 PM
Despite the facts eventually showing on Monday morning that the Somali-born Ohio State University (OSU) student who mauled fellow Buckeyes with his car and a butcher’s knife, Yahoo! News breaking news reporter Caitlin Dickson felt it was worthwhile to still flaunt the issue of control and how the early reports that the assailant had a gun “spur[red]” a “look” at Ohio’s gun laws. 

Mika and Joe Scorch Hillary, Her Friends in the Media Over Spin

October 31st, 2016 10:26 AM
Monday morning on MSNBC's Morning Joe, a mortified Mika Brzezinski went after Democrats who are now treating FBI Director James Comey as the devil personified, and came perilously close to delivering a mea culpa for her harsh criticisms of Republicans who support Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Dowd: 'Feminism Died A Little' When Hillary Rushed to Defend Bill

October 3rd, 2016 4:36 PM
On Monday morning’s Yahoo! News, Katie Couric interviewed New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd about how Hillary Clinton’s involvement in destroying the reputations of Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers and others hurt feminism. In a surprising admission, Couric reveals that she had “a sleepless night” after reading in the New York Times about how Hillary “systematically” went after the women who…

MSNBC Guest Wrongly Claims 'Vast Majority' Killed By Police Are Black

September 24th, 2016 3:09 PM
On Thursday's MTP Daily on MSNBC, during a discussion of recent high-profile cases of black suspects being shot and killed by police, panel member April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks made a blatantly wrong claim that the "vast majority" of criminal suspects who were killed by police officers in 2015 were black. In fact, the source that she actually cited -- the Washington Post -- found…

Gun Rights Group Files $12 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against Couric

September 13th, 2016 1:43 PM
Bob Owens of BearingArms.com revealed in a Tuesday item that "the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL), along with two of its members, today filed a $12 million defamation lawsuit against Katie Couric...for false and defamatory footage featured in the 2016 documentary film Under the Gun." Couric and her collaborators came under fire when the documentary released, after many pointed out that…

Steinem: ‘Regressed’ Male Reporters ‘Threatened’ by ‘Powerful’ Hillary

August 20th, 2016 4:24 PM
During an interview with Yahoo News anchor Katie Couric on Wednesday, left-wing feminist and staunch Hillary Clinton supporter Gloria Steinem portrayed the Democratic nominee as the victim of a hostile and sexist press corps: “...the other thing I notice, especially with men in press and so on, is that when they see a powerful woman...I think they feel regressed because the last time they saw one…

CNN's Toobin Jabs GOP 'Publicity Hounds,' Schooled by Guest on Clinton

July 6th, 2016 9:58 PM
On Tuesday's CNN Tonight, after CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin agreed with Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News that FBI director James Comey was right not to push for indicting Hillary Clinton, fellow guest and former supervisory federal prosecutor Marc Mukasey argued in favor of Clinton's indictment, recalling that prosecutors do not have to follow precedent like judges. Toobin got in a jab at…

Remove Couric's Misleading Interviews, 'Fed Up' Distributor Demands

June 9th, 2016 7:08 PM
Just one day after Fed Up, the 2014 documentary on obesity and the food industry produced and narrated by Yahoo! Global News Anchor Katie Couric was criticized for “deceptive editing,” the Weinstein Company – which is the film's distributor –  called for two interviews to be taken down from the YouTube website where the movie is available for viewing. According to an article by Stephen…

Katie Couric AGAIN Accused of Deceptively Editing a Documentary

June 8th, 2016 12:18 PM
Katie Couric, who was accused of deceptively editing a gun documentary to make pro-Second Amendment individuals look bad, has a history of employing this tactic. According to the Washington Free Beacon’s Stephen Gutowski, the edits for the 2014 obesity film Fed Up were also misleading. 

Reporter Asks Trump a Question About...the Gorilla Shooting

June 1st, 2016 8:18 PM
The press, who took a massive beating from Trump, asked questions on everything from the amount of money raised to where the money went, even on potential running mates, but one Yahoo reporter decided to ask this elephant in the room about…the gorilla controversy.